Starting To Feel Good

  • Author juzzy
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Looks like I am starting to find my groove!
Ok so finished off day 4 with a dinner 2 slices pumpkin bread, 1 egg cooked with some mushroom and cherry tomatoes...SO YUMMY! Bed at 1030 and slept well.
day 5
up at 6am took tablet and a big glass of lemon water
630 toast with fruit
out working on farm stuff 7-11
snack of sweet chili rice crackers ( about 10? ) with a cup of tea
1130 - 130 schoolwork
lunch 3 rice cakes with cheese and tomato

Starting to feel more motivated to actually do stuff but still having a bit of trouble concentrating. Its going to be a busy afternoon and evening so I dont think I will get time to have dinner with the family but I wont fall back into the habit of grabbing junk for a quick food "fix".


This sounds really promising! Glad that you are feeling a lot better about all this weight loss idea and process. Sounds like you gained more self-confidence. More motivated – love it! Bring it on! Just don’t forget to up the amount of lean proteins to your menu. =) Enjoy your conscientious attitude and make sure you eat enough and work on muscles that you don’t use that much while working on the farm. Cheers!
Lean proteins = meat?
Cheers for the encouragement and advice! I am really enjoying myself and trying to not be too serious.
Lean protein that’s lean meat, right, mostly white meat, poultry, lean beef/veal, if pork – then pork tenderloin), eggs, dairy and fermented dairy foods, fish and seafood, beans.

Divide your plate in two halves (reasonable plate size) and make one half vegetables (salad, or steamed, baked, grilled). The other half should consist of meat and a bit of healthy slow carbs. For dinner, cut the carbs and have a protein+veggie dish. You don’t need to starve, like living all day on two toasts and 1 egg with mushrooms. You can lose weight really fast on such scarce nutrition, but what happens when you get back to normal eating? That is my suggestion, and I really really hope that your journey will be a great success!

How are you today?

PS. Enjoying and not being too serious - it's good. Obsession is not the best thing for weight loss. However, you need to sit down, think it all through (get serious for like an hour), and then just follow the mindset. I am not trying to make you become serious and thoughtful. at all =))
Juzzy! Where are you? Did something go wrong? If you went off track, it’s ok. The main thing is not to give up and get on your feet again. Hopefully, I am wrong and you are going strong towards your weight loss goal. Best wishes!Hell

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