I just had my first weigh in at the doctors and i am a little disappointed i have lost 6kg in a month and a half and only have 2 weeks left on them before i go off them for 2 weeks and start again the March 1 but i wish i had lost more...
2tree said:
I just had my first weigh in at the doctors and i am a little disappointed i have lost 6kg in a month and a half and only have 2 weeks left on them before i go off them for 2 weeks and start again the March 1 but i wish i had lost more...
So is that like 6kg in 6 weeks...sounds pretty good to me. I've lost 9kg in 9 weeks and my doctor was really happy with that. The slower you lose the weight, as in 0.5-1kg per week, is healthy and more sustainable in the long run
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Smashsh said:
So is that like 6kg in 6 weeks...sounds pretty good to me. I've lost 9kg in 9 weeks and my doctor was really happy with that. The slower you lose the weight, as in 0.5-1kg per week, is healthy and more sustainable in the long run
Thats great i would b happy with that. Can i ask what your start weight was?
2tree said:
I just had my first weigh in at the doctors and i am a little disappointed i have lost 6kg in a month and a half and only have 2 weeks left on them before i go off them for 2 weeks and start again the March 1 but i wish i had lost more...
I started at 115 kg. Don't let it get you down, embrace what you have loss :innocent: make sure you take measurements because it's shows a bigger difference than the scales Hun :blush: I'm now down to 90 kg and going on to my fourth month. I had breaks also and still kept the weight off.
sofia-brook said:
I started at 115 kg. Don't let it get you down, embrace what you have loss :innocent: make sure you take measurements because it's shows a bigger difference than the scales Hun :blush: I'm now down to 90 kg and going on to my fourth month. I had breaks also and still kept the weight off.
Thats great hopefully u will get to your goal and b able to maintain it!
2tree said:
I just had my first weigh in at the doctors and i am a little disappointed i have lost 6kg in a month and a half and only have 2 weeks left on them before i go off them for 2 weeks and start again the March 1 but i wish i had lost more...
Why would you be disappointed? You lost weight! Right! You didn't gain, you lost 6 kilos!!! That's massive!! Go into your pantry get out a kilo of sugar and look at it, you lost 6 of them!! Be proud!!! Well done! :bomb::bomb::bomb::party::party::party:6 kilos gone that aren't there anymore VANISHED !!!!
2tree said:
I just had my first weigh in at the doctors and i am a little disappointed i have lost 6kg in a month and a half and only have 2 weeks left on them before i go off them for 2 weeks and start again the March 1 but i wish i had lost more...

That is actually great, that is 6kg in 6 weeks !!! That is a win. Remember all duromine does is help with hunger, you did the work to loose that amount, and you should be really happy about that.

While you are on the off time, stick to your routines you picked up during the one time.

Also, remember Duromine take a little while to get out of your system. When I first start, I take it every day for a week, then I take every second day, it makes the script last longer and I still get the same benefit. I talked to my doctor about it and she said, yes it stays in your system so my plan is working (cue evil laugh) ;)

Your journey is just beginning, and you are well on your way.

Congratulations on the 6kg loss. (go and pick up something that weighs 6kg to give you a real sense of your weight loss)
Smashsh said:
So is that like 6kg in 6 weeks...sounds pretty good to me. I've lost 9kg in 9 weeks and my doctor was really happy with that. The slower you lose the weight, as in 0.5-1kg per week, is healthy and more sustainable in the long run
So true!:sun: Usually we lose the most during the first week and it's mostly water weight. Losing 1 - 1,5 kilograms per week is absolutely fine and can be considered a healthy weight loss. :) However, if you still want to speed things up, add some cardio workouts to your weekly routine.
How was your second month on Duromine? You can share your second month's experience here.
Hey everyone I have just signed up for this forum and really need some help please...
I have been on duromine 40mg for 6 weeks now and have only lost 2 kg‍♀️ .. I have not been eating much at all just have breakfast (porridge) ans then nothing til dinner which are small portions now. Have lots of energy and just keep on going to no avail.. I do drink 1 lts of water diluted with diet free cordial..
Any suggestions would be amazing
It seems that your metabolism slowed down a bit. I think you need to eat more often and in small portions.
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Hi everyone!

I just finished month 2 on Duromine (15mg in month 1 and 30mg in month 2 and 3)

I definitely see a decrease in appetite, no cravings and making better food choices while on Duromine, however after 2 months I haven’t lost any weight.

Before Duromine I was working out 1 - 3 times a week. In the last 2 months, I’ve increased that to 5 - 6 times per week.
I bought a big water bottle to make sure I drink lots of water.
I’ve made sure to eat enough; not too little, not too much. I haven’t cut out any food groups, but rather focused on increasing certain groups like fruit, vegetables, protein and decreasing things like sugar and simple carbs. Just for context, I don’t drink or eat junk / fast food.

I’ve also made it my goal to get those 10 000 steps a day and even though I’m working from home, I’ll make sure to pace around or walk on the spot while I’m watching a show for example.

So yeah bit disappointed that I haven’t lost any weight! On the scale or with my clothes.

I don’t have any medical conditions and I’m not on any other medication.
I will say that I have a pretty stressful job, but surely that can’t be the reason for not losing even 1kg in 2 months.
This is the most consistent I’ve ever been with eating, exercise, water etc. and I am tracking what I’m doing so I don’t overestimate the effort I’m putting in.
My mother had excellent results on Duromine.
Marija S said:
Hi everyone!

I just finished month 2 on Duromine (15mg in month 1 and 30mg in month 2 and 3)

I definitely see a decrease in appetite, no cravings and making better food choices while on Duromine, however after 2 months I haven’t lost any weight.

Before Duromine I was working out 1 - 3 times a week. In the last 2 months, I’ve increased that to 5 - 6 times per week.
I bought a big water bottle to make sure I drink lots of water.
I’ve made sure to eat enough; not too little, not too much. I haven’t cut out any food groups, but rather focused on increasing certain groups like fruit, vegetables, protein and decreasing things like sugar and simple carbs. Just for context, I don’t drink or eat junk / fast food.

I’ve also made it my goal to get those 10 000 steps a day and even though I’m working from home, I’ll make sure to pace around or walk on the spot while I’m watching a show for example.

So yeah bit disappointed that I haven’t lost any weight! On the scale or with my clothes.

I don’t have any medical conditions and I’m not on any other medication.
I will say that I have a pretty stressful job, but surely that can’t be the reason for not losing even 1kg in 2 months.
This is the most consistent I’ve ever been with eating, exercise, water etc. and I am tracking what I’m doing so I don’t overestimate the effort I’m putting in.
My mother had excellent results on Duromine.
Hi Marija,

You sound like you are doing everything right, and I know you may be disappointed by 1kg loss, but there may be many factors, and everything may start to click into place.

1 - The change to 30mg will help, BUT remember Duromine simply decreases your hunger, it doesn't do anything else. It helps you control your intake, portion control etc.

2 - You have increased your work outs, are your workouts muscle building or simply cardio? Because if they are muscle building, this may account for 1kg (Get your dietician or GP to check your fat levels - when I was on Duromine, I got tested once a month) and lost fat around the stomach area, which was great.

3 - Great effort on the diet, this is the key to it all, and you may be starting to see the benefits. I cut out all sugar 100% (not fruit), it was horrible, I loved my sugar, I just didn't realise how much sugar was in everyday food, and the shear volume I was consuming, but as soon as I did that, I went from 147kg to 107kg (over 2 years), NOT with Duromine as I was only on it for a few months, but that did kick start my new eating habits.

Keep up what you are doing, the next month might change everything, and this is a long term change, my biggest fear was putting it back on, so my focus changed to not putting on weight, I see tiny losses now, but as long as it's not a gain, I am happy.

Keep strong and keep going :)
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ShelleyBris said:
Hi Marija,

You sound like you are doing everything right, and I know you may be disappointed by 1kg loss, but there may be many factors, and everything may start to click into place.

1 - The change to 30mg will help, BUT remember Duromine simply decreases your hunger, it doesn't do anything else. It helps you control your intake, portion control etc.

2 - You have increased your work outs, are your workouts muscle building or simply cardio? Because if they are muscle building, this may account for 1kg (Get your dietician or GP to check your fat levels - when I was on Duromine, I got tested once a month) and lost fat around the stomach area, which was great.

3 - Great effort on the diet, this is the key to it all, and you may be starting to see the benefits. I cut out all sugar 100% (not fruit), it was horrible, I loved my sugar, I just didn't realise how much sugar was in everyday food, and the shear volume I was consuming, but as soon as I did that, I went from 147kg to 107kg (over 2 years), NOT with Duromine as I was only on it for a few months, but that did kick start my new eating habits.

Keep up what you are doing, the next month might change everything, and this is a long term change, my biggest fear was putting it back on, so my focus changed to not putting on weight, I see tiny losses now, but as long as it's not a gain, I am happy.

Keep strong and keep going :)
Thank you for the inputs Shelley.

Good suggestion on cutting out sugar, I do have a sweet tooth and although I have cut down on sugar, it might be time to cut it out completely and see if it makes a difference.

Workouts are mostly cardio with light weights, but I focus on doing longer workouts now so that I am in "fat burning" mode longer i.e. keeping my heart rate up. Whereas before I used to do shorter workouts.

Onto month 3!

Thanks for your advice!
Marija S said:
Thank you for the inputs Shelley.

Good suggestion on cutting out sugar, I do have a sweet tooth and although I have cut down on sugar, it might be time to cut it out completely and see if it makes a difference.

Workouts are mostly cardio with light weights, but I focus on doing longer workouts now so that I am in "fat burning" mode longer i.e. keeping my heart rate up. Whereas before I used to do shorter workouts.

Onto month 3!

Thanks for your advice!
Post up again after month 3 :blush:

I really hope that the combination you have put together really starts to kick in, I am honest enough to say my exercise is limited, due to long work days and laziness, but I have started to add in 15 minutes a day of walking and stretching and building on it, so I think your exercise routine is amazing, I wish I was that dedicated to exercise, but I will get there, I am more of a team sport type of person, but I live in the bush so there is no team sport here.

I cut out all processed sugar, BUT, I have a really big sweet tooth, so I had to satisfy that with fruit, not over the top, but enough to stop me reaching for lollies (OMG I used to reach for them a lot), which were achilles' heel :LLL
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Hi everyone,

Just wanted to do a quick check in with a progress photo from today (please excuse the underwear).

I think I’m nearing the end of my 7th week, though I took probably about a week off Duromine because I had a really nasty cold and wanted to get adequate rest and not over stress my body while I was getting better (not covid haha). In that time, I put about 1.5kg on due to not caring about my diet while sick, but it all came back off the next week. I even managed to lose 2.2kg over Christmas even though I didn’t watch what I was eating - though in saying that, I did pay attention to portion size.

Anyway! I am officially 10kg down at almost the end of 7 weeks, from 93kg to 83kg!! I’m pretty stoked! Also, I am really glad that I took a starting photo of myself, because when I compare today’s photo to it, I am starting to see a bit of a change and that’s pretty damn motivating.

Wishing everyone the best for the new year!! Xx
Bam Bam said:
Hi everyone,

Just wanted to do a quick check in with a progress photo from today (please excuse the underwear).

I think I’m nearing the end of my 7th week, though I took probably about a week off Duromine because I had a really nasty cold and wanted to get adequate rest and not over stress my body while I was getting better (not covid haha). In that time, I put about 1.5kg on due to not caring about my diet while sick, but it all came back off the next week. I even managed to lose 2.2kg over Christmas even though I didn’t watch what I was eating - though in saying that, I did pay attention to portion size.

Anyway! I am officially 10kg down at almost the end of 7 weeks, from 93kg to 83kg!! I’m pretty stoked! Also, I am really glad that I took a starting photo of myself, because when I compare today’s photo to it, I am starting to see a bit of a change and that’s pretty damn motivating.

Wishing everyone the best for the new year!! Xx
I can see the results, Bam Bam, and it's a great job! :party::party::party: You should be proud of yourself:bomb:
How do you feel now, when you weigh 10 kilograms less? Did you take 15, 30, or 40 mg?
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