Weigh in withOUT duromine

  • Author Mother of One
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Even without Duromine, I've been still exercising and eating healthily, before I get my script filled. I weighed in today, from 86.5 (normally I was a 88 or 87 on a good day, got myself down to 86.5 without budging)
To a staggering 84.1!!!! Lowest I've been in ages!! I can't wait to see the loss with Duromine :laughing: :laughing:

Breakfast; yogurt I share with my son
Lunch; Chicken, rice and a Pepsi Max
Dinner; unknown
Snacks; a kiwi fruit and an apple. (Want to add in more snacks between breakie and lunch)


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Mother of One
Read time
1 min read
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