Well i gained the weight i lost on Duro, So im back again to blog and loose it without it!

  • Author Rob84
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Hay there guys,
So at the start of the year I was around the mid 95 kgs mark, I had lost around 10kgs using duromine. So, what happened between then and now that resulted in me gaining pretty much all that weight and more back..

So, I was shooting for the 90kgs mark, I think the lowest I got was around the 94 kgs and I felt I could smell it! But I over did it in all avenues, work, overtimes galore, not much rest, and working out with too much weight.
Injuries happened, but where managed and I seemed to be stuck on the 94kg mark and I got slack with my diet. Then disaster, My lower back injury flared up in a massive way, More so then anytime before, which resulted in a trip to the ED, long story short after some visits to some specialists, I was diagnosed with two hernias, which resulted in surgery to repair them. So, this was a blessing and a curse all at once, the hernias where putting pressure on nerve clusters and creating referred pain, hence why this had never been diagnosed before, and my back issue was 'my back issue'. That was the blessing, the curse was being laid up essentially for FOUR months, yep, 4 months of ZERO activity, 3 months prior surgery as to not worsen the situation, and the 1 month recovery post op. Instructed by the doctor and surgeon to do absolutely nothing due to my situation with the hernias, so work went to a minimum and my activity went to ZERO, my family and wife wouldn't let me do anything! So what happened, my energy levels flat lined, my mood did also, I then ate and drank all the wrong things and I have stacked it all back on and then some. SO, I'm back here, I'm not intending to use duromine, but I'm wanting to use this blog (if that's ok) as I felt it helped me last time and I wana show you can also loose weight after duromine.

So my body is healing up really well now, I'm nearly 100% and I've had a couple little gym sessions but its hard man, my motivation is ZERO at the moment, and I'm struggling to get started properly. So Im gona give this blog thing a go again as I felt it kept me honest and motivated last time, So here we go, wish me luck haha.

Ill kick off with a weigh in post and go from there.
Hope you are all doing well with your weight loss! and its cool checking out this website again.
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Geez you really have had a bloody time of it!

I for one would most definitely be interested in reading about your journey :)
Good luck, I look forward to reading about your journey :)

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