Duromine Day 3

Thanks Kate, I feel terrific with how it is going.
My Ankles are more ligiment problems. Just as long as i warm them up before trying to do anything and strap for excersizing, it's not too much of a drama. My knee i haven't ever really had checked out. I've always put it down to the extra wear on my joint from the weight i'm carring. I take krill oil tablets to help with my knee, which it does. My hips are nerve problems which cause extreme muscle pain from spasaming. I am having that treated with meds and physio at the momment.
Thank you for your suggestions and support. It definately helps you stay motivated.
oh and my shoulder (sounds like my whole body is falling apart lol) is apartly more in my collar bone and is pitching nerves as well. When it plays up its usually after i have done heavy lifting or just move too fast the wrong way.
Congrats Bancs! That's really exciting and motivating :)
My first week is done. I am determind not to weigh in until the end of this week. Still experiencing minimal side effects :) After being a big eater and loving food for so long i still can't believe how little i am eating (very little but offen)
Hi Bancs.. the not eating thing feels SO strange.
I have been food obsessed my whole life, but now i'm not hungry so just trying to eat the stuff I love but in TINY portions.

How is your sleep going?
Good day, ladies!
Please be careful with "not eating"! I know how it starts, the pills work amazing, but you too should control things. Small portions 4-5 times a day - perfect and don't be afraid of gaining weight. Since the food is healthy, small portions do even better job!
Hi all!

This is my first time taking Duromine. A good friend of mine suggested it to me since she has been off an on with it for the past 2 years and has lost weight successfully. I had been doing a lot of research on the internet, coming across this site; so I decided once I started Duromine I'll post in here too! :)

okay so my background information is;
  • I am 18 from Australia.
  • My most highest weight would have had to been around 100kg in 2011/2012. But as of october 2012 i started exercising and eating healthy which then my weight dropped to 95kg. BUT then i went to europe for 6 weeks and jumped back to 97.5kg!
  • Then since february i had yet again been exercising and healthy eating which then i lost weight and i became 88.9kg (from tuesday 25.6.2013)
  • My height is 166cm :(
I started on Duromine 15mg on tuesday the 25th June 2013. That tuesday was the day of my doctors appointment as well! so i didnt end up taking the Duromine until around 10.30am.
I really had no side effects on tuesday. No increased energy, no sleeping problems (in fact i think i sleep more now!) and i still felt hungry. I weighed in at the doctors as 88.9kg.

On wednesday, i took duromine at 7.30am. I had no side effects throughout the day and once again no problems sleeping. I weighed myself that afternoon (i always like doing late afternoon because if it hasnt moved a lot or at all it makes me become more motivated to exercise) and i was 88.3kg!I was surprised.

Now i got really surprised yesterday (27.06.2013). I took duromine at 7.30 again but then went back to bed and woke up around 11.30am! :eek: when i got up i went straight to the scales and i weighed in at 87.1kg!!! i was like woaaaaaaaaaaaaah what. thats more than a kilo overnight! i was pretty ecstatic :)

And now to date, today i woke up and took my duromine again at 7.30am, went back to bed and woke up at 9.30am. I went to the scales and i came in at 86.9kg. Only a 200 gram loss but i'm happy im not stuck in the really high 80's anymore! So in three full days (today is the fourth i will weigh tomorrow morning and count it as my fourth day weigh in) i have lost 2kg!:laughing:

I didnt think duromine 15mg would be that affective because im reading that people on the 30mg and 40mg are losing around 6kg a week! but obviously duromine has proved me wrong!

I hope everyone else is going great with duromine and the side effects aren't too bad for you all!

25.06.2013 -- 88.9kg
26.06.2013 --88.3kg
27.06.2013 --87.1kg
28.06.2013 -- 86.9kg
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Welcome newbie!
I so glad you're here looking for support. Good luck in your journey, darling!:)
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Hi all,
This is all new to me but time to make a change for healthy new me. Also i want to look the best I possibly can be for my big day....
I went to my Dr 4 days ago and explained to her I have been trying really hard to shift some of this excess weight that I have gained over the last 18 mths. Even Dr had noted my weight over the months.
So she weighs me 78.5kg OMG!! I havent been this big since my daughter was born and that was 11years ago. With my height being 161cm it equalled a BMI of 30 OUCHY for me
She recommended Duromine as I qualified with my high BMI
So I started 3 days ago, all seems to be going well. Except a really dry mouth (quenching with loads of water) not much sleep, waking really early..I can deal with that. But the best part is NO APPETITE..woop woop. Have had to force my self to eat and thats only been a biscuit each morning to take my tablet. Today though forced myself to have a diet shake.
Started on the treadmill yesterday plan to keep that up and increase km as i have been only managing 2km in 23 min 5 km is my goal in 45min.
So I weighed my self this morning and I was 74.8kg.... I have lost 3.7kg couldnt beleive it, I know its just probably water weight. But hell it feel great...
So heres my plan Diet shakes for 2 weeks to shrink my stomach, then low carb diet with meat and vegies and some fruit.
Hoping to get down to about 60kg to 65kg But would be happy with 68kg as thats where I normally sit on the scales and feel ok about myself.
I would love any one who has special event coming up to join me on this journey.
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Hi Ton11x - congratulations on the big day coming up! The dry mouth is a really common side affect - but I am on day 19 and don't seem to have it as much - good luck with it all - keep at it and welcome :)
Hi Jess - sounds like you are on your way!! :) good luck, the only thing I would suggest is not to weigh daily - I was doing that and although its great when you see the scales moving in the right direction - if there is no movement - I felt a bit demotivated - I try and stick to once a week and it is pretty motivating when you see the change :)
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thanks! it seems to be working well :) and I know I probably shouldn't weigh in daily but I get curious haha. but thank you, I hope all is well for you as we'll!
Thanks Onmyway, Just wish I didnt have to go the medication road. But what do you do when all else fails.... Im glad its available and Im not the only one out there doing it. Good luck to you too :)
Hey Jess
I started on Duromine 30mg a day after you, I have weighed myself every day since too, with great loses. But this morning wasnt great....no change. So im going to try and be strong and hide the scales till wednesday:eek: as that will be 1 week mark. Good Luck (hide the scales if you can):)
ton11x said:
Hey Jess
I started on Duromine 30mg a day after you, I have weighed myself every day since too, with great loses. But this morning wasnt great....no change. So im going to try and be strong and hide the scales till wednesday:eek: as that will be 1 week mark. Good Luck (hide the scales if you can):)

i know how you feel! today is my fifth day and i weighed myself to see what yesterday's results were and it was only a 200 gram loss :( i think the weight loss becomes slower over time! so all together i've lost 2.2kg in 4 days.
i should really hide the scales like you say though haha! i'll give it a try until monday :)
good luck with your journey!
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Hi guys, just an update!
So far, since Tuesday 25.06.2013 i have lost 2.6kg!
still no side effects other than a really dry mouth :( but so far so good!
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ton11x said:
Hi all,
This is all new to me but time to make a change for healthy new me. Also i want to look the best I possibly can be for my big day....
I went to my Dr 4 days ago and explained to her I have been trying really hard to shift some of this excess weight that I have gained over the last 18 mths. Even Dr had noted my weight over the months.
So she weighs me 78.5kg OMG!! I havent been this big since my daughter was born and that was 11years ago. With my height being 161cm it equalled a BMI of 30 OUCHY for me
She recommended Duromine as I qualified with my high BMI
So I started 3 days ago, all seems to be going well. Except a really dry mouth (quenching with loads of water) not much sleep, waking really early..I can deal with that. But the best part is NO APPETITE..woop woop. Have had to force my self to eat and thats only been a biscuit each morning to take my tablet. Today though forced myself to have a diet shake.
Started on the treadmill yesterday plan to keep that up and increase km as i have been only managing 2km in 23 min 5 km is my goal in 45min.
So I weighed my self this morning and I was 74.8kg.... I have lost 3.7kg couldnt beleive it, I know its just probably water weight. But hell it feel great...
So heres my plan Diet shakes for 2 weeks to shrink my stomach, then low carb diet with meat and vegies and some fruit.
Hoping to get down to about 60kg to 65kg But would be happy with 68kg as thats where I normally sit on the scales and feel ok about myself.
I would love any one who has special event coming up to join me on this journey.

Hello, darling!

I'm sorry, I have been missing for awhile because of my vacation, but now I'm here and let me introduce myself - Kate. I say welcome to our forum and good luck with achieving the desired weight loss!
I love your diet plan, it's just what your body needs to get energy and still keep losing weight. Plus your exercising plan adds the necessary load to your body and I think you will lose as much weight as you want this way.
Good luck!:)
jessmillsss said:
Hi guys, just an update!
So far, since Tuesday 25.06.2013 i have lost 2.6kg!
still no side effects other than a really dry mouth :( but so far so good!
Hello sunshine! Don't worry, I believe you're doing great, since slow weight loss doesn't always mean that something is wrong or the pills don't work. Instead, you don't have side effects which is great! Just don't give up and keep moving forward.
Hope you enjoyed your vacation Kate, and thanks for your support :). Well tomorrow is D Day lets hope this last week has been worth it. Doing my official weigh in tomorrow..... I know i have lost.... but how much..... hmmmm. Let you guyes know the the verdict tomorrow when I brave the numbers.....:p
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