Have some thoughts I needed to write down.

  • Author Rava
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 3 min read
Weekly Weigh In's:
Obviously just posted my first, but its a bit different in how I did it in the past. I used to write up all my stats, and even though they gave me a sense of accomplishment - they tended to make me become a little too obsessed and a lot more competitive. I also took note at the time that if I didn't beat last weeks tally - my mood would take a plunge. It's that you beaut "all or nothing" mindset that kicks in too often if I don't keep it in check. So no tallying up my totals on a weekly basis and posting them on my weigh-ins.

I will however, keep entering them into my daily updates - and this is basically for motivation - not myself - but for others. The beauty of being allowed to write down your thoughts and progress here in the forums is that it allows others to read and get a sense of comradeship so you know that you are not alone while trying to implement all the changes you want to make to your lifestyle. I certainly feel this way when reading others posts on their progress and/or daily/weekly updates. So these daily ones stay.

Setting Goals:
Again I never set any type of mini-goal before. In my mind it was like I was setting myself up for failure. If I didn't reach that goal, my own negativity I believe would then affect my mindset. Too often I have allowed the inner me, to beat up on the me who is trying to change for the better. This time around I am setting them.

My first mini goal is to get to 80kg,
and the next is that I would love to reach an 8kg loss before Christmas.

Win or lose - it's time to take control over all of my thoughts and feelings and deal. I need to start "showing up" all the time.

I am being completely honest when I say that Duromine can at times make me feel a little afraid.

It suppresses my appetite, boosts my metabolism and it allows me to have more get up and go. I am focusing on healthy foods that my body needs for fuel. The get up and go relates not to that rushy feeling, but about the consistent stream of energy that you have throughout the day. Sometimes I don't even know its there, until I start doing something and then it kicks in. I feel that I become more focused. I tend to complete one thing at a time to the best of my ability before moving on to the next. Prior to Duromine - it wasn't unusual for me to be completely scattered and accomplish nothing all day, as not one job was finished.

For the first time in a long time - I am empowered and I have that control that was sorely lacking before. Don't get me wrong, as I am not saying that I dont make mistakes, but my focus is so great whilst on Duromine that I'am able to evaluate myself and move forward.

Which is why I need to address the sustainability side of things.

What is sustainability? It's something that can be maintained at a certain rate or level.

There are so many comments about forgetting to eat (I write this often) not having enough calories (I'm guilty of this) and going like a bat out of hell in the exercise department (yep, waving my hands around for this one too!) but how much of this is sustainable? - the answer is none!

Sooner or later and even with Duromine we are going to fail. We cant keep up the above without repercussions to our bodies, and we cant keep up the above without repercussions mentally either.

I really think some of us (and definitely me included) forget that we need to make our goals sustainable. We need to be able to accomplish them without Duromine for a start. We need to make sure the things we are changing and implementing right now are not so bloody hard that we will fail to keep them up. We need to make sure that we take the time to gradually implement them so its no longer "I must" but more of a "what? its already done!" They new changes we choose to make whilst on Duromine need to be sustainable habits.

Gradual implementation is a process of putting our plans into effect - but most of us only have 3 months to get it right.

We need to get it right!

~Edited to add I posted this on my thread as well - but re-posted here for easy access.
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