Duromine and Other Medications

When do you take Duromine?

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Shred2wed said:
Oh wow I never knew they would have different side effects ? I was under the impression the two drugs were identical damn I got the generic one !
I really don't know if that is the case with the generic one, just took a guess. Maybe you should find out from your pharmacist?
I asked our local pharmacist and was assured they contain the exact same ingredients - side effects should be the same! I opted for the generic brand, it was cheaper!

Really hoping someone can offer some advice or insight.
A quick summary about me...
At the beginning of 2017 I gained 10kg in a period of 2 months due to antidepressants which I was only on for the 2 months. I also happened to be pregnant. We lost our baby boy in June at 5 months pregnant
Since the loss I have been trying hard to shed the weight.
I did heavy weights in the gym 5 days a week for 4 months.
I tried eating ketogenic after it was suggested by a naturopath.
I did a 4 week high intensity bootcamp and healthy eating program (which after the 4 weeks my body fat, measurements and weight had all increased).
As a last resort I went back on Duromine. It's something I have used in the past which helped drop my weight very much (5kg in the 1st week) but it made me feel very anxious. The first time I started I weighed 63kg which is 8kg less than starting duromine now.
I was on, I think, 30mg. This time I was prescribed 15mg due to my anxiety however after a bit over a week of zero changes I started taking two tablets so 30mg daily.
I have been on it for 2 weeks so far and haven't lost a thing! Nada! This is alongside healthy eating and an active lifestyle.
I currently take 50mg of Zoloft to manage my anxiety and I am not on any form of birth control.
The three biggest changes I can think of are coming off the implanon, starting on Zoloft and being pregnant/suffering a stillbirth.

Does anyone know what on earth could be going on with my body?
I've never stuggled with my weight before like this and it's bringing me down.

Changing said:

Really hoping someone can offer some advice or insight.
A quick summary about me...
At the beginning of 2017 I gained 10kg in a period of 2 months due to antidepressants which I was only on for the 2 months. I also happened to be pregnant. We lost our baby boy in June at 5 months pregnant
Since the loss I have been trying hard to shed the weight.
I did heavy weights in the gym 5 days a week for 4 months.
I tried eating ketogenic after it was suggested by a naturopath.
I did a 4 week high intensity bootcamp and healthy eating program (which after the 4 weeks my body fat, measurements and weight had all increased).
As a last resort I went back on Duromine. It's something I have used in the past which helped drop my weight very much (5kg in the 1st week) but it made me feel very anxious. The first time I started I weighed 63kg which is 8kg less than starting duromine now.
I was on, I think, 30mg. This time I was prescribed 15mg due to my anxiety however after a bit over a week of zero changes I started taking two tablets so 30mg daily.
I have been on it for 2 weeks so far and haven't lost a thing! Nada! This is alongside healthy eating and an active lifestyle.
I currently take 50mg of Zoloft to manage my anxiety and I am not on any form of birth control.
The three biggest changes I can think of are coming off the implanon, starting on Zoloft and being pregnant/suffering a stillbirth.

Does anyone know what on earth could be going on with my body?
I've never stuggled with my weight before like this and it's bringing me down.

Hi there .... I'm no Dr but I think you are putting way too many chemicals in your body & its decided to shut down because its confused.... you shouldn't be taking so many different kinds of medz... have you spoken to your Dr about this?
Wenz34 said:
Hi there .... I'm no Dr but I think you are putting way too many chemicals in your body & its decided to shut down because its confused.... you shouldn't be taking so many different kinds of medz... have you spoken to your Dr about this?

You're so right. I have stopped the duromine as it wasn't helping with weightloss but made me feel yuck.
I will have to speak to my doctor about coming off the anti anxiety meds.
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Changing said:
You're so right. I have stopped the duromine as it wasn't helping with weightloss but made me feel yuck.
I will have to speak to my doctor about coming off the anti anxiety meds.
I'm really glad you did. And you should get off those drugs as well.... it's all about self meditation .... I know this is going to sound really strange but you get adult colouring books... which honestly really n truly help calm and relax your mind. You should try it out... going for walks on the beach... when u find urself becoming overwhelmed go some place quiet close your eyes count to 20 breathing in deeply and releasing with a huge blow ... tell urself... I am light I am love I am peace... it's a mantra I have learned from a friend of mine... like I said I know it sounds weird ... But it doesn't hurt to try... good luck with everything!

PS... at boot camp.. picking up weight ur first week is normal.... muscle..... you should weigh before u work out not after.... I was on a herbalife boot camp training was excellent the weeks I thought I did well I picked up the weeks I thought I did bad... I lost... But also remember do not check the scale... check your measurements .... you drop more centimeters than weight good luck have a lekker day.
Hi Changing! I am sorry about your loss and the way all this affected you and your weight. Did you check your hormones?

It’s good that you stopped Duromine. If it makes you feel bad, it’s not for you. I hope very much that you will manage to find the reason for your weight stagnation, but I know that many people who gained weight because of the antidepressants can’t lose it for a long time. What is your menu like these days? what, how much and how often do you eat, if you don’t mind me asking?
If youre not already doing it, maybe you could consider keeping a very accurate food log and exercise log for a week or so that u fill in as soon as youve eaten. That way, when u see your doctor, nutritionist or other health professional u can be very confident that they have the full information to give u the very best advice.

All the best.
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Hi there,

I’m in the same boat! I weigh 63kgs and I have been taking Duromine 30mg for 15 days today and I do HIIT training 5-6 times a week and only eat really healthy meals. I have had a dry mouth but other than that I’ve have absolutely no side affects. I feel perfectly fine. I’ve lost no weight what no ever, I don’t know why it’s not working for me? I’ve read so many great success stories! I have another script for another month I just want to know if there is anything I need to do differently for the next month.
Mini D said:
Hi there,

I’m in the same boat! I weigh 63kgs and I have been taking Duromine 30mg for 15 days today and I do HIIT training 5-6 times a week and only eat really healthy meals. I have had a dry mouth but other than that I’ve have absolutely no side affects. I feel perfectly fine. I’ve lost no weight what no ever, I don’t know why it’s not working for me? I’ve read so many great success stories! I have another script for another month I just want to know if there is anything I need to do differently for the next month.

Hi Mini D. If nothing is happening, it means that something is not right. Try counting calories and measuring your portions. We often underestimate the caloric value of our meals, especially when we do it by eye. You can be eating either too little, or too much. You can have too much of even healthy food. Try adding strength exercises. These can boost the fat burning abilities of your body. Ask your doctor for a vitamin and mineral complex. Our body can oppose to weight loss when it lacks some essential vitamins and microelements. Before you get a refill, better check your hormone profile, as well. To make sure that your hormones or sugar do not inhibit the weight loss process, and avoid wasting money on something that will not help you until you address the underlying cause. Best of luck!
Hi Changing,
If you have anxiety, stopping your tablets will not help you. You could try Duloxetine which I take and do not have any side affects, but everyone assimilates tablets in a different way.
You have been through a major upheaval both emotionally and physically and maybe your body and mind is still trying to cope with this. I would get some broad spectrum blood tests done including thyroid and hormonal balance. As regards coping with your awful loss, if you go to your Dr. he can put you on a Mental Health Plan which means he will keep an eye on you but also that you can see a psychologist for about $20 if you have Medicare and the right mental health cover, up to ten sessions per year. I didn't think it would help me as I bottle things up, but it did.
Good luck.
How does duromine interact with tramadol? I have been on trams for pain management of a shoulder injury. Is it safe to be taking duromine with it?
According to the MIMS (Monthly Index of Medical Specialities- a pharmaceutical prescribing reference guide) there is no known interaction between Phentermine and Tramadol hydrochloride.
However some sources (less reputable than the MIMS) suggest decreased seizure threshold which I imagine would be more likely if you have a history of seizures, take other medications, illegal substances, alcohol, very old etc.

Having said that, I know Tramadol also has SNRI/SSRI properties (it’s not strictly classed as an SSRI/SNRI hence it may not come up in a drug interaction search- hence why I’ve researched these separately later on) and anxiety can be a side effect. Given Duromine can have the same effect despite working on different neurotransmitters (weakly on serotonin) this effect could be compounded when taken together- theoretically.

Generally there exists interactions between SSRIs and Phentermine (as with amphetamines and SSRIs).

There is a moderate interaction between amphetamines (the illegal kind, that’s chemically similar to Phentermine but usually at much higher doses) and SSRI that may cause increased serotonin and therefore increased risk for seretonin toxicity/Serotonin Syndrome (very rare side effect in general) as well as high blood pressure (and things that occur as a result of that like cardiovascular valve damage).

However this survey for example failed to identify any such incidences in 1174 patients (which I can’t link due to a forum rule). Make of that what you will. But the big picture is that it’s extremely unlikely and most evidence is anecdotal.

That’s all I’d be aware of- the SNRI/SSRI aspect on cardiovascular health as well as mood and behaviour, anxiety, dry mouth etc. But that isn’t thoroughly proven- just theoretical. The opioid-like properties of Tramadol strictly speaking do not have a known interaction with Phentermine to speak of. Of course, it may make you drowsy/less alert than Phentermine would otherwise.

But I’m sure you’ll be talking to your doctor and pharmacist anyway!

(Please don’t ask me why I’m researching this so thoroughly, I’m bored)
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Morning... havent done my introduction yet but just wanted to share how i feel..

Took my first 30mg duromine yesterday.. it was a good day but felt woogy (but very alert) most of the day.. had a few funny spells but they passed... slept terribly (i have taken duromine in the past -3 yrs ago and never had issues as i am an early riser)

Woke this morning and feel like i have a migraine building so decided to not take duromine today as i took some codral cold and flu tablets (they help relieve the pressure in my head) .. and i read you should not mix the flu tablets wuth duromine anyway... but i was also feeling apprehensive about taking my second dose... i did not enjoy the feelings i experienced yesterday... and with kids going back to school and normal routine kicks back in, i cannot afford to be a space cadet... if that makes sense..

Anyways... just venting a bit... feels better putting it out there how i feel. Hope you all have a good day.
Ohhh that’s a shame.

The side effects are usually worst in the first week, they may reduce or go away altogether after that but it’s different for everyone. The side effects can also change daily so you may not get that side effect every day (see daily updates from other users)!

If you think you can’t function optimally on it now, then when *is* a good time to start (and start then instead)? If there’s no good time then your choice is to manage the side effects as best you can for a week or throw the packet out.

Alternatively you could try what some other users do and halve the dose or take it every other day :)

I guess you just have to weigh the benefits against the side effects and decide what’s best for you (try to get as much rest as possible even though that’s hard sometimes, drink plenty of water and eat regularly) x
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Hi Rozza! Welcome to the forum! I am sorry about the unpleasant effect of Duromine. I hope it gets better. Stargazer gave you great tips.

There is just one thing I want to add. Don’t give up! It doesn’t matter if you are going to use Duromine or not, do your best to get as close to your goal as possible. Keep fighting stubborn excess kilos and stay happy and motivated!
Hi there!
I'm on day 7 of 30mg duromine.
I've not had any side effects really, but I also don't really think its suppressed my appetite much.
I'm deliberately making better food choices and trying to stay under 1000 cal a day. I've also been taking 1tsp of glucomannan powder in water before meals as a stomach filler.
I did have a thought though maybe the fibre is stopping the absorption of the duromine, is that possible? Or maybe it's just not kicked in yet? Any advice would be appreciated x
Hello there! I can’t answer your queries about Glucomannan, I’ve never used it. But, after 7 days have you lost weight? If you have, it’s working! However, you have to eat more than 1000 cals per day. Believe me, eating less than 1200-1300 cals per day will very soon mean you will not lose any weight - your body will hold on to its fat stores and go into starvation mode. Too low calorie intake will work for the first couple of weeks but then will start working against you. Eat 1200 cals of low GI, nutritious food with a bit of exercise and the weight should drop off. It helps to have one day every couple of weeks to have a 1500 cal day as this will trick your body and boost your metabolism - this particularly helps when your weight seems to be plateauing.
It also might seem like the Duromine hasn’t suppressed your appetite because of the low calorie intake. You are hungry because you actually need to eat more. Such a low cal intake is not sustainable long term, ie: after Duromine finishes. So, it’s best to get into some sustainable, long term eating habits while you have this opportunity.
Don’t worry about not having any side effects, I’ve just finished 3 months of Duromine and didn’t have any side effects the entire time and still lost 13 kgs.
Good luck sarahzoey87... I’ll keep checking on your progress.
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Thank you so much! Beyond helpful xx
Hey all, I started Duromine today at 7.30am, it is now 2am and I’m wide awake and a little anxious to be honest. I’m worried something bad will happen to me on this pill
can I just get some sort of confirmation that it’s ok to take every second day? My doctor said yes it’s ok but I have read a few times online that you shouldn’t ?

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