The Hardest Step

  • Author juzzy
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
I looked in the mirror just now and hated what I saw. I am 41, I have a life many people would love to have. I have an awesome wife, 4 amazing daughters, work part-time in a field I love while studying to move into a career that in one way has saved me from suicide. But I cant enjoy these things... I cant enjoy taking the kids for a swim because I am obese. I cant enjoy taking the kids out on their horses...because I am obese. I cant enjoy taking my wife on a bushwalk ( even though we live right on the Murray river! ) because I am obese.
Step one was seeking help and it was hard. I spoke to a doctor about it all and with his help I will get this done.
I have set some goals and rewards in place and today was day one...
starting weight 130
first goal 120
first reward
taking the wife away for the night.
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I know it gets hard with weight sometimes, you get down on yourself... but im sure they all love u for who u are and not what u look like.

Its great your reaching out and getting help. Sometimes we all just need support.

Good luck and dont give up! ...
Thats what i am aiming for ... not giving up!
Cheers EmilyKate!
You are right you know, aiming to NOT give up is probably the most important goal of all!

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1 min read
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