My weight loss journey

  • Author weightlossprincess
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Hi everyone!

I am so glad to have found this forum where i can share my success and if nothing else possibly help someone else along the way. I have been taking Duromine for exactly a month today and have lost 7KGs. I was very skinny at school leaving matric and only weighing in at 65KGs so i assumed that i couldn't or wouldn't gain weight as i got older, gosh was i wrong! i was up to 108KGs when i looked at myself in the mirror and felt disgusting! i hated my body, i didn't want my husband to touch me and i pushed everyone away while i sat in the corner feeling sorry for myself. This is when i decided to change things. I cut out all sugar, i drank only water and i cut down on my carbs, i had been doing this for a week already when I was introduced to Duromine. I started it and was looking for symptoms but didn't experience anything that i felt was an issue. I have extremely dry mouth but to me this isn't an issue because i drink tons more water and i feel this will keep me healthy. in a month i have lost 7KGs and i am so happy with the progress, i have already gone down in pants size and i can feel the difference in my clothes. My family and friends have already noticed the difference and they have been super supportive. I have gained more energy and i find that exercising is getting easier, walking is getting easier and I am generally happier in myself. I look at myself in the mirror and can see the difference. My bedroom life with my husband has even improved and i can feel an all round improvement. I expect to be on Duromine for another 2-3 months so will keep an update as time goes. Keep going and believe in yourself!
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@weightlossprincess so glad you decided to write your story!

I am so happy for you! and what a fantastic loss of 7kgs in a month!

Would love to know what you are eating and if you are doing any exercise, as I am always interested in reading new recipes and exercise plans - so hope you keep on updating :)
@Rava thank you for your message, I have cut out all sugar, I have also not stopped carbs all together but i eat in moderation in the mornings and then from 12 until bed i only eat meat salad/veggies. I exercise almost every day, i may take a day or two off a week. I am actually looking into swimming daily rather then exercise because I enjoy that and it isn't so hard on the knees. In total i have lost 10kgs, I have found that the weight loss has slowed down however i am fitting into pants that I havn't been able to wear for 3 years so that must mean a cm loss which I am fine with. I am trying to live as normal as possible with eating because I don't want to get to a point where I am eating so little i cant cope without the meds to get through the day - So i am trying to make lifestyle changes to last a long time and not just for this short period. I am really happy with the progress so far, I have more energy, i am more confident and I can feel the changes in my body. Are you also on a weight loss journey?

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