7/2/2020 weigh in

  • Author Rob84
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Weight: 106.1 Kgs 105 Kgs. >> 105.85 kgs >> 105.05 kgs
BF: 34.2% - 33.9% >> 34.1% >> 33.8%
B Water: 48% - 48.2 % >> 48.1% >> 48.3%
BF Weight : 36.3kgs - 35.6kgs >> 36.1kgs >> 35.5 kgs
Bone Mass: 8.5% - 8.4% >> 8.4% >> 8.4 %

Well this is very interesting!! I was a little pissed off that i didnt crack under the 105 this week, but looking at the numbers has turned me around. my body fat has gone down pretty good and my body water percentage has increased. so my body fat % is the lowest it has been, and im gaining some muscle, so its a bit of a trade. This week has been the 'people noticing' week, which has been nice.

There was another night shift, not as many workouts, but i did do a long 5k jog which was cool.
Break fasts have been eggs on toast, lunches have been nice portions of protein (meats) with a lil carb (rice or potato) and a couple fists of veg. (broccoli, carrot, corn, beans, etc) chuck in a couple apples to snack, a couple bottle of water and dinners from the CSIRO cook book, or sweat app, (one bad day where i had fast food and some donuts, but over all a pretty good week)


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