Rheumatoid Arthritis & Duromine

  • Author IWantToBeHappy
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 3 min read
I decided to write a blog about this after a fellow forum member asked me if I thought any other things besides weight lost has helped my RA go into remission.

The Answer is yes! Other things have helped.
But I also want to add a disclaimer. This is MY experience. MY opinion. MY belief. MY disease/condition. It doesn't mean it would work the same for other people.

RA Medical History.
Diagnosed with RA over 2 years ago.
6 months Methotrexate weekly injections. (Wasn't effective)
6 months Sulfasalazine tablets daily. (Wasn't effective)
For the past year and a bit - Humira fortnightly injection. The Humira has obviously kicked in and started to work but not for the full duration I've been taking it.
Pains & Mobility - varied between sore aching joints 24/7 to not being able to close my hand, lift my arms, walk, sit up and down, roll over in bed, basically not being able to actually move.

Because I wasn't having the level of success on the medication as was expected, I also did alot, and I mean HOURS of research into things besides medication that could help RA and lessen the inflamation that causes the debilitating pain.

I started my duromine journey on the 1st of January this year and whilst I was reaserching the foods that would help me lose weight and be healthy, I was simultaneously researching foods that would effect my RA inflammation.

Would you surprised to hear that alot of the foods are the same!!!

For example:
- We all know that eatting sugar will pile on the pounds and cutting it out of your diet will help you lose weight! But did you know that sugar increases inflamation?
- No report in history says that drinking alcohol helps you lose weight. Every weight lost specialist says that if you are serious about losing weight then you need to cut out the booze. But did you know that alcohol can effect inflamation?
- Alot of people think diet soft drinks are the better alternative. But did you know that artificial sweetner increases inflamation?
- We all know that wholegrains & brown alternatives to rice, pasta and bread are better for you. But did you know that refinded carbs (white rice, white bread, white pasta & potatoes) increase inflamation?
- Olive oil is the healthy option. But did you know that vegtable oil increases inflamation?
- We know eating cakes, chocolate and chips won't help you lose weight. But fid you know that saturated and trans fats increase inflamation?

The list is endless but its amazing how the foods I was choosing to help me loose weight journey could work to also help my RA pains.

The reverse is true as well. There are foods out there to help reduce RA inflamation.
- fish
- soy (as in soy milk & soy beans ie edamame beans)
- dark green vege (brocoli) & beetroot
- garlic, ginger, tumeric
- tomatoes, apples, berries

Needless to say these above foods have made up the bulk of my diet for the past 7 months. And the bad foods don't enter my life very often (and in some cases I haven't gone near all year)

My RA specialist told me that for every 1 kg of weight you put on, its the equivalent to 4kgs of weight your little knees have to carry around!!! That's a massive wake up call!!

I also stated using emu oil. I dont mean the mosturiser that says 'emu oil' on the lable. I mean the 100% emu oil. And its quite expensive. I started rub this on my hips and arms to help with my skin due to weightloss but it helps inflamtion as well!!! I also take the 100% emu oil capsules (I found cheepy ones at chemist warehouse for $45 for 300, lasts 3 months) I credit the emu oil 100% for the reduced pains in my hands.

Besides losing 21kg to date (I'm still losing) since I started duromine I credit the follow to the RA being now in remmision;
- no soft drink
- fish & tuna being my main protein
- reduced dairy, I now drink soy lattes, & eat edamame beans
- almonds (8-10 most days)
- reduced alcohol
- reduced salt
- reduced refined cards (I now eat only wholemeal, brown or rye)
- 100% emu oil - topical oil for my skin and capsules to ingest.
- Humera

I hope this answers the question of my fellow RA sufferer who asked me to share, and I hope there are others out there that may find this an interesting read.

We have only one life. Make it count!!!!

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Lighter Ginger
Thanks for this post xx

I can totally relate to all your joint pain, although I have dull pain constantly, it is debilitating when I have flares. Mostly my methotrexate tablets keep it under control, but it would be so good to not have to take them at all!

I admit I have done a lot of the same research, it's fantastic to find someone who has made these changes and it has worked for them. My problem was I couldn't stick to my diet! Soft drink, sugar and refined carbs are my biggest issue. I'm hoping Duro will help me with the diet and in turn help me with RA.

The emu oil sounds fantastic. I am going to find some this week!
Hi Ginger,
Yes I had the dull constant pain too.
Soft drink was a big issue for me too. I was a diet coke addict! Having up to a 1.25 litre bottle EVERY day. I love my carbs. I am an avid wine drinker and used to travel the country buying the best wine. My ideal night would be sitting around with several bottles of red and cheese and yummy nibbles.
I haven't had a drop of soft drink (and that includes diet coke) ALL YEAR!!!
Regarding you're love of carbs, read some of my earlier blogs because ive answered lots of questions from people who often asked me what I was eatting due to me losing weight every week. I was eatting lots of low cal frozen dinners to teach me portion size and then when i had mastered that i started cooking my own dinners but substituting white stuff for brown or wholemeal stuff.
I dont think any of these things works in isolation but I wish you all the luck in the world with the 100% emu oil (i couldn't find the 100% emu oil for my skin in any shops so I had to buy it online from an australian company)

You said your biggest issue and problem is/was sticking to a diet. Well I see that as a positive.
Because you can't control that you have RA. It's a disease we'll have for the rest of our lives. There is no cure. But you can control what you eat and drink!
I made no excuses. EVER! I was obese because I ate the wrong foods. No one forced me to eat them. I'm now healthy because of food choices food and drink choices I've made, because feeling healthy feels better than pizza taste. And no one can take that away from us except ourselves!!!
We all have a choice on what we stick in our gobs and only we have the ability to change that.
What we eat in private, we wear in public.
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Lighter Ginger
I will look through you other blog posts...

I agree, I know it's my poor food choices that got me here - I'm excited to be changing :)

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