Noctural meanderings = drowsy daytime

  • Author VeronicaSawyer
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
So here I am on day two, and this is no where near the same experience as day one. I have been feeling very, very, very tired all day.

Last night I went to be at 9.30pm and despite the threat of insomnia I fell straight asleep - and woke up 90 minutes later o_O. Between the hours of 11pm and 4am I wandered around the house, patting the dog, looking at the sleeping children, meditating, trying not to wake my husband, and finally listening to Marconi Union's "Weightless" on repeat for two hours. I figured that 'resting' would be a better activity than 'stressing' and hence the song (if you're interested you can read about it here:

From 4am to 4.45am I slept! Then my alarm went off and I popped out of bed like a jelly bean to take my dog for our morning walk. I ate my avo & egg toast with a glass of veggie juice and a serve of duromine. I was waiting for the pep to arrive like it did yesterday, but instead I felt flat as a pancake all day.

More of the dusty mouth feelings for the whole day and I've had 4 litres of water! Vietnamese fresh spring rolls for lunch. Small serve of Red chicken curry for dinner, and I think that I'm done :). I'm hoping to be able to sleep well tonight, I'm hoping that I've done everything I need to to get this weight loss happening. But I really fear that my dodgy thyroid is going to prevent any large losses for me.

I'm not gonna weigh until the end of my first week because I know that I'll just get discouraged and I'd much rather be pleasantly surprised :laughing:

Hope that you are doing well - if you are out there xx

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2 min read
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