Duromine Day 2

My first day was a lot like your, my fiancé kept checking on me because I was cleaning the house. I dislike cleaning and usually put it off, so he was very surprised with this. I hope your doing great, and will have a decent loss when you do decide to weigh yourself :)
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Im reading!! :) 2.7kgs for 6 days is freaking amazing! I think you should stop weighing everyday hahahaha :p
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I am reading too!
I agree with DiaryofADuroDamzel, you should stop weighing yourself that often. You see, the scales can lie. Well, you eat food throughout the day (+some grams), drink water (+another grams), some grams go out with sweat during the day, etc. Not to mention if you do some exercises and build muscles they replace your fat tissue that might be equal in numbers on the scales, see what I'm saying? So, my best option was to weigh myself once a week (in the morning before breakfast after bathroom, to make sure my measurements were precise).
I know, I know it is hard because you need to stay motivated, but try to make it twice or three times a week, then twice and then once a week. Gradually;)

And I am not sure if you do, but you can do photos of your progress, also once a week. It really helps to actually see how your body changes. Even if the scales say you didn't lose a gram, you still can lose a couple of cm on your hips, waist, etc. Nobody has to see these photos, make them only for yourself and you'll see things will go much faster and you will be much confident about your weight loss, trust me.

Hugs :)
Welcome, DiaryofADuroDamzel! Fresh start and so active on the forum already! :):):)

I love reading your posts and tips to other users, it warms my heart to know you guys support each other. Because weight loss is such a delicate issue and we all need some friends in this long and difficult journey.

It would be great for you to start some exercises, just please don't go for long cardio! Most ladies do this mistake - jump on the treadmill and torture their bodies for hours!! No, the best way is combine different exercises for different groups of muscles. Some stretching and gymnastics for warming up, then a little of cardio (jogging 15 minutes) or cycling, and then some dumbbells (1-2 kg each is enough for the start) and simple exercises. You can find plenty on Youtube. Overall, I think you will do great and I hope no side effects will appear due to this 40 mg dose.

Hugs ;)
I do agree I need to stop my bad habit. I tried getting my fiancé to take the scales away from me and to only let me have them every couple of days. But I kinda went insane not knowing... As weird as that is. I think a lot of it has to do with not having scales for a couple years and just dealing with whatever clothes size I was when I was shopping. My weight just went out of control and I'm just afraid I will do it again.

I think there are worst things you could do though.. I weigh myself at the same time everyday, before breakfast, but after bathroom. I find this keeps me motivated everyday and keeps my mind on track. But that's me, and it keeps me going, so in the end isn't that what the big picture is? Whatever keeps you motivated to get to your goal.
Hi Kiara, I also weigh myself everyday and it helps me keep on track. If I dont loose it makes me more accountable and to try harder for the next day. When I first started on D in March this year I lost about 500g a day for the first week with a total of 3kg for week 1. I am now on week 19 with 22.6kg lost so far. I think without weighing everyday I would go insane as I am a bit of a control freak and hate not suceeding at something when I put my mind to it :) IMy theory is if it works for you then keep it up.
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tanlucer said:
Hi Kiara, I also weigh myself everyday and it helps me keep on track. If I dont loose it makes me more accountable and to try harder for the next day. When I first started on D in March this year I lost about 500g a day for the first week with a total of 3kg for week 1. I am now on week 19 with 22.6kg lost so far. I think without weighing everyday I would go insane as I am a bit of a control freak and hate not suceeding at something when I put my mind to it :) IMy theory is if it works for you then keep it up.
Hi tanlucer, if you don't mind me asking how are you on week 19 of duromine. Just because from what I've read on here and I thought my doctor said it is a 3 month thing she will prescribe so just curious if it can go for longer...?? :)
Fantastic result this wk Kiara! That's great!!
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tanlucer said:
Hi Kiara, I also weigh myself everyday and it helps me keep on track. If I dont loose it makes me more accountable and to try harder for the next day. When I first started on D in March this year I lost about 500g a day for the first week with a total of 3kg for week 1. I am now on week 19 with 22.6kg lost so far. I think without weighing everyday I would go insane as I am a bit of a control freak and hate not suceeding at something when I put my mind to it :) IMy theory is if it works for you then keep it up.

Yay, someone who weighs themselves as often as me . It definitely works for me, i wouldn't be so determined and motivated if I could. I'm very much a control freak especially when it comes to something that means a lot to me.

Like I understand why people think that it might be a problem, but just like you, if I have a bad weigh in-it makes me work harder to get a better result. If I were to loose weight, I know what I'm doing is working so I keep going. If I had to wait a week or even a month each time to find that out I feel like I'm wasting time and know I could've changed habits sooner.
Tan said:
Fantastic result this wk Kiara! That's great!!
Thanks so much, your support means the world to me ❤️
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Kiara said:
I do agree I need to stop my bad habit. I tried getting my fiancé to take the scales away from me and to only let me have them every couple of days. But I kinda went insane not knowing... As weird as that is. I think a lot of it has to do with not having scales for a couple years and just dealing with whatever clothes size I was when I was shopping. My weight just went out of control and I'm just afraid I will do it again.

I think there are worst things you could do though.. I weigh myself at the same time everyday, before breakfast, but after bathroom. I find this keeps me motivated everyday and keeps my mind on track. But that's me, and it keeps me going, so in the end isn't that what the big picture is? Whatever keeps you motivated to get to your goal.

There are definitely worse things!! Whatever helps keep you motivated :laughing: :laughing: How are you feeling today?
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Thanks Kiara :laughing:

Haha thanks Kate, yeah I tend to be an 'all or nothing' type of person haha.

Day Three

So yesterday (day 3) was quite cruisy, I didnt sleep until about midnight the night before, not really because I was 'wired' but I was reading and didn't feel overly sleepy haha.

I couldn't help myself, I jumped on the scales lol, 1.2kgs down :) Probably water weight, but its encouraging to see movement that would usually take over a week, in 3 days.

I was starving all day though! Not the creepy I want something sweet or salty craving (bad kind) but the stomach grumbling, gnawing kind of hungry. So ate a fair bit, but probably still under 1100 cals and all healthy (I don't count calories, but I used to so I have a fair idea).

Went to sleep about 11pm last night and had a fab sleep, probably one of the deepest sleeps Ive had in months?! How bizarre I seem to be the opposite to most others. I wonder if its because I ate alot?

Day Four

Its still early (not even 9am yet!) but I feel good, don't feel spacey or overly energetic. I think my system has adjusted and no more side effects, no dry mouth or anything. Pleasantly surprised!
Didn't get to weigh myself today! I had the day off work to try on wedding dresses. It's been a long and stressful day! But I felt pretty awake for a lot of the day. No side effects, maybe just feeling more awake then usual?

Since I have been loosing a bit of weight I've felt better about myself, and the two bridal shops were lovely and didn't comment on my weight. I felt normal. The last place however kept taking about my curves and how big I was and how I would only look good in a particular style of dress. which is fine, but she honestly said that 10 times in the 25 minutes we were there. I get it, I'm fat! 'It doesn't matter that your bigger, you have such a beautiful smile, and I'm going to be honest but you don't look good in that. You are too bulky'. Thanks. I needed that. Especially infront of family and friends.

Not sure if I should be more motivated or If I should curl up in bed and cry. I think the latter right now unfortunately. I'm sure she didn't mean to offend me, and brutal honesty is probably best. It just hurts you know?
No way that is so bloody rude! Don't you dare let that horrible women ruin your amazing progress! You'll show her, you will wear whatever you like and it won't be from her store!
Hi Tan. I thought the same 3mths was all you could be on D. When I had my initial app with my very understanding and supportive Dr he said that I could use D for as long as I needed to. At my 2mth check up my Dr said that as I had no major side effects and that I was loosing my weight slowly and sensibly he gave me my 3mth script with another 3 mths of repeats.
Hi Kiara dont let that RUDE ARROGANT woman upset you. Whatever dress you choose in whatever sixe you are at the time you will look and feel beautiful because it is your wedding day and it is all abou you. (by the way I was a size 22 for my wedding and on the day it didnt matter because I was marrying the man I lovef and who loved me for me not the dress I wore). Happy dress hunting.
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DiaryofADuroDamzel said:
No way that is so bloody rude! Don't you dare let that horrible women ruin your amazing progress! You'll show her, you will wear whatever you like and it won't be from her store!

It's funny how someone can just ruin your day :( it was such a good day before and now it's been 9 hours since seeing her and I still feel hurt.
Thanks for all your kind words, it did bring a smile to my face I will try and forget her!
tanlucer said:
Hi Kiara dont let that RUDE ARROGANT woman upset you. Whatever dress you choose in whatever sixe you are at the time you will look and feel beautiful because it is your wedding day and it is all abou you. (by the way I was a size 22 for my wedding and on the day it didnt matter because I was marrying the man I lovef and who loved me for me not the dress I wore). Happy dress hunting.

That is very true, it's not really about the way you look on the day, it's the vow you are making to the person you love. I'm so excited to be marrying my man!
It was just hard, I have a vision of what dress I would like, it was just disheartening that I was basically told no, that the dress would look terrible. I'm all for honesty, but to repete herself so many times was just plain mean. I felt humiliated and so embarrassed. At least I had some great ppl with me who took me out straight afterwards and attempted to turn my headspace back to a positive one.
Hi everyone!

It's the end of week 1 and I think overall it was a positive experience.

Effects: feeling much more awake and active, dry mouth, more thirsty, much more energetic, some slight headaches which are fixed with a panadol, maybe some increase anxiety.

Sleeping is normal.

Dosage: 15mg with breakfast (usually a banana). Got my prescription today, t is the generic brand and it cost $90. Has anyone got any comments about the generic vs actual duromine?

Weight: official weigh in with doctor last Wednesday was at 98kg. Started duromine on Saturday at 97.6. Today I am 94.6.
That's a loss of 3 kilos in 1 week of duromine!

I believe that you could potentially loose a lot more on the first week of duromine. I had a stressful week and had a lot of really late dinners. I rarely exercised this week, just made the effort to walk further and go for a walk when I had a break at work. my calories were kept to a minimum, and I only ate meals when I was hungry. During the day I would make myself eat some fruit or veg. If you were to exercise and eat really well I believe that the kilos lost in the first week could probably reach 5kgs.

I'm so excited for next week! I have heard that the loss slows right down, but I'm going to continue how I have been going and will be buying a treadmill in the next few weeks for exercise so they winter and snow won't be an excuse anymore haha!
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Thought I would make a seperate post re wedding dresses in case anyone was interested. If you are only int re weightloss check post prior to this

I think I may have found a dress! I have 3 possible ones just gotta make my mind up. Does anyone ever seen themselves in the mirror and think to themselves 'that looks nice' and then see a photo of yourself and be like oh my god, I look terrible and so big? I'm dealing with that now. A friend took a photo of me and she loved the dress I was wearing and so did I, until I saw her photos. Now I'm not so sure. I mean it's hard to picture yourself in a dress 25 kilos lighter.

I guess I didn't have my oh my god, this is my dress moment. I do love the dresses I have narrowed down to. Should I be waiting till I have the oh my god moment?

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