Here we are again..

  • Author Rob84
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
I cant believe it has been 16 months since i last posted on this forum! (so get ready for a novel lol)
WOW time has flown by, So.... Yes, I am back, which can only mean one thing, I put the weight back on and I got a script of Duro to get me back down. (The run down, not excuses, just an explanation)

Its been a crazy 16 months, bought land and building a house so I've been working crazy over-times (house nearly finished), we had our first child (a little girl) and i got diagnosed (right before her birth) with a chronic auto-immune disease called ankylosing spondylitis, which is basically my immune system attacking my spine, tendon sights, joints, which causes - swelling / inflammation, pain, stiffness etc. There are 'flare ups' with this disease which now has explained a lot, where i thought i was getting injuries form training, it was actually from diet, stress, or a LACK of activity, or just a flare up. Where i would think i was 'injured' i would rest and make things worse, not knowing why. I've apparently had this condition for 10 years plus, which makes sense, as looking back, I can almost plot my periods of weight gain with periods of flare ups.

So I have been lucky to engage with specialists and get onto a course of treatment that will not cure my condition but put it into remission. Which i seem to currently be in, and with everything else going on, my time for training seemed to evaporate along with my motivation. Resulting in myself eating all the wrong things, drinking more of the things i should not ( alcohol and red-bull ) and putting all the weight I lost back on.

My weight currently is about 113 Kg's, My motivation is currently 0, I found blogging about my last period on Duro helped keep me honest and got me on track, So here's hoping I can do it again. I took my first tablet today to get the ball rolling, and yeah, have to make a start somewhere i guess.
I'll turn that clock back to day 1 and off we go...
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