28/02/2020 Weigh in.

  • Author Rob84
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Weight: 102.6 kgs >> 101.95 kgs
BF: 33.2% >> 33.1%
B Water: 48.7% > 48.8%
BF Weight: 34.1 kgs >> 33.7 kgs
Bone Mass: 8.4% >> 8.4%.

This week has been very hard, my body has been just sore overall with lots of work and training happening, so i have taken it easy on the training side of the house, not pushing it, but still getting out for jogs when i can.
My father is over on holiday at the moment and he has taken over the cooking for the house... i think he still sees me as a 15 y o youth who can eat anything! Coz the sizes of the meals he makes are INSANE!! I'm really going to have to try my best to not over eat, which is kinder hard when he is cooking such large meals, and is basically expecting everyone to eat it all.. BUT on the positive, another week of loosing weight, just gota keep with the program of eating cleaner. Hope you are all well, keep on keeping on!


So sorry to hear that you've been feeling not your best, and BRAVO for keeping your head up high and still jogging and exercising when you caould. Congrats on the progress and may your strong power of will take the heat of those huge meals. Parents are so caring all the time. It's so sweet that your father cooks for all of you. Maybe you can try and cook with him and show him some healthier options :)

Best of luck!
Hey, Rob, how are you? Feeling better?
Hi April, yeah overall feeling pretty good, slight twinge in my left upper quad, most likely from running, so ive been doing little runs, stretching and some weights, but taking it very easy to try and let it heal up, i think last fortnight i might have just been over working it a lil bit. So ill give it a week off LOL, doing lite stuff and go from there.

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