G'day Mel, oh you poor bugger - I hate the yoyo up and down weight gain/weight loss crap! I'm so hearin ya on that one... My name is Bel, I'm also on duromine and have been for 12 days now with a loss of 4.2kg. My start weight was 116.6 and my first goal weight is 90. I'm on 30mg duromine. I'm a shorty too! 160cm and yes weight does look worse on us - I look like a little barrel! This is the biggest I have been in my life and I just can't believe I could have ever been that number - I mean cmon 116.6?? That's bigger than my fiancée! Anyways, hopefully duromine can help us on our journey hey. Best of luck to you x
First day of full on fitness after 2 months of not going ro the gym, ended up doing an hr and a half on the treadmill 30 mins on the stair machine about 20 mins of weights then after dinner took another walk around the block.
So god damns sore, but been really struggling to eat I almost three up lunch and that waz only 2 boiled eggs, dinner I barely ate either only served myself a bread and butter plate size and struggled so bad to get even half down guess that's a goos thing but I want this to be sustainable. So tonight I sat down and have written up a plan and will fill it in every day see how I go
I will post my 12 month progress pic in the morning. Eving being only 10kgs down I've noticed a huge change in my tummy and thighs I was a size 18 and now fit comfortablly in a size 12-14.
Did a sneaky naughty weigh in tonight and cpuldnt believe my eyes when I saw 86.7, after all tgw water I drank today I was expecting more weight not so little, will properly weigh in the morning as I dont believe that they are right
Welcome May:laughing:

Please don't be scared of 'honest replies' as we are talking about our health issues here, so it is important to realize both pros and cons.
I will start first.
From my own experience, it is better to use Duromine early in the morning because it is a slow release capsule and acts during the day. It may cause insomnia in the first days, so you don't want to take the pill in the afternoon. I usually took my pill at 7.00 a.m. and after that a small breakfast. It is important to maintain the same scadule every day. Some people prefer to skip one or two pills on weekends, but my doc insisted to take the pills every day. This way your body will get used to the active subatnce and you will have zero (or minimum) side effects.

Also - make sure you have at least 3-5 meals a day. 3 main ones and 2 snacks are best. Whatever number of meals you choose, just make sure you aren't starving, even if you are not hungry (Duromine will suppress your appetite I am sure). Tiny portions will do, and lots of water, because you might be extremely thirsty. Aaaand, water will save you from headaches. What else... ah, one more thing: increase your physical activity. This way you will speed up the weight loss. Nothing extreme, just walk more or ride a bike for the start. You know we all need to be more active these days.

I hope you will go without side effects and will have good results soon! Good luck! :)
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Hi , I just had my 1st pill today , and yesterday when the doctor explained to me about the pill and what to eat and not to eat , he mentioned to me that I can't drink plenty of water to avoid water retention , my doctor said to just sip water if I'm feeling dry or thirsty. One thing I see from all those taking the pill like me , they can eat fruits like apple all .. but my doctor told me to avoid fruits and spicy food .. may I know why is that so ? to avoid fruits ? i dont understand ..
Hello. I'm Kathy, newbie to the forum.
Hey congrats :) lol the scales can be a little bit of a shock! I'm on day one of 30mg and we have roughly re same starting stats. I'm 27, 1.62cm and starting weight 85.2 (yesterday but also had pizza and burger, was traveling to see friends). So hopefully I can see the same great results you have! Although I don't want to loose too quickly as I would like to stay on du romaine for 3 months and I'm afraid if I loose to quickly Dr will refuse scrip (he was hesitant)
I've been reading on here every day for weeks. Bit nervous to post..... I gained a lot of weight in recent years due to being prescribed medication for depression, all the time I kept saying I never felt depressed. I do get anxious but I believe it comes from me being overly sensitive. Anywho, I've slowly dropped off the medication and nearly finished. Made me eat like a pig, always hungry and I ate until I felt sick.

I started last Tuesday on 40mg Duromine, so happy I began to do something constructive. I haven't told anyone, I tried telling one friend before I started and she just said won't work don't bother. Might be me being over sensitive but I really think everyone is just used to me as 'the fat one' in our group of friends.
I really want this to work, I want my life back. Thanks for all the inspirational posts.
Start weight 106.1kg
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Hello :) so happy that you have posted, I have found everyone on here to be helpful and supportive, which by the sounds of you don't have much of. I'm sorry your friend responded that way, don't let her opinion hinder your personal goals :) instead use it as motivation and prove her wrong. Duromine isn't a miracle pill the dedication to weight loss is still required, but i find it seriously helps and is making my weight loss achievable! Good luck and honestly post as much as you want, I do :p
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Hi JMA767, I've just commenced on Duromine yesterday. Extremely overweight at 130kg. I work full time, and just never any time to myself. Had tried every type of diet. and actually went to the doctors on Saturday to ask about a new injection on the market. Straight away she put me Duromine. Saturday, found this forum and it has motivated me so much. Feeling extremely positive as day 2 begins. If you've been reading about the sleepless nights, I was apprehensive last night and did find myself restless, but did eventually sleep but all night up to the toilet with the amount of water being consumed. I think you'll find you will have a bunch of friends here that you can rely on. Best wishes and goodluck. :)
Thanks so much for the support, I do really need it. Difficult with my teenager right now.... I want to crawl into a hole. One day at the self pity party then off to the gym.
I believe a number of us put everyone else first and not look after ourselves. Time for me to stop feeling guilty for not putting everyone first for a change!
Here's to a great week
JMA767 said:
Thanks so much for the support, I do really need it. Difficult with my teenager right now.... I want to crawl into a hole. One day at the self pity party then off to the gym.
I believe a number of us put everyone else first and not look after ourselves. Time for me to stop feeling guilty for not putting everyone first for a change!
Here's to a great week
We are all here for the support and amazingly it feels just as great giving it as it does receiving it. Well done for taking the leap and posting. I wish you every bit of success on this amazing journey xox
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Nelly said:
Good luck on your journey! I'm in Adelaide, 38, current weight 93kgs, 5.3", looking to get to 70kgs.
I'm also new to this. I'm on 30mg. First day today - already I feel like my mouth is dry...perhaps its my mind playing games as I have read the side effects!
Look forward to seeing your progress! :)
Can you please tell me the name of the doctor in Adelaide that prescribed?

I'm on day 10 and feeling pretty good, i'm on the 30mg a day and live in the Gold Coast, Australia. Would love to chat with and support others ! Only side effects so far are a sore tongue as i keep rubbing my teeth with it, can't help it ! Anyways, look forward to chatting with you soon x
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Hi all! Was excited to find this forum. I have lost 32kgs in the last 18 months but my weight seems to have holted at 107kgs so I decided after long consideration to try duromine. Went to the doctor thinking I would have a battle getting them as I have depression and history of eating disorders but surprisingly he prescribed 15mg to start with. Day two today and very thirsty, tired and headachey but major reduction in a petite. Starting back at the gym tomorrow, and just have to be really conscious in not starving myself (old habits die hard), I'm a nurse so I know all about metabolism etc yet the old head still plays games with me. I take sleeping meds when needed so was mostly concerned about not sleeping but first night was fine. Second night tonight. So grateful to have this site for support and encouragement!

Starting weight: 107.4kgs
Goal weight :85kgs (at this stage).
In fact I just reallyyyyyyy want to get to 99 first, haven't been in double digits for years! !!
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I just started myself on 30mg I
Had a baby a year ago and put on
Around 28kilos!!
I went into my doctors crying as I still have weight to loose and nothing is working.
I am 105 at the momentand can't wait to get under 100 and get my old jeans back on
Good luck with your journey.
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Hey, LaundryJane! Welcome to the family:)

Good luck with your journey, I hope all side effects will disappear soon, just don't forget to drink water.
Stellabee said:
I just started myself on 30mg I
Had a baby a year ago and put on
Around 28kilos!!
I went into my doctors crying as I still have weight to loose and nothing is working.
I am 105 at the momentand can't wait to get under 100 and get my old jeans back on
Good luck with your journey.
Yay that's awesome Stella. I'm wondering if I should have started on 30mg instead of 15. But day 3 today and lost 2.4kgs. So going in the right direction! ! Look forward to following your progress!
Stellabee said:
I just started myself on 30mg I
Had a baby a year ago and put on
Around 28kilos!!
I went into my doctors crying as I still have weight to loose and nothing is working.
I am 105 at the momentand can't wait to get under 100 and get my old jeans back on
Good luck with your journey.
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Hello I'm on 30mg Duromine and this is my 3rd day on it. The side effects that I'm experiencing are insomnia,a dry mouth and a horrible headache.
Age :22
Goal weight:50kg

I haven't weighed myself since I starting taking Duromine but I must say my high waist jeans felt comfortable around my waist today☺.
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Hi I am very new duromine and after 3 visits to the doctor and numerous tests they prescribe 15mg Duromine. I am 53 years old and weigh 95kgs I exercise 6 days a week and struggling to loose weight. I have been on Duromine 6 days now and exercising every day but have only lost about 1.3 kgs. I hardly have any side effects accept for a dry mouth and my appetite has reduced but from reading the other posts I expected a more dramatic loss. Is this loss normal of being on 15mg?

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