Lack Of Sleep. Tips To Improve Your Sleep - [UPDATED 2021]

Sure it should. However, if not, you can try some measures like these

Typically sleep disorders occur in the first days of using appetite suppressants, like Duromine (Phentermine). So make sure your day is physically active and you get really tired by the night. Good luck and keep us informed, please ;)
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I have been taking 30mg for the past month with no weight loss. Looking at going onto 40mg. Are the side effects worse? E.g. Insomnia,restlessness.
The best person qualified to answer that question would be your doctor or pharmacist.
I have heard about ladies on here that changed to the 40mg and did a lot better. We are all different and react different to Duromine. Some people can only tolerate the 15mg and still have bad side effects while others do superb on the 40mg without any problems. Let's hope you are one of those lucky ones!;)
And also remember to eat well and adjust your diet.
Day 1 of taking 30mg and here I am at 4am still awake.
I took my dose at 6am this morning. Gah! I've been awake since midnight.
Hi Berleybeae, I'm on Day 5 and have had the unsettling nights.... hang in there, although I've not been awake until 4.00am. I take mine at 5.30am with breakfast, my doc said to eat with it. Im sure it will improve.
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It improved for me after the first 5-7 days.
Hope it gets better for you too
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Guys, try to change the routine a bit to get rid of sleeplessness. Check out "Duromine Side effects" topic -> Tips to improve sleep. Not saying it will definitely help, but worth to try. ;)
I fell asleep around 5am and was up at 7am. Took my pill and went about my day not tired at all. I slept like a rock last night though! Haha. Day 3 today and not feeling any side effects at all as of yesterday. Hope this remains the case!
Oh man, I am so tired- minimal sleep has finally hit me...yet I am still energetic and motivated to keep moving (general day2day) although each weeks insomniac issue has changed first week: I woke up @ exactly 3.30am every morning for the whole week time it took to fall back asleep varied! Week 2: would wake every night generally twice- and then about 5.50am 5 minutes before my alarm. Week 3- not being able to fall asleep before midnight.. ugh sleep come at me I am seriously loosing brain function and talk about three-thirtyisis it's not good
Day 3 and hardly any sleep.
Any suggestions to try? I take my 30mg at approx 7am every morning.
Hi tarrabelle, I can relate! there is nothing you can do, if you want to persevere. I've been on Duromine for 5 weeks and I've lost 10.3 kg as at this morning. I had the same first week of very little sleep, then it improved for a few weeks, just try and keep active through the day, keep busy, lots of water. It's worth it, I've still a long way to go but so happy with the progress.
Tarrabelle said:
Day 3 and hardly any sleep.
Any suggestions to try? I take my 30mg at approx 7am every morning.
How about taking it a hour earlier ?
If don't mind me asking how much exercise are you doing . N I know from experience not enough food can effect the lack of sleep .
If keeps on going I would highly recommend going back to gp n tell them . Maybe on a lower does till you get used to the Dur
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Fifty3notout said:
Hi tarrabelle, I can relate! there is nothing you can do, if you want to persevere. I've been on Duromine for 5 weeks and I've lost 10.3 kg as at this morning. I had the same first week of very little sleep, then it improved for a few weeks, just try and keep active through the day, keep busy, lots of water. It's worth it, I've still a long way to go but so happy with the progress.
Omgosh! 10 kilos is amazing
I am drinking lots of water and as of today am keeping extra busy and active.
Keep up the great work xxx
Farmone said:
How about taking it a hour earlier ?
If don't mind me asking how much exercise are you doing . N I know from experience not enough food can effect the lack of sleep .
If keeps on going I would highly recommend going back to gp n tell them . Maybe on a lower does till you get used to the Dur
I will try to take it about 6am to see if that helps, I am fairly active, and as of today am training 3 x week. I have been doing the Isagenix program along with duromine, I guess I just need to get my body use to all these huge changes.
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does sleep improve mine has been very strange on and off since starting

First of all my doctor put me on 40mg and I wasn't sleeping only a hour, so after 2 weeks of this I asked her for 30mg and that helped me. If I took it at 7am I would be asleep by 11pm and able to stay asleep till 6:30. Recently I'm having extreme trouble staying asleep tossing and turning, it's wrecking me. My job performance is suffering. This has happened for a week now, I start falling into a deep sleep at 6am when the family is starting to wake.

Can I take sleep ezy herbal tablets on duromine? Sorry my auto correct changed the title it's not sleep way but sleep ezy.

It has valerian, hops, passion root flower in it. And has always helped when I would have a bout of sleeplessness before to break that god awful cycle.

Thanks in advance for any answers
Cold frog

Just a quick intro - I've started today on the 15mg dose. I do feel a slight buzz in my head and funny enough I feel sleepy too! Just feel like crashing on the couch!

Honestly, I don't mind the side effects, I just want to lose the weight - I'm at the point that I can not accept anymore my size, and living in a body that one is not happy with is a bit a of a struggle for me. So I hope so that the small dose will work anyway.

Any 15mg and sleepy peeps out there?


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I fall asleep pretty easy (and early) because i try to work out before bed, but i wake up what feels like hundreds of times a night.
Last few nights have brought cold sweats too

Im so tired today i couldn't move off the couch
I experience the same thing, I toss and turn all night. I haven't found anything that helps yet

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