Day too many to count...

  • Author Tracy83
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Finally out of the 80's!!!!

So happy I could scream! The festive season hit me for a six, but I knew it would be hard and decided to just deal with each meal on it's own.

Current weight: 78kg's

Next mini goal at 75kg's.

Is anyone else losing more in cm than on the scale? Not sure if it's the way I dress, or actual weight loss... but the compliments are pouring in... even though I generally haven't lost more than 450 - 500g in a week, colleagues seem to think I'm losing 10kilo's a week. Admittedly my clothes do fit better... but it seems disjointed to me.... thoughts?


Hello Tracy! I see you’re not a newcomer to the forum. I am.. =)) It’s very nice to meet you. Ran through your previous journey. Wow! Bravo! You’re doing great! Are you back on Duromine?

My most sincere congratulations on your achievements! The next mini-goal is so close… =)
to your question… It is a very often situation, when you lose more in your volumes, than the scales show. It also happens so that people see no movement on the scales, yet notice huge changes in circumference. It usually happens when you exercise and start building up muscles, while your fat goes away. Since muscles are heavier, the difference between the ‘light’ fat you lose and the ‘heavy’ muscles you gain might be quite small.

While searching for a photo to show this difference to one of our dearest form residents, I found many photos, in which people were weighing more than previously, but their muscles were so well-defined. If you wish, I can search for one of the photos and attach it here. =))

Well, all I can say is keep it up! And if you again started Duromine, don’t forget about your herbal aid for no.2 (just in case). All the best and a lovely day to you! ;)

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1 min read
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