November Update with numbers!

  • Author Rob84
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
OKs, its been a fairly long time guys and since i have posted on the forum, I felt i should check back in and just update y'all on how i have been going.
First up, Numbers. I'm sitting around 98kgs, my goal has been to crack under the 95, and i'm getting there slowly, sub 90 would be the dream!
My last weigh in on here vs now.

103 kgs / 98 Kgs.
body fat % - 33.1% / 25.2%
body water - 48.8% / 54.6%
BF Weight - 33.7kgs / 25.5kgs.
Bone % - 8.4% / 8.3%

So 9 months, there has been months of running, months of no running, weights then no weights, lots of training and zero training, the bulk in good health maybe (added up) a month of sickness. I have not had Duromine in forever (last year i think), i do miss the focus i felt it gave as well as the boost in training, but its not needed really.
Since getting a hold/understanding of my diagnosis with my autoimmune disease and how my body reacts to things, I have changed alot in my life style, i drink alot less then i used to, only really on social occasions really now, i stopped mid week drinking over 6 months ago and its just the norm now not drinking booze casually all the time.
Drinking a lot more water every day and its just habit now, and always trying to eat clean / semi keto style. However there is always room for improvement haha.
And just being more active either with work and projects or training, mainly running when i can.

Currently i am doing 3 kms a day for 30 days, (to pull my finger out as i had run in 6 weeks)
I've just completed day 10.. which is not too bad, I am getting a lil sore and tiered, but i'm pretty happy with how my body is handling it.

Hope your all well!



Hello, dear @Rob84 ! :)
Thank you so much for sharing your experience with us!
I am happy to hear that your weight loss journey has transformed into a new healthy lifestyle. I think that our main goal is healthy living.
Please keep us updated!
Hi @Rob84 are you still on a diet? What do you eat?
Glad to see a new post from you, Rob84! :sun:
How do you feel after running? Look forward to reading about your results after the 30th day:bomb:
@Rob84 how much mg do you take?
Hey, @Rob84 :) Wish you a successful weight loss journey! You have made a long trip towards your dream. I hope you will continue your progress successfully! :heart:
It seems like we all have our ups and downs here :laughing: But that's makes us even stronger :imp:
Hi, @Rob84
Did you lose anything this time?
Bambina said:
It seems like we all have our ups and downs here :laughing: But that's makes us even stronger :imp:
You are right! :joy::joy::joy:
StacyB said:
Hello, dear @Rob84 ! :)
Thank you so much for sharing your experience with us!
I am happy to hear that your weight loss journey has transformed into a new healthy lifestyle. I think that our main goal is healthy living.
Please keep us updated!
Thanks StaceyB, will try my best to keep the updates happening :)
Didonna said:
Hi @Rob84 are you still on a diet? What do you eat?
Hi there Didonna,
Yeah i would say that i have transitioned from a 'diet' as such, as more to a life style change, we all know fatty fast food n high sugar drinks/food etc are bad for us etc. I started on a Keto diet, lowering carbs and sugars and upping the protein side of the house, and have basically adapted that now as my life style. :) Plenty of meats, veg, eggs, try to stay away from sugars, (still enjoy the 'zero' soft drinks here n there, but i make sure i'm taking in more water than soft drink haha.
Minho said:
Do you have any side effects?
Hi there Minho,

At first i did find it hard to sleep, (the first few nights) but then i found once i started to do any form of physical exercise that helped me alot and then sleeping was fine, I felt 'hotter' when i trained and felt i did sweat more during workouts.
Hope that helps.

Nikis said:
Hi, @Rob84
Did you lose anything this time?
Hi there NIkis,

Yeah both times on Duro i lost weight, The first time i think it was around the 15kgs mark, and the second im not 100% sure haha id have to recheck my posts, but i think it was about 10 ish.

April said:
Glad to see a new post from you, Rob84! :sun:
How do you feel after running? Look forward to reading about your results after the 30th day:bomb:
Thanks April!
Will try and keep the updates coming, Yeah had to pull my finger out and get back to training, having 6 weeks away from running i really felt it the first couple days getting back on the tredmil LOL.
Rob84 said:
Hi there Minho,

At first i did find it hard to sleep, (the first few nights) but then i found once i started to do any form of physical exercise that helped me alot and then sleeping was fine, I felt 'hotter' when i trained and felt i did sweat more during workouts.
Hope that helps.

Now all the side effects are gone?
Rob84 said:
During my Duro use from memory i lost around 15kgs in a couple months.
wow! it's a good result!
Rob84 said:
Hi there Didonna,
Yeah i would say that i have transitioned from a 'diet' as such, as more to a life style change, we all know fatty fast food n high sugar drinks/food etc are bad for us etc. I started on a Keto diet, lowering carbs and sugars and upping the protein side of the house, and have basically adapted that now as my life style. :) Plenty of meats, veg, eggs, try to stay away from sugars, (still enjoy the 'zero' soft drinks here n there, but i make sure i'm taking in more water than soft drink haha.
So, you mean you don't drink alcohol at all? :p
Hey @Rob84 how much did you lose at the moment?

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