New Beginings

  • Author emma73
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Hi All, so this is day one.
First a short background on me.
I never had a weight problem in the past. Ages 15-21 I was 32kg ( under weight) and always ate what ever I wanted. Ages 21-38 I remained at 38kg and still ate anything I wanted. At 38 after having a miscarriage I decided to try putting on more weight to make my body a little more healthy. I went up to 45kg a got pregnant again. After my daughter was born I weighed 52kg. I was quiet sick for 2 years, being rundown with a baby who never slept and no suport. I did everything myself. Hard time I thought I was going to die of exsourstion. Have colds,gastro,broncitis, tonsillitis, conjunctivitis and fevers all the time one after the other and trying to go to work as well. Sometimes I didn't sleep for 3 days straight. I didn't take care of myself and my weight went up to 58.8kg in 6 years. For the last year I've been trying to loose weight with diet. I'm very time poor with looking after my daughter keeping up with home work, play dates and activities. We have dogs, cats & fish to care for. I work 9 hours per afternoon/night + overtime ( sometimes 10,11,12 hours per night). I also volunteer as a foster carer for an animal shelter so spend time looking after extra animals as well as my own. Vet appointments, house checks, transporting animals to where they need to go. Food donation pick ups and wrighting profiles.

Starting weight 58.8kg
I lost 5.4kg myself with diet over 4 months but have now stalled at 53.4kg. Before people have a heart attack about low figures. I'm 148cm so under 5 foot (4.10" I think). With a small frame.I've been looking at some figures and I think a healthy weight for me is 40-45kg. I'm not massively over weight but would like to get to 40kg on duromine so when I stop if I put on a kg or 2 I'll still be ok.

Took first one today at 6:30am. No affect except I don't fell as tied as usual. First change I'm making is no sugar in my coffee. I can do this easy but can't have it without milk.
Second change is I'm going to start walking my dogs every day. Today it's so cold and foggy outside but I will still go. My poor fat dogs will also benefit from this new routine too. The draw back is to convince my 6 year old daughter to come too. It's school holidays so more exercise may not be possible at the moment but I'll start slow and add more when my daughter goes back to school.
Food, I plan to have smaller meals of what I usually eat until after the weekend. Then I'll have a better meal plan worked out and will shop for that. I don't eat too badly anyway. Just too much.

Time to get into action now. About to get kid dressed and find dog leads and go!


Hi @emma73 :)

Everybody has a weight that they more or less think they feel comfortable with, and I am not one to judge. I am also assuming that you are using Duromine because it's been prescribed by your Dr and they think you are a good candidate :)

Good on you for being able to lose the 5+kg without Duromine!

What I do feel a little concerned about is the weight you are aiming for... Just by doing a quick search online (as I am by no means a Nutritionist or Dr) it says that you should be aiming for a weight of between 44kg and 55kg - which with the weight you are now already puts you in the healthy BMI range.

I know you mentioned you are a small frame too, so by going by the lower end of the scale you still are wanting to lose just under 10kg :)

Wanted to wish you luck on getting healthy and fit, and will look forward in following you along on your journey!

The forums here are just wonderful, and I highly recommend reading the threads, as there maybe someone who has a similar story to yours :)
Hi Rava, thank you for your concern. I understand it seems like a low weight and you are thinking of my wellbeing. So nice of you.
My main concern is my mid section. As I'm so short I don't have a lot of body to spread the fat around. I've put weight on everywhere but some parts I'm fine about. My legs I don't mind as there not so bad. I never had much of a bust until now and I'm ok with keeping some of that. Lol. What gets me down is people I haven't seeing for awhile. It's happened a fair bit when they say congratulations, when are you due. It's not they're falt but it makes me want to cry. I have to say I'm not pregnant just fat.
I looked about 7 months pregnant but it's been one day and l've lost .4kg. Down to 53kg over night. Looking now I think it came off my stomach. I kind of look 6 months pregnant now.
I seem to have a fat face, upper arms and my shoes are tight ( I think my feet got wider). I forgot to take photos of myself yesterday. But I'll do that today. Starting 53kg on day 2 and will post it. It might help people to see what I mean.
I really want to be centsible about this whole thing. If I don't reach my goal I'm ok with that too. I would have still made an improvement to myself. So I'm making lifestyle changes. Ones I can keep up with after I finish. I find it boring to go to the gym so walking my dogs is my first plan I enjoy this and will increase the time and distance in the days to come. I'll be looking into simple exercises that I can do at home and maybe I'll get some weights too.
I don't eat too badly now. Remember I've lost some weight already before I started. I need to refine my diet plan more and find foods l like so when I've finish my weight loss I can stick to this plan. When you first make these changes its so hard to stick to when your starving and thinking about food all day then end up one day just binging and ruining all your good work. I remember not long ago I woke from a dream. I was dreaming about eating a vegiemite sandwich. I really, really wanted one but worked hard not to give in. It's almost feels cruel and I was depressed all day.
At the moment I'm not starving so I'm in the right frame of mind to think about these things and make changes. My body will get used to meal sizes and foods that I want to eat. Then when I go it alone it might be a bit easier for me. That's my plan anyway. Rava I value your help and anyone else who wants to help. It's nice to get things off your chest. Talking about things is good therapy too. I believe it also helps because sometimes your mind plays a big part in this too. Best of luck to you too. Feel free to update me with your situation as its so good to get it out. When I take a photo today and figure out how to post it, I will do so. I hope I didn't bore you with such a long post. xxx
By the way how do I post photos? I'm hopeless with kind of thing.
  • emma73 Today at 9:33 AMAbout my first day!
    SW: 58.8kg
    CW: 53.4kg
    GW: 40.0kg

    Took my duro at 6:30am. Usual time I get up in the morning.
    First change is no sugar in my coffee but I can't go without milk. I had second coffee about 7:30 am. Before today I drank around 8 cups a day.

    Defiantly felt more energy and not grumpy and tired as usual. I felt more alert but not too buzzy. I had a dry throat but also could of been due to harsh chemicals I used at work the night before. These chemicals make me coff sometimes and I get a dry throat the next day.

    By 10am it was time for my second lifestyle change. Walking my fat dogs each day. This will benefit not only me but my dogs too. I have to start slow as I have 6yo daughter with me too. It's school holidays so when she goes back to school I'll increase my times and distance. We all set out by 10:30. Dogs were so excited they pulled nearly the whole way (resistance training?). After 5 mins my daughter didn't want to ride her scooter anymore and I carried this scooter the rest of the way (extra weights?). We walked 26 mins to the park. I spent 15 mins having flying fox races at the park with my daughter then 5 min walk home. Not enough I know but I can't force my daughter into walking huge distances.

    Between 11:30 and 1pm I drink 5x glasses of water. 3rd lifestyle change is more water. Before today I drank 0 water as I don't really like the taste . I don't drink soft drink or energy drinks because I don't like the taste of that either. I drank coffee all day. I'm cutting down coffee now but still have to drink some as I will get withdrawal headaches for sure. Now not having sugar in it but I can't have it without milk.

    11:30-1pm I do some housework and get ready to go to work. Main thing is to keep moving right?

    2pm have 3rd coffee for the day while dropping off my daughter at my mums. Then head to work.

    3pm I start work. Still have lots of energy. Power though the night! My job is very fisical. Usually 2hours processing. Bending, stretching lifting and twisting 10kg at a time. Rest of the night is taking apart machines, washing parts, scrubbing machines and putting them back together. Also mopping the floors 4 times over every night. Twice a week I also mop ceilings and walls ( yes, I said ceilings). Finish work at 11:40pm. (Sometimes I do over time so could leave as late as 3am (12 hours).

    During work I drank 5 more cups of water. No coffee. I realised I didn't eat breakfast or lunch. First break I ate corn crisp breads with vegiemite, no butter and only got through half my container of watermelon. 2nd break I had tuna in freshwater and 2 more corn crisp breads with vegiemite and I struggled to eat that. I had grapes and a apple in my bag but they didn't get touched. I know I have to eat more and will do better tomorrow. The first day I didn't know what to expect or how I would react so I need to work on my food plan now.

    Sleep: l got home from work at 12:15am. Went to bed at about 1am. Fell asleep ok but woke up at 4am because my parter was fumbling around the room getting ready for work. I felt full of energy so I couldn't sleep. I got up and took my next duromine at 5am. I'm not worried about lack of sleep right now. I'm not tired and used to not sleeping much. My normal time I get up is 6:30am. So from what I'm reading this may settle down in the coming weeks.

    Couldn't help but weigh myself this morning. Down .4kg. I now weigh 53kg. Have increase of energy today and my dry throat is less dry today. I think l've skipped breakfast but now I'm awhere I'll have snack and lunch today.

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  • emma73 Today at 9:50 AMBy the way how do I post photos? I'm hopeless with kind of thing.

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Hi Emma! I will delete the repeated post, if You don't mind. As for photos.. when you are typing your message, there are some icons above it. You need to click the one with the "image" and insert the URL of your photo. You also have the opportunity to create your own Photo album.
I wish you all the best on your weigh loss journey!!!
Thanks April, I'm still working out how to do things on here.

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