Kicking Goals

  • Author MrsJ78
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Whoot! Whoot!

So I took 2 days off taking duro on Easter Sunday & Monday.

Yes, I indulged in a small amount of chocolate. Some junk-ish food. Hangover inducing amounts of alcohol. You get my drift...

I didn't weigh myself on Tuesday when I started duro again. Truth be told, I was slightly nervous that my 1.9kg loss would be staring at me back on the scales.

I'm happy to say, since Tuesday, the dry mouth seems to be getting a bit better, however, noticing some smallish mouth ulcers, which apparently can be another common side effect. Nothing too major, just needing salt water gargles.

What I am even happier to report is another 1.5kg loss, after I finally faced the scales this morning.

I don't want to speak too soon, but jeez I am already dreaming about, picturing a slimmer me!
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Hey hey hey!!! Congrats with more weight loss!!! Looks like you’re going towards your goal in leaps and bounds! Well done! How are you today?

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1 min read
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