I took my D after my morning walk; along with my avocado, egg & toast breakfast at 6.30 this morning. I felt just normal until about 7am when I started to feel light headed and peaceful - such terrible side effects! 
This feeling continued intermittently for the entire work day, which was fantastic as I managed to get a whole heap of work done while feeling virtually no stress.
I ate a muesli bar and a coffee (with benefibre) for morning tea. I was hungry by lunchtime at 1pm and ate a small amount of potato salad with baby spinach and tuna. I felt like I had a lot of energy to move, but also that I could probably do with a bit of a sleep
I didn't eat anything for afternoon tea but I had another benefibre coffee and I was pretty amazed that I didn't have the usual 2.30pm crash/burn/sugar splurge.
By 6pm I could feel a strange grumbling almost clenching feeling in my stomach which I realised was HUNGER, something that I am unacquainted with given my almost constant snacks and inbetween snacks snacks. Slowly and with purpose I headed to the kitchen to create a delicious red pesto chicken salad, and managed to eat a very moderate sized portion.
Here I am now, at 8pm, and still don't feel the panicky urge that I usually have to EAT EAT EAT! Instead I am thirsty - powerfully thirsty and I've sucked down at least 3 litres of water already today
. I'm not going to eat anything else tonight, even though there is a little voice inside of me that is telling me that I could if I wanted, but I find that the voice is indeed a lot smaller than it was.
I feel good
on day one.
Hoping to continue in this vein.
Weight loss would be fantastic but at this stage I'm really enjoying feeling in control of myself.
Nighty night xx
This feeling continued intermittently for the entire work day, which was fantastic as I managed to get a whole heap of work done while feeling virtually no stress.
I ate a muesli bar and a coffee (with benefibre) for morning tea. I was hungry by lunchtime at 1pm and ate a small amount of potato salad with baby spinach and tuna. I felt like I had a lot of energy to move, but also that I could probably do with a bit of a sleep
I didn't eat anything for afternoon tea but I had another benefibre coffee and I was pretty amazed that I didn't have the usual 2.30pm crash/burn/sugar splurge.
By 6pm I could feel a strange grumbling almost clenching feeling in my stomach which I realised was HUNGER, something that I am unacquainted with given my almost constant snacks and inbetween snacks snacks. Slowly and with purpose I headed to the kitchen to create a delicious red pesto chicken salad, and managed to eat a very moderate sized portion.
Here I am now, at 8pm, and still don't feel the panicky urge that I usually have to EAT EAT EAT! Instead I am thirsty - powerfully thirsty and I've sucked down at least 3 litres of water already today
I feel good
Hoping to continue in this vein.
Weight loss would be fantastic but at this stage I'm really enjoying feeling in control of myself.
Nighty night xx