Recent content by Sliceoflife

  1. Sliceoflife

    I Can Do This

    Promised I wouldn't but ended up weighting myself. Pleasant surprise in that I've lost 0.5kg since my last weigh in. I need to be aware that this can't keep happening as otherwise I'd be losing about 0.5kg a day! Ate about the same as yesterday - porridge for lunch, peach for afternoon tea...
  2. Sliceoflife


    i have not blogged for a couple of days because over the weekend I managed to put on some weight. I weighed myself this morning and am 92.9, so the remarkable weight loss of the first couple of days has diminished somewhat. I can only blame it on a lot of alcohol on Saturday night and some at...
  3. Sliceoflife

    Full of Enthusiasm

    Had great night's sleep, did wonder if I would considering I sleep for two hrs yesterday am when I was unwell. Was ravenous for my dinner but then didn't snack but still hungry. The D really helps with cravings. Last night just before bed stood up and felt dizzy, had tiny slice of quiche to get...
  4. Sliceoflife

    Naughty and Hungry

    Third Day Woke up this morning very hungry! Have realised the splitting headache is because I have twisted my back in Pillates and not a side affect of D. Good news. Last night had restless sleep, got up for bathroom a few times, but it was very hot I slept in kids room with fan on full blast...
  5. Sliceoflife

    Duromine and Other Medications

    Hi Changing, If you have anxiety, stopping your tablets will not help you. You could try Duloxetine which I take and do not have any side affects, but everyone assimilates tablets in a different way. You have been through a major upheaval both emotionally and physically and maybe your body and...
  6. Sliceoflife

    Side Affects

    This is still the second day. This afternoon I slowly developed a splitting headache. I hope I've just been sitting unnaturally and this has caused it and hope it isn't going to be part of my journey. Be gone! You unwelcome guest.
  7. Sliceoflife

    Blog: Sliceoflife

  8. Sliceoflife

    Second day in and so tired!

    Second day in and was waiting for the side effects I experienced when I was 20 and last took a 40mg dose of D - only about three hours sleep a night (not straight, interrupted) and no appetite. This time around I only take 15mg but I slept like a log last night and today I just feel tired! My...