Duromine And Exercise

PS I am female and 46 years young. :)
If you have issues with your weight and/ or health - GO TO YOUR DOCTOR...in most cases Doctors are happy/willing to prescribe Duramine - if not ask your Doctor why...there are also very important health considerations that need to be taken into account when being prescribed this MEDICATION...please don't fall for unscrupulous ?!!X?!!! who want to sell duramine online ...who are only after your money $$$$ and do not care about your health or wellbeing.
I really believe diet and exercise has a big role on losing weight. Some people are very lucky because what ever how much they eat they don't get fat. Some people are not. It depends with your genes. Look are your parents or grand parents. Absolutely if you eat too much and does not burn it well your metabolism will be slower and it turns fat. Scary but true.
Hi all,

Been reading that so many here and on other sites really exercise plenty.
Making me feel guilty, I don't attend a gym. Really don't have the extra hour or so per day.
So what I been doing is a mini exercise while I am cooking or caring for the in laws.
I now take each in law out for a walk every morning, although neither can walk fast I feel I am doing it not just for them but myself as well.
Then on Sunday, in laws day out with other family members. I finally looked up some more exercises I can do at home.
OMG... I found 'Chris Powell' level one exercise. So every morning after doing what I need to do, I been doing following his exercises.
Week one, and I am starting to speed up some...
Well done Unity. Exercise is important on many levels besides weight loss. And any exercise is good. You do not need to go to a gym. What you are doing for your in-laws sound lovely. It is one of the best feelings to help someone.
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Yes it is important to do regular exercise along with balanced diet. The key in weight management diets is carbohydrates intake. Refined sugar being the worst source. I have heard a 50/30/20 rule is helpful (carbs/protein/fat). Although my meal tracker indicates I am more 45/30/25.
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That's a good thing Unity! Even I was not much fond of exercising, until my wedding happened. I couldn't do the preparations myself as I would tired easily, so then I decided to finally start working out so that I not only will be able to plan the wedding properly but also look good on the wedding.
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Just a question, I am on 30mg at the moment and do have an increased heart rate as a side effect.Currently I exercise about 3 times a week at the gym doing cardio/HIIT/weights.

Two days ago I went on a hike with a friend. (I consider myself to be maybe just under moderate fitness) It was an intense hike, about 4km down and 4km back up. On the ascent I struggled so much.

My heart rate was skyrocketing, beating so fast and hard it made me feel so nauseous. Now normally when doing this kind of exercise I get puffed and can push through it or take a minute or two to regain energy and I am off again. But this time I could barely walk up 20 meters without stopping, I was so lightheaded and had to lean over to stop myself from fainting. I know I am not the fittest person by any means but towards the end of the 4km uphill walk I was still feeling the same as when I had started. I wasn't puffed out or short of breath my pulse was just going so fast I could barely walk properly.

I got really worried I wasn't going to make it back up. This has never happened before on any hikes I have done before I started duromine.

Has anyone else experienced this when doing strenuous exercise or have you been warned by your doctor before?

I'm not sure if I just really overestimated my fitness level or if duro could have caused this...
For me lipovon is a very good product . For 4 weeks I lost 6 kilograms very good result for me!
shelob said:
How much diet and exercise can impact for weight loss or there is any other easy way to come in shape again. If diet and exercise plays a vital role then suggest something on this.
I would say, it is not only diet and exercises, there is much more to it that you have to include in your weight loss progress to gain good and sustainable results. I went through a very difficult struggle with excess weight, and I managed to defeat it. However, I know that it all has to come together: diet, exercise, motivation and even psychological support. That’s what I think. Good luck on your weight loss!
Hi everybody, if you want to lose weight you need to combine exercise and proper nutrition. Only if you'll carry both items you will be able to lose weight and see results on the scale and in the mirror. You should choose the exercise program and diet. You should feel a lightness and energy rather than fatigue and hunger. I believe you can do it!!!
Hi Everyone

Is it wise to exercise while on Duromine?

As I understand, Duromine increases your heart rate and exercise would increase it even more, so I would assume it is not a good combination?

Can anyone share their experience with exercise and Duromine?
calgal90 said:
Hi Everyone

Is it wise to exercise while on Duromine?

As I understand, Duromine increases your heart rate and exercise would increase it even more, so I would assume it is not a good combination?

Can anyone share their experience with exercise and Duromine?

Hello Calgal. You have raised a very interesting question, indeed. Many people wonder, how they should proceed with exercising, when they start using Duromine. Unfortunately, there is no precise answer. It all depends on your individual reactions and the way your heart responds to Duromine, as well as the intensity of the exercises you choose, and the heart rate you achieve while exercising.

If you have been leading a sedentary life style with little to no activity, even long walks can give you the required amount of daily physical activity. However, many people engage in more serious workouts to get to their goal quicker and to prevent skin sagging from weight loss, as well as to improve the overall body shape. Moreover, the more muscles you have, the more calories you burn during the day, so building a good muscle foundation is also very beneficial for a weight loss process, and to maintain weight when you get at the desired level.

What you have to do is to check your heart rate when you exercise. If you feel palpitations, you should immediately stop exercising and think of something lighter. However, it is not a mandatory condition you will develop while using Duromine. You might be safe from it and will be able to continue exercising.

Do you already exercise? Do you have a certain weight loss plan? Are you on Duromine already, or are planning to start it? Feel free to ask any other questions, if you have them, and make sure your doctor checks your heart condition before he prescribes you Duromine, if you ever had any issues with fast heart rate. Best of luck!
crocmonsieur said:
Just a question, I am on 30mg at the moment and do have an increased heart rate as a side effect.Currently I exercise about 3 times a week at the gym doing cardio/HIIT/weights.

Two days ago I went on a hike with a friend. (I consider myself to be maybe just under moderate fitness) It was an intense hike, about 4km down and 4km back up. On the ascent I struggled so much.

My heart rate was skyrocketing, beating so fast and hard it made me feel so nauseous. Now normally when doing this kind of exercise I get puffed and can push through it or take a minute or two to regain energy and I am off again. But this time I could barely walk up 20 meters without stopping, I was so lightheaded and had to lean over to stop myself from fainting. I know I am not the fittest person by any means but towards the end of the 4km uphill walk I was still feeling the same as when I had started. I wasn't puffed out or short of breath my pulse was just going so fast I could barely walk properly.

I got really worried I wasn't going to make it back up. This has never happened before on any hikes I have done before I started duromine.

Has anyone else experienced this when doing strenuous exercise or have you been warned by your doctor before?

I'm not sure if I just really overestimated my fitness level or if duro could have caused this...
Had you eaten/drunk much that day? Can result in light headedness/fainting and nausea. Otherwise it's basically speed so yeh I do believe it will significantly increase it
shelob said:
How much diet and exercise can impact for weight loss or there is any other easy way to come in shape again. If diet and exercise plays a vital role then suggest something on this.
I’ve tried many diets and couldn’t make anything work. Since having my first child, I’ve been carrying around an extra 30 pounds. This diet just made sense and showed me that everything I was doing before was wrong and a waste of my time.

However, I was lucky enough that found mummy magic weight loss tea. In first 4weeks I didn’t notice any change but it did great with my digestive system. The real difference I noticed in 5th week and in next 4weeks I lost 23 pounds. This tea has changed my life. Still, I’ve to lose 7 extra pounds but hope I’ll get rid of them in less than next 4 weeks.
Weight mantain is 70% diet and 30% exercise.
Just think, If you don't control your calorie intake, then how much weight you will lose with exercising.

Your diet is first thing you have to control. If you keep eating, then you will keep gaining weight.
So first control your daily calorie intake to stop any additonal weight gain.

Once you stop weight gain, Next step is to lose weight.
There are 2 ways you can lose weight.
1- Eat less calorie than you burn - It will create a calorie deficit and you will start losing weight.
2- Do exercise to brun those fat.
Here are some links to help you:-
How many calories you should per day according to your weight, age and sex (By knowing about calorie intake, you can plan your diet and create calorie deficit to stop weight gain)
shelob said:
How much diet and exercise can impact for weight loss or there is any other easy way to come in shape again. If diet and exercise plays a vital role then suggest something on this.
Hello Shelob! Diet and Exercise both play vital role in weight loss or you can also use Iaso Weight loss tea. It is 100% natural, organic and doesn't contain any harmful ingredients. But somehow exercise is also important for losing weight.
That's really very good.
Yes, exercise is important with diet plan.
Hi there

Needing a little help. I started duromine 5 days ago and need some help with exercises. I broke my leg this year in two places and as a result, have a metal plate screw to my tibia. I also did a lot of damage to my knee in the same accident (MCL tear, miniscus tear). I have had two surgeries (one to install hardware and another to remove one screw that was placed in the ankle for the smaller break). I have been told no running, jogging or fast movements. No kneeling on my knee or doing anything where my knee may pop out.

I have another appointment with my surgeon in 5 months to discuss a reco for my MCL tear if it doesn’t heal on it’s own. As you can see, I don’t have many exercises I can do (that I know of). I was in a wheel chair for four months (I hurt my other ankle too but only soft tissue damage) and put on a ton of weight as a result. I didn’t start properly walking until October (a month ago).

Any ideas on exercises apart from walking and cycling?


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