Yesterday was pretty good, first day of RnR I hit up the gym and the pool, ate very clean and as i was busy i hardly snacked and dinner was good. I got invited to a friends house for drinks and I changed what i usually do.
Id normally grab a 10 pack of a premix and make my way, but instead i decanted my spirits into another empty bottle (i really dont drink that much, but where was an empty haha) so i poured about 400ml of bourbon and took a half full bottle of coke zero and i tell ya, I was plenty relaxed. Less volume, less cals (to a degree) and yeah less sugars.
Feeling a bit sore from the gym today, so its gona be a bit of a rest day, did a lil walk on the treadmill, nothing too crazy.
Id normally grab a 10 pack of a premix and make my way, but instead i decanted my spirits into another empty bottle (i really dont drink that much, but where was an empty haha) so i poured about 400ml of bourbon and took a half full bottle of coke zero and i tell ya, I was plenty relaxed. Less volume, less cals (to a degree) and yeah less sugars.
Feeling a bit sore from the gym today, so its gona be a bit of a rest day, did a lil walk on the treadmill, nothing too crazy.