21/02/2020 Weigh In, OH YEAH!

  • Author Rob84
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Weight: 105.05 kgs -104.1 Kgs >> 102.6 kgs
BF: 33.8% - 33.7 % >> 33.2%
B Water: 48.3% - 48.3% >> 48.7%
BF Weight: 35.5 kgs - 35.1 Kgs >> 34.1 kgs
Bone Mass: 8.4% - 8.4% >> 8.4%

Oh yeah what a good week! 1.5kgs down! Ah that feels good! What can i say, this week really wasn't anything special, i trained 3 times doing some running, 20-30 mins each time, (3-4ks distance) and was solid on my diet. Prepped lunches from the dinners the night before, two eggs on toast for breaky and loads of fruit and water.
Overall very clean diet week, trying to keep the focus and maintain some consistency!


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