Hi again lou lou....yes i totally agree with you, not many people know my end only my sister hubby and a friend of mine.... like you this is prob the 2nd time in a forum...im happy to keep in contact with you and tell each others our journey...well im off to bed now... good luck with day two... im happy to share my experience with you.... i find saying to myself i need to loose 5 kgs first helps rather than saying i still have 12kgs to go.....

I just found your post/s and I’m so inspired. Thank you for sharing you’re story and all your progress updates. I’d love to hear how’re you going xo
@Lou Lou - would love to know how your going :)
Hi Rava,
Thank you for your interest in my journey
Well it’s been kaotic to say the least
Day one on Duromine was great, a minor buzz but nothing too dramatic, no sleep though night one, result very clean and organised kitchen cupboards
Then I came down with a serious lung infection and was seriously ill, so no Duromine while on high dose antibiotics and steroids.......the up side is that I still lost 3.5 kilos in 3 weeks which I am thrilled with.
Started back on Duromine and sadly the no sleep kicked in again and my Dr has suggested I stop. I’m on 15 mg, so clearly it works well for me.
I’m hoping to get some more specific feedback on whether I just need to tough it out for a few days and then sleep will come or whether sadly this drug is not the one for me. Getting good information is difficult, my chemist and Dr seem not to know about the sleep aspects specifically
In the meantime I’m keeping a daily food diary and that seems to be helping
Best regards
Lou Lou
@Lou Lou - so sorry that you got so ill!

Hope your feeling 100% now?

As you said the upside was a weight loss, but boy of boy - I know it wouldn't have been fun for you!

In regards to some feedback on lack of sleep. It is really VERY common for Duromine users when they first start taking it, and insomnia is one of the most asked about side effects here on the forum :)

At around weeks 2 - 3 most manage to get into a more regular sleep pattern. Others still have nights where they will wake up at every single sound and find it takes a while to get back to sleep. If you usually sleep 8 hours, after your body adjust to the Duromine dosage, you might find that your sleeping pattern changes and you only get 6 hours (for example).

I personally have difficulties sleeping sometimes whilst on Duromine and went to my GP about it. She advised me to take an OTC (over the counter) sleeping aid - like Restavit or Dozile. What I do is that if I go 2 or 3 days with little sleep I will then take half a tablet. My Dr was perfectly fine with this, as I am only having 1.5 - 2 tablets a week tops. Just like anything else, if you take them too often your body can become immune.

Some other things that might help are;

1. Make sure you take the pill at the same time daily. If you take it regularly at 6.00am for example (like I do) your body will soon adjust after a couple of weeks, working to evenly spread out your energy throughout the day.

2. Increase your exercise and activity. If you are tired physically, you actually do sleep better :)

3. Make sure you haven't just eaten before going to bed. If you can put at least 2 hours between eating and bed time, your body will not still be trying to digest its food :)

4. Epsom Salt baths - have a really good soak in the evening as you prepare to go to bed. The salts can make your body feel so relaxed and even better if you are sore from your increased exercising - it will help relieve the aches and pains.

5. Try burning some lavender oil in your bedroom, or even a few drops on a tissue popped under the pillow case. You can even add the oil to your bath salts. Lavender is a proven herbal relaxant.

6. Magnesium tablet at night (take them with your dinner). Insomnia is a common symptom of magnesium deficiency. It also helps regulate your blood sugar levels too! Interesting to note a lot of info says that if you have Diabetes Type II you are more likely to have low magnesium, as your blood sugar levels are high and your body gets rid of its magnesium through urination.

Hope some of the suggestions help you!

Let me know how you get on :)
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Hi everyone well at 63 and overweight I think I am in the right place lol I am 5.5, and 2 days ago when I started Duromine I was 87.5 kgs. I have been down this road before but like many I had no real plan and I guess subconsciously I was disappointed with myself for having to resort to taking a pill to lose weight. I am a pretty strong willed person and always have been, basically when I put my mind to anything I will and have achieved it. I have been through child birth x 4, divorce & separations x 3 as well as endured the death of a child (adult) for the most I am very successful in my career and have a great relationship with family & friends. But for the life of me the one thing I can’t get on top of and bests me is my weight. Like many others in my younger days I could eat and drink what I liked then later 40s just go on a protein shake for a couple of days and weight magically disappeared. Recently I returned from a cruise Say no more then religiously went on Keto for 2 months no sugar no alcohol but sadly nothing... not 1 ounce.. so clearly what works for some does not work for everyone. I love my body but dislike being overweight immensly for all the same reasons as many appearance, joint pain, health etc so I have now bit the bullet and had to admit to myself..I just can’t do it by myself, well initially anyway which is pretty hard for my type of personality - I went to my Dr had a bit of a sook - so she has ordered a series of blood test etc and now placed me on Duromine for 3 months.
So now I have got to make this work... Last 2 days not hungry at all so forced myself to eat last night and will ensure I try & eat 3 small healthy meals.. I come from an era of calorie counting gurus and therefore less was best so tend to be quite happy not eating till around lunch time or later..think they call that intermittent fasting these days lol Anyway nice to find you all and will look forward to tips and advice will post as as I go down this new path. Thanks everyone and good luck
hello shazza 1956
nice to meet you!
stay strong, it sounds like you are in need of some Magic in your life,
since i found Duromine my life has become amazing and full of wonder,
i am sure yours will too my darling..

you are among friends here and remember,
when we are happy with our weight, we are happy!

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Shazza1956 said:
Hi everyone well at 63 and overweight I think I am in the right place lol I am 5.5, and 2 days ago when I started Duromine I was 87.5 kgs. I have been down this road before but like many I had no real plan and I guess subconsciously I was disappointed with myself for having to resort to taking a pill to lose weight.

Hi @Shazza1956 and welcome to the forums!

Don't be disappointed in yourself in resorting to "a pill to lose weight". Honestly, I think you are being too hard on yourself *hugs*. Think of it more as a tool, that allows you to focus on what you need to get done. If you are an accountant and consistently need to add up numbers, are you going to do it all in your head? or will you buy yourself the calculator that will allow you to accomplish your job in half the time?

Think of Duromine as a tool that allows you to change your eating habits to more healthier ones, gets you more motivated to implement exercise and allows you to focus on the lifestyle changes you want to make.

Shazza1956 said:
So now I have got to make this work... Last 2 days not hungry at all so forced myself to eat last night and will ensure I try & eat 3 small healthy meals.. I come from an era of calorie counting gurus and therefore less was best so tend to be quite happy not eating till around lunch time or later..think they call that intermittent fasting these days lol Anyway nice to find you all and will look forward to tips and advice will post as as I go down this new path. Thanks everyone and good luck

You've got this! I really look forward in reading more of your story, so I hope you keep updating this thread here, or in start another one in "My Experince with Duromine" or even on the enter in the "Blog" side of things.

I cant wait to read more!

You got this :)
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Rava said:
Hi @Shazza1956 and welcome to the forums!

Don't be disappointed in yourself in resorting to "a pill to lose weight". Honestly, I think you are being too hard on yourself *hugs*. Think of it more as a tool, that allows you to focus on what you need to get done. If you are an accountant and consistently need to add up numbers, are you going to do it all in your head? or will you buy yourself the calculator that will allow you to accomplish your job in half the time?

Think of Duromine as a tool that allows you to change your eating habits to more healthier ones, gets you more motivated to implement exercise and allows you to focus on the lifestyle changes you want to make.

You've got this! I really look forward in reading more of your story, so I hope you keep updating this thread here, or in start another one in "My Experince with Duromine" or even on the enter in the "Blog" side of things.

I cant wait to read more!

You got this :)
Thanks Rava I am on my way once I figure out how to use this site properly lol
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If you need any help @Shazza1956 - just message away :)
@Shazza1956 how have you been these past few days?

Are you experiencing any side effects?

Hope you check back in and update as I would love to know how you have been this week :)
not2oldyet said:
At the not so youthful age of 60, I have struggled with weight issues all my life. However, after a cycling accident 3 years ago, the weight has piled on and I absolutely LOATH my body and what I look like. I have a wardrobe of beautiful clothes that I cannot fit into, and the last straw was having to buy a larger bra 2 weeks ago. Early this year I went to a doctor who totally demoralised me by saying that 'you should learn to accept it - putting on weight is just part of getting old'. If anything, his attitude only led me to put on MORE weight. But finally, after becoming so upset at trying to find comfortable bras, I said 'enough is enough' and went to a new GP who listened to me and strongly suggested I try Duromine. I did my research and just as there are some side affects with any medication, I know I have to give this a go. It is either this track, or go on anti-depressants. And it is far better to work on the cause rather than the result.
What surprises me is the large number of young people on this forum - are there any older, more mature people who have used Duromine? I would love to know their experience, and story. Being overweight does not stop as you get older - in fact, it gets worse. My weight sky rocketed as soon as I hit menopause, thus my exercise regime. But one fall off the rung (my accident) and I have put on nearly 20 kgs. And I HATE it, I LOATH it. I am lucky to still be working in a job I love, but every year have to have a medical. My last medical was a warning bell, and my job could be in jeopardy if I cannot get this weight under control.
I have taken the week off to start my regime, so if any side affects do come on, I will be in a better place to handle it. I have totally cleared out my cupboards - anything remotely on the temptation list was chucked straight in the bin. Part of me was saying 'don't throw out perfectly good food - look at the money you are wasting' - but that is my loss. I don't want any wrong foods even in the house. I will concentrate on good healthy food- yoghurt, fruit, cereal, vegetables, fish, and drinking more water.
So far, have only had a slight headache, but that could be a by product of cutting out sugar - my main drug. I have come to hate food - you cannot give it totally like alcohol or drugs - and trying to constantly eat the right food is not easy.
Something clicked inside me this time and I am determined to succeed. I wear a uniform and I have already bought 1 pair of large size pants- I WON'T do that again, as they have to be specially ordered in.
I would love to hear from any 'mature age' people out there. Being over-weight is not jut a problem for the young ones. I recently bought a Health & fitness Magazine and was disgusted that the whole magazine seemed to be a 'Dolly' clone - all pictures were of pre teen girls, rarely with even breasts, let alone any weight issues. I doubt there was one picture of any person over 25. There is a huge amount of discrimination against older people as it is (and by that I mean anyone over 40!) - and just because we get older does not mean that we should accept getting fatter (and staying that way).
I am 59 yrs and my 1st experience with Duromine. I struggled for years with my weight gain. I am only 5ft 2 so cant really carry a lot of excess. Had heaps of tests done only to be told well you just have to accept the extra 20kgs. I went to a naturopath who tested my for thyroid and yes I am under. Seven years later still carrying all that weight but eating 90% healthy I went to a new gp. She ran all the tests went over my food intake and reccomended trying the Duromine. Mine is not to suppress my appetite but to try and kick start my metabolism. Its a slow journey as after 9 weeks I have only lost just on 5kgs ,considering I have about 20 to go but between Thyroid and metabolism its something. This is a great forum and yes you are right a lot of younger people. I do find at times the answer is always up your exercise which if you have permanent injury isnt always possible. Stay focused be aware of any changes physical or mental. I have noticed since being on the 40mg I get angry a lot quicker so have to be very conscious about it
Good luck on your journey
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@lee buys - hey you are doing great! 5kgs is nothing to sneeze at and I only lost 6 kilos in 6 weeks :)

Always upping the exercise is the right the answer. I think sometimes we forget that you need to "burn more than you eat".

Are you quicker to anger? or is it that you are noticing you are feeling angry?

Maybe have a look at doing some deep breathing at these times? Or an exercise that brings you into the "present" and not dwelling mentally?

Could do the trick :)
Hi my name is mary been taking durimine 10 days started at 85kg down to 82.9 but noticed can fit into dress s that i could not do up my plan is to learn to eat healthy no sugar a treat every now and again dark 80 per cent choclate on 1200 calories a day and exerciseing .every second day .I have had two new knees so i started puting on weight.
Dose not seam to be working not lost anything more weight trying to eat 1200 calorie s so today have taken only half of 40mg see makes any difference in the afternoon give it a kick start maybe
Well yesterday tried again took one at 5.30 had energy all day did not feel hungry eat a vegetable curry for my main and good breakfast and fruit I do notice my clothes are getting looser. I weighed myself this morning 81.9 started 85 so happy with th his progress so stay tuned .Our church at the moment is having a fast . But not going to fast not eat just doing veges fruit and water no tea or coffee or sugar .
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Hello everybody! I am new here and I am new with Duromine. Just got my pack and not sure where to begin. I did read some threads and see that everyone has a different plan. Could you share how you started. I am not very active and spend lots of hours working at a computer.
Desperately needing to lose 40 kgs to start a new life.
Need your support and advice, please!
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