19 JAN 2018

  • Author what the heck?!
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 3 min read
Not long after waking up this morning I started burping, after a little while I started feeling cramps/pangs. So I think this might be one of my side effects, because I took the second one this morning.

Had half a banana for breakfast. Sipped my coffee throughout the morning. Cramps/pangs and burping was there all morning even though there were a few moments where I thought ‘maybe it’s gone.’

Was busy so ended up having cucumber sticks for lunch, well kind of nibbled on them from lunchtime. Had a few cherries, very delicious. Felt a bit hungry later so had some nuts and raisins. Checked water bottle and I was getting through it ok.

Ended up having an iced mocha from McDonald’s for afternoon tea. When friend suggested an iced coffee because of being so hot and we were getting a bit tired, I thought ‘actually that sounds really good’ but then thought ‘would that really be a good idea, is that what I really want to do?’ My answer was yes. I thought, well I haven’t overeaten today, I’ve been eating healthy, it would be a nice treat on a day like today. I did wonder what if we didn’t get one, thought I’d not push to get one. But when they decided to go I thought well if I’m going to have a treat I’m going to really enjoy it and asked for chocolate sauce on top. I enjoyed every sip/spoon of it as slowly as I could. I hadn’t had one in four years which made me think, I see the picture all the time and think ‘mmm that looks amazing’ and then move on. It was actually very refreshing as well as enjoyable which I was very pleased about because that was the purpose of getting it. I was worried that I may feel like ‘I need all chocolate and junk food from now on!’ But thankfully that didn’t happen.

Went for a 20min walk as soon as I got home, was very slow though because still got foot injury, only did 1.5km. Was just glad that I got out in the sun and did it. Burping still throughout the afternoon, got quite a bit worse for a little while, even embarrassing.

Had late dinner because wasn’t hungry. Thankfully hubby kept checking if I wanted anything and then reason kicked in and I thought I’d better actually eat something and maybe one I taste it I’ll realise I needed it. Had one egg omelette with courgettes and a bit of tomato & red onion. Added some periperi seasoning to the egg instead of salt to maybe give it a bit more flavour and that definitely worked. I had planned on putting just a few sprinklings of parmesan cheese on but forgot and ended up just getting into it, it tasted amazing and that’s when I realized I had forgotten the cheese but really didn’t need it, couldn’t believe how it still tasted so good without the cheese.

Having an herbal tea. Burping didn’t subside.

Thoughts: I do think the burping and cramps/pangs is a side effect because of it being on both the mornings I took one.

Feelings: I feel a bit bad for not eating more because I know the body still does need fuel to keep going but then thought why should I shove food in when it clearly doesn’t want it, isn’t that what one of the major problems is. At the same time though, I don’t feel too bad because when I get sick I eat like this even for a week or so after, ever since I got that really bad flu that lasted for six weeks, so I ended up eating like this for two months one part there.


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what the heck?!
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3 min read
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