Day 65 - that shirking belt!

  • Author Rob84
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Hi there guys! Well I'm on the home straight! I have only 4 tablets of Duro left, Ive been smashing the workouts and rocking two 30 min PT seshs a week and my body is loving it! My trainer stopped me weighing myself this week as we have gone into a more focused muscle building program, she explained its not really a fair example of whats happening to my body atm, which I can only relate to my belt, im now 4 notches down, and need to cut in a 5th, which is an amazing feeling, weight wise im hovering on the 99kgs mark FYI.
Next week we will be taking full body measurements and in the new year ill be recording the changes/progress.
As Im setting myself a non-duro challenge to try and get to the 'under 95' kgs in the new year.

This week I did 150 dead lifts at 40kgs, 50 Standard, 50 Sumo, 50 Hungarian (different forms) (usually my back would have given out after 10, my legs would have burned to the ground at 20, and I would have gassed out or had a heart attack by 50!) followed by 100 stepping lunges (30 min workout).
My core is much stronger and only getting better as time goes on! Resulting in painless sleep, I mean like zero pain, Fluffy Cloud Shangrila Deep DEEP sleep, LOL which I haven't had in a very long time!

Ill try and get some pics happening of my before starting duro and current standings, in the next day or so, you have been warned! haha. Once past the silly season and seeing the doc in the early new year, ill report back and try to get back into a daily blog again, with life after duro? (if not prescribed a final 3rd months worth) thoughts? would this be something worth blogging?? open to ideas and feedback!

be cool be safe!



Wow wow! Rob, you’re slowly turning into a gym maniac =)) Which, as I see, serves you well and helps you A LOT with pain management. And the sleep improvement. I think these positive things that you are seeing now will not let you relax and get back to old habits/body/health. You know now how good it can be, and just look how may efforts you made to achieve this amazing result!

Love your trainer. All the right things and definitely a correct approach to building your strength and endurance in all the right places.

It is DEFINITELY worth blogging your further journey! I have a feeling that it does help you at least a little, to track down your behavior and it will definitely will help lots and lots of people to get inspired and do something about their excess weight. You are definitely and example worth following! Have an amazing week, and waiting, waiting, waiting for one of my favorite parts of all weight loss journeys =))))))
Haha Thanks April, Its nice that im hovering under the 100 kg mark, I was back on 97 today which was cool, I had a massive PT sesh that went for 1 hr, (usually do 30mins) for the last of the year, In the new year my trainer has a challenge comp starting up, she has many clients and the best transformation over an 8 week period wins a further 4 weeks of FREE training, it will be 2 45min seshs a week (if I can fit them in, but will do at least one) plus an initial consult with her friend who is a full on nutritionist, so that will be cool, Im gona give that a crack I think! its funny, I joined up at the gym, which I now use to kinder fill gaps when I cant schedule in a PT sesh, but I find Im getting better results with a PT then going solo in the gym, so im gona let the gym membership slide in the new year, think it runs out in feb hehe.
Thanks for the awesome comments! Im gona try and hover on the 99ish over the silly season, then go at it hard once im back from travels at the end of Jan. Bring on 2018!! and sub 90 kgs!!
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