Kate said:
Hello, Catharina ;)

First of all, you should know that you must never take pills when drinking alcohol, or vice versa. These two are not to be combined. Although some people may say it is OK to take pills and then drink alcohol, it is not! Your liver is under greater stress that ever. So, I hope you did a break on Duromine that weekend when you were drinking (also depends on what drinks you were taking). If not, you might feel fine, but it could be the reason the pills did not provide appetite suppression anymore...I would suggest you check our forum topics carefully, as there is so plenty information on the subject you are interested in. For example: how to take the pills, at what time, what and how much food to eat, what exercises to do to increase the weight loss effect, etc.

Speaking of 'eating like crazy' - I am sure everyone here undestands you very well (including myself), but if you set a proper eating regimen (3-5 small meals a day) you may notice your appetite decreased and soon you will see the first results. I'd say start with this. Again. And better start your weight loss diary - recording there every single calorie you put in your mouth and your physical activity (you might be surprised to see you were consuming greater/or/lesser amount of calories than you thought). Also, my advice is to take Duromine pill early in the morning, at the same time every day.

So, I hope my small tips were useful and you will find your personal plan soon. Give yourself a week and if nothing changes - write here or visit your GP (and do not increase the dose on your own please).

Best wishes

HEY Kate,
Thanks for small tips. Sure im gonna try everything possible. For the beggining i stoped alkohol and i see already a bit better results. I know i have to be very patient but i think i just need support. I think the hardest will be first 2 days for the start after shall be easy. I think that maybe woman period has some kind of effect on duromine. Cause of period. Anybody has experience with that??? Thanks :)^^
Hi Catharina, ive been following your posts to help get duromine and noticed you got a prescription from the dr but bought from duromines.com... was there a reason you didnt just get it from a pharmacy? I couldnt get a prescription from my dr as he is against it even though im bmi of 34 and am so worried duromines.com could be a scam. Goodluck with your weightloss pls keep us posted with how the pill works for you xx
jessbones said:
Hi Catharina, ive been following your posts to help get duromine and noticed you got a prescription from the dr but bought from duromines.com... was there a reason you didnt just get it from a pharmacy? I couldnt get a prescription from my dr as he is against it even though im bmi of 34 and am so worried duromines.com could be a scam. Goodluck with your weightloss pls keep us posted with how the pill works for you xx

Hey Jess..ya i know im sorry i was not clear.i will post now on blog what was it about :)
Hi everyone...
Am on 30mg. I started 8 days ago and now i dont have all the side effects except dry mouth. Is the medicine not working on my body any more? I kind of wanting to eat more now...
The pass few days ago while on the pill it was great not wanting to eat..
Am worried if its not working on me anymore. I could even sleep in the afternoon please help
Hi Zie,

Probably to early to tell after only 8 days. Keep on trucking :)

Most of my side effects went after a week or two aswell. That's pretty normal for lots of people. Really wish the energy had continued though as I only got that extra buzz for the first day :rolleyes:

You say you are "kind of wanting to eat more". Is that because you are hungry? Or is it because you are bored and that's what you were used to doing?

If it's because you are hungry, maybe try eatting more filling low GI foods to keep you fuller for longer?? That's healthy and how you will maintain after you stop taking Duromine. :)

If it's because you are bored then you will need will power. Maybe try a a carrot or something with crunch. A big glass of water. Going for a short walk to take your mind off it??? These can also be effective :)

The fact you still have a dry mouth would indicate to me the Duromine is still working (unless you've always had a dry mouth even before starting Duromine)

Even on Duromine, we all still have the ability to walk to our panty and grab a piece of chocolate, it's US (not the Duromine) that make the decision whether we choose to eat it or not! ;)

Keep Going!!
Stay Positive!!
Remain Focused!!

zie34 said:
Hi everyone...
Am on 30mg. I started 8 days ago and now i dont have all the side effects except dry mouth. Is the medicine not working on my body any more? I kind of wanting to eat more now...
The pass few days ago while on the pill it was great not wanting to eat..
Am worried if its not working on me anymore. I could even sleep in the afternoon please help
Hi, zie34
I guess it's just your body got used to the pills, doesn't mean they stopped working. Try to take the pill at the same time daily so that you can feel the same appetite suppressant effect. And think positively - the power of thought is huge, so keep thinking that you are losing weight and you will lose weight. Just don't stop yet. Good luck!
IWantToBeHappy said:
Hi Zie,

Probably to early to tell after only 8 days. Keep on trucking :)

Most of my side effects went after a week or two aswell. That's pretty normal for lots of people. Really wish the energy had continued though as I only got that extra buzz for the first day :rolleyes:

You say you are "kind of wanting to eat more". Is that because you are hungry? Or is it because you are bored and that's what you were used to doing?

If it's because you are hungry, maybe try eatting more filling low GI foods to keep you fuller for longer?? That's healthy and how you will maintain after you stop taking Duromine. :)

If it's because you are bored then you will need will power. Maybe try a a carrot or something with crunch. A big glass of water. Going for a short walk to take your mind off it??? These can also be effective :)

The fact you still have a dry mouth would indicate to me the Duromine is still working (unless you've always had a dry mouth even before starting Duromine)

Even on Duromine, we all still have the ability to walk to our panty and grab a piece of chocolate, it's US (not the Duromine) that make the decision whether we choose to eat it or not! ;)

Keep Going!!
Stay Positive!!
Remain Focused!!


Yes i think thats what exactly hapoen.. was bored hehehe... thank you so much for your advise... i really appreciate it..
Kate said:
Hi, zie34
I guess it's just your body got used to the pills, doesn't mean they stopped working. Try to take the pill at the same time daily so that you can feel the same appetite suppressant effect. And think positively - the power of thought is huge, so keep thinking that you are losing weight and you will lose weight. Just don't stop yet. Good luck!
Hi Kate,
Thank you so much for your support! I will apply the rule of being positive which is very important rule of life too.

Appreciate your kind reply
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zie34 said:
Hi Kate,
Thank you so much for your support! I will apply the rule of being positive which is very important rule of life too.

Appreciate your kind reply
I sometimes find it difficult to stay positive if I look at how much I still have to lose and what a long road is laying in front of me. But this forum helps so much. I also found a facebook page. Not sure if I am allowed to post it but you can check out "The healthy mummy & lose weight support group" It is an Australian support group and the ladies there have so much advice. Hoping they will inspire me to start exercising!
Janine C said:
I sometimes find it difficult to stay positive if I look at how much I still have to lose and what a long road is laying in front of me. But this forum helps so much. I also found a facebook page. Not sure if I am allowed to post it but you can check out "The healthy mummy & lose weight support group" It is an Australian support group and the ladies there have so much advice. Hoping they will inspire me to start exercising!
Thanks Janine,
I know right... sometime we just need to be more focus whenever our will power about to break hahahhaa... i just have to think how disappointed n a waste of us taking D if we didnt have that will power.

Cheers Janine

IWantToBeHappy said:
Thats true...

Tq dear...

I am very happy that now i have more will power and everytime i weight myself i keep saying good bye to my old weight number and say hello for a while to the new number.

Loosing every gram everyday now... if i keep adding the number of grams weekly it will be more than a kg every week.

Getting closer and closer to achieve my goal!! Yeayyyy!!!
zie34 said:
Thanks Janine,
I know right... sometime we just need to be more focus whenever our will power about to break hahahhaa... i just have to think how disappointed n a waste of us taking D if we didnt have that will power.

Cheers Janine
I would not have gotten this far without the advice and support of this Forum. Today I did a 20 minute walk!! Small steps but getting there.
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Janine C said:
I would not have gotten this far without the advice and support of this Forum. Today I did a 20 minute walk!! Small steps but getting there.
Hoorayyy!!! U go girl! Keep it up! Every bit count!
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zie34 said:
Thats true...

Tq dear...

I am very happy that now i have more will power and everytime i weight myself i keep saying good bye to my old weight number and say hello for a while to the new number.

Loosing every gram everyday now... if i keep adding the number of grams weekly it will be more than a kg every week.

Getting closer and closer to achieve my goal!! Yeayyyy!!!
Keep it up ;)
Hi all - taking 30 mg. exercising 45min - 2 hours a day, healthy eating, and drinking tons of water but am now heavier than when I started... Please don't tell me this doesn't work for some people... It was my last resort. Getting tears here...
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Ohh snap!! Day 4 and I gained 500grams!!
Didn't eat much etc but it's normal to go up and down with our weight so I guess that's why they say don't weigh yourself everyday .... Can't help myself though!!
I'm not worried as it will go down and not gone up because I ate junk or tons of food etc.
Don't stress it will go back down and could even have a bigger jump down when you least expect it
Keep going and it will work xxx
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Thank you so much for the encouragemebt
Vix said:
Ohh snap!! Day 4 and I gained 500grams!!
Didn't eat much etc but it's normal to go up and down with our weight so I guess that's why they say don't weigh yourself everyday .... Can't help myself though!!
I'm not worried as it will go down and not gone up because I ate junk or tons of food etc.
Don't stress it will go back down and could even have a bigger jump down when you least expect it
Keep going and it will work xxx
thank you so much for the encouragement
Don't stress and don't weigh in every day! I've lost 20kg in 4 months and only weigh once a week as I found the daily fluctuations ruined my motivation. I have to say I often don't feel amazing on duromine, it was quite intense at first and I still have side effects, just more mild than the start. But it's worked and I have 10kg more to lose so I'm just keeping pushing on.
You muxt feel AMAZING Lucy...!!

Madaselle.. perhaps youve lost fat and gained muscle?? I didn't do so well on 30mg.. prescribed 40mg after week 3 and lost 2.9kg in one week with the 40mg.. stay focused on the duration...

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