
  • Author Lottie86
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
10.5kgs down..

Sacrifice is paying off. Since being on Duromine I’ve had to be strict on myself or I’d get no where. I fully believe if you put in the hard yards results will come. I know Duromine isn’t a magic pill and in order for it to help, you have to help yourself.

My meal plans nothing special

Morning : it’s always eggs. Lately it’s one egg scrambled. Or on the weekends if I can handle it I’ll add a couple slices of bacon (the good stuff not the stuff pumped with water or junk)

First break / first snack - banana or cucumber sticks.

Lunch - chicken, smoked salmon or red meat of some sort with veges.

Snack before dinner (if I’m hungry) whole food bar (made of dates, nuts, dried fruit and or coconut, cocoa)

Dinner - again meat or fish with veges / salad.

I may have 1-2 coffees a day if I’m upto it but I always have water. Water at work and at home with fresh lime.

If I feel I need something sweet (shark week / monthly time) I’ll have a square of 72% dark chocolate.

I am not eating bread during the time I’m on Duromine. I’ll eat rice but not often.

Absolutely no alcohol or sodas.
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Thats great @Lottie86!

My meals are more or less the same except no fruit right now. I have also been adding some low gi carbs to my breakfast (rolled oats mainly) every second day.

I love the idea of adding lime to your water - gonna nab and use that hint :)
@Rava fresh line, frozen raspberries are great in sparkling water :laughing:

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