Duromine Day 4

I have to say, before I started taking this medication I was a bit skeptical. I'd read so many negative stories and opinions, but I decided to give it a go for myself. When I was 17 I weighed a healthy 68 kilos. (I'm 175cm tall)..... 6 years on I was 92kg. It had slowly crept up on me. It wasn't that I ate bad.. My diet has always been fairly, it was the lack of exercise. I could never bring myself to work out. I was always tired, never had the motivation.
When I first my amazing partner, I was around 80kilos. After we moved out together we loved to cook and enjoy meals. We would eat well, just WAY too much. I started to get really down when I'd see myself in photos, he told
me I was beautiful every single day, I was happy and comfortable. Losing weight was not a top priority for me at that point. I had the ' you only live once ' attitude. Which now I see very differently. We then set a date for our wedding and I dreaded wedding dress shopping! How could I ever look beautiful in a wedding dress?! I found the perfect dressing very quickly. And had to get it ordered in as they can take up to 5 months to arrive. I was measured. Normally I wear a size 16. My wedding dress was ordered in a size 20. I paid for my dress and left the store almost in tears. How could I have let this happen?! I need to do something NOW. From that moment I started eating smaller meals, more regularly. I started working out.. A few weeks went by and I'd lost nothing. I was disheartened, but determined not to give up! After a few more weeks I realised I'd lost a couple of kilos. I was ecstatic! That only gave me motivation to work harder... Eating healthy during the day at work was easy. The hardest part was at night. Normally I'd have a big meal and relax with a full belly. Dinner is now my smallest meal of the day. I make sure I eat before 7. I'm usually in bed by 9 - with hunger pains. Anyway I went to my doctor to talk to her about taking Duromine. Doctors here are not a fan of the drug! She weighed me (I'd lost 4 kilos) and agreed to prescribe me a one month supply of the 30mg. For one month only. No repeats she said. I was grateful. I think she thought I was going to take it as the easy way out, instead of dieting and exercising as well. But I want to do it the right way. Duromine is 'helping' me, not 'doing it all for me' I'm now on day 4 and I am extremely happy with this drug! The first day I was a little jittery with no appetite whatsoever. I made myself eat 3 meals and 2 snacks as I normally would, even though I didn't enjoy one second of it, I thought of it as fuel for my body. The days after I'm not so jittery anymore and sometimes I get slight hunger pains, but they don't last long. I'm exercising 30 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes in the afternoon. Every now and then I skip the afternoon. I'm also carefull to do sit ups, push ups, weights etc to ensure I tone up and I'm not left with excess skin.

Progress so far.

Day 1: 88 kgs
Day 2: 87 kgs
Day 3: 86.5 kgs
Day 4: 85.5 kgs

I still have a long way to go.. I'm still 10 kilos off my healthy weight, and 15 kilos off my goal weight. But I'm so happy and proud of my progress so far. It just goes to show you can do anything you put your mind to! :) I'm so lucky to have an amazing fiancé who supports me, encourages me and tells me how proud he is every day. I'll post again on day 7 and let you guys know how I'm going. :)

-BrideToBe xxx.
Hi Bride to be,
congratulations on your weightloss:) how exciting your getting married wohoooo. I cant wait to get married, unfortunately i'm single atm, but i know one day ill meet someone special:)
good luck with your journey:)
Aww! Thank you so much :) its all a bit exciting :)! Of course you will meet someone special, when you least expect it ;). Really appreciate your message. Thank you. I hope all is well with you! Xo
Hi Bride To Be,
awwww off course it's exciting :) wedding planning is the best time for you to be creative and make your dream day come true with your family and friends support and guidance.
Let me know when you start trying on wedding dresses:) :) i'm excited for you haha. I already know in future I wanna have a garden wedding but I haven't thought of the dress haha.. Not sure when i'll meet my romeo LOL
My weight loss journey is slow, but starting from tomorrow ill get back into action :)
keep me posted on your progress and remember to stay positive to achieve your goal as best as you can xo
Hi BridToBe!!

Congratulations on your results & wedding! No doubt that you will look FANTASTIC and GORGEOUS in your wedding dress. You have an amazing partner too. If I had one... I wouldn't worry about anything anymore :p But to improve your self-esteem and more importantly your health, you got my full support. Stay positive like Nattynat says, and keep us posted on your journey!
So today is day 4 for me.. but ill start at day 1..
D1 got up at 7am had my duromine and started my day from there... i wasnt hungry at all but ate fruit throught the day when i remembered.. i felt fine all day really happy full of energy...went to bed slept fine until 2am.. woke up with stomach cramps so bad i was sick for 1 hour...
D2..3...4... convinced myself it was something to do with flushing my body out so took the tablet at 8am.. had a headache all day but.did a heap of exercise and drank a heap of water.. sorry for tmi,.but #2 is like water... is this normal.. and how much weight had you lost by now... im only eating healthy im exercising and drinj 1.8 litr of water a day but have lost 0.1kg ... ive lost a fair few cm and.going to the toilet a lot but the scales are not going down helllppp
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Firstly you need to eat more than you do now. Healthy but 3-4 times minimum! Do not do the common mistake. You've had those stomach cramps because of hunger I am sure. Especially if you exercise. Your body needs energy and nutrients to stay alive. I've told this, probably, a million times. Breakfast is a must! After the pill. Even if you don't feel hungry, you need to eat normally. Just make sure you cook healthy and you take the tiniest plate.Lunch and a couple of snacks. But you can miss the dinner though. Or make it the lighest meal. Like a fruit, or yogurt.
I eat 3 times a day. I've been going now for several weeks and I haven't missed a meal yet. Lost all but 5 kg so far and I'm happy with that. Hungry or not I eat. Between meals if I want something I nibble on half a small carrot. I'm eating around 1200-1350 calories a day roughly and I'm not hungry and have been losing steadily. I know the bit about going to the loo. All that water........geez do I go to the loo alot :)
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I started duromine on Monday, 30mg.. I took it and had a bit of a restless nights sleep, but last night was better :) I don't have any side effects except dry mouth and the sleep thing... Mostly I'm just blown away about how all my cravings have gone!!!! I have spent most of my mummy-life, organising kids, cleaning, working and going to gym....

And all this I tend not to eat all day till about 3pm then I eat a huge late lunch followed by huge dinner, followed by sweets with my partner when kids go to bed ! But since starting D I have made myself eat little breakfast and little bits through the day and dinner on small pate, and it's easy!! Which is so weird and fantastic!!! So yeah super blown away and happy ATM! I'm 169cm and started at 80kg (after birth of my third I was 97kg, and managed to get 17kg off but that was it due to my binge eating) and today I weigh 78kg!????? Omg I have not seen that number since high school!! Haha.

I love reading all the posts, it's very motivational... I would love to hear about everyone's eating plans, did anyone have trouble with not eating during the day and then binge eating -or is that just me *blush*?? And if you were a binge eater, did you manage to change your habits after the 3month script and keep your weight off??????
Good luck everyone :) xx
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You sound very positive and motivated, so half the battle is won ;-)
Eat 4-6 small meals a day, that may seem crazy but you need to fuel your body and get it out of starvation mode which only makes the body find any fat in your food when you binge and will keep it as much as possible, it will not let it go, thats where a lot of people get in trouble.

Start being accountable for your foods, processed food is a bad one, basically anything altered, refined, processed adds to your weight. Man, I really had a lot of trouble with my eating habits, I easily justified my food intake, I knew it was bad for me (but it tasted soooooo good), then after I ate it the guilt would hit me and I would get depressed. SO, I had a 'crack the poo' moment and starting eating things called Fruit, Veggies, Water, Wholemeal Bread etc I hated it (mentally) but after 2 weeks (without me really understanding why) my body started to crave these healthy options more and more. I started to watch what I was eating made my salads and cooked healthy at night. I have two kids under 7 so I really had to dig deep to get a new pattern happening when it came to meal time. Believe me, there were tears, and tantrums and slamming doors and yelling, and that was just me!

They say it takes 7 weeks to break a habit, Duromine gives you an extra 5 weeks on top of that, so see it as a bonus round ;-)
Exercise, eat right or at least start introducing better foods into your new lifestyle and look beyond the next 3 months of your course of tablets and you will do well. It's a mindset, and thats one of the biggest challenges you will face in your you life.

Rock on, stay fab :)
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Thanks Lanny!!! Awesome tips!! I actually make pretty good food choices.. But I eat WAY to much!! So that's my goal to learn to eat small and frequent!!
I so appreciate your support :)
Oh yeah.... I have been tracking on my fitness pal... Is it bad if I don't make 1200cal some days? Oh and do you feel really racey at gym, when you work out? I felt like my heart was crazy at gym yesterday!??
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Mumof3 said:
Thanks Lanny!!! Awesome tips!! I actually make pretty good food choices.. But I eat WAY to much!! So that's my goal to learn to eat small and frequent!!
I so appreciate your support :)

Oh yeah.... I have been tracking on my fitness pal... Is it bad if I don't make 1200cal some days? Oh and do you feel really racey at gym, when you work out? I felt like my heart was crazy at gym yesterday!??

Good to hear, big thing for me was eating on a regular basis. Personally, I hardly hit my required calorie intake, but I am aware of this and try and come close on most accounts. I say, if you feel full and satisfied (within reason) then it's okay.

At the gym I do HiiT (High intensity interval Training) for 30 mins on the elliptical which means I go hard for one minute and then slow for one minute (this alternates for the 30 mins), this ensures that my heart rates are always changing and I find it the most beneficial way to lose the Kgs. It puts your body in a guessing game and burns a lot of calories. But yes my heart rate does race at the gym, so monitor it and make sure that you are not getting dizzy etc. I also incorporate weights into my gym session, just so the weight loss is replaced by muscle tone. Seen a lot of people lose weight and just look gaunt, then I have seen people lose weight and trained with weights and it looks so much better.

I make no bones about it, gym can really suck, and there are times where I can convince myself not to go, do I fell guilt? Sure do, but I accept I am only human ;-)

Have fun at the gym and like you said you have only been on the tablet for a short while so I reckon that after a while you may feel different once the body accepts and changes to the new medicine.
Rock on, stay fab :)
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Lanny we have something in common :) I love weights too!!, and I have this picture of myself in my head (sometime next year) and I'm not skinny, but fit and strong!! So yeah weights and cardio for me!!
Another question, I haven't been to gym in 2 days, but I jumped on the scales this morning and I have put on 500grams!?? I'm sure I ate less than 1200 yesterday... I know I shouldn't be weighing everyday :/ is it normal to fluctuate while on D?

Thanks so so much for all your support and answers!!!
I would love to know how your journey is going?? Hitting your goals? Or reached them yet?
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Cool, you have the right attitude. Are you drinking heaps of water? Maybe water retention? This is your 5th day on Duromine yeah? Let it kick in, if you need to weigh yourself fair enough, I just cant do it, just does my head in. But what I do know is I have had to change my clothes size twice and I need to go down another size very soon, but guess what? My actual weight hasn't changed in 2 weeks! What does that tell ya :)

My journey won't stop, I have nearly got my mindset right, it's been two years in the making, it has been a gradual change for me, I will have another year to go, so this time next year is where I will be happy to just maintain, don't get me wrong, I'm happy now but thats just because of my attitude. I've got heaps of support from my family which is great, they are right behind me in this.

One thing I do have is a cheat day/meal, I give myself permission to eat without restrictions, it shocks the body, plus it's nice to have that feeling of knowing I am in control. BUT, the next day its back to my lifestyle of eating healthy and boosting the body with the right fuels and exercise ;-)
Rock on, stay fab ;-)
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Hi :)

My name is Kayla and I'm 23 years old.

Here is a quick run through my story.
I've always felt bigger than everyone else and after I left high school I did start to pile on some weight. At around 85kgs I went to the doctors and was prescribed reductil after requesting it. I think I only used it for a month and was going to the gym and starting to make healthy choices with my food. I continued with gym and I'm not sure of time frame but went on to lose 17 kgs and got down to 68 kgs.

At this time I decided to go to uni and couldn't afford my gym membership any more but it was okay I stayed at this weight.

It wasn't untill my relationship with my partner broke down and I stopped eating for months on end. I completely lost my appetite to eat and if I made myself eat I would often be often be sick. I dropped to about 60 kgs and was really quite tiny although I didn't see it.

Eventually I started to eat again and was going out drinking and partying. Obviously I gained some weight but it was such a bad thing as many people thought I was too thin from not eating.

Fast forward to now, roughly 4 or 5 years later and I weigh 112 kgs.

I've tried multiple times to start eating healthy like I used to or going to the gym and nothing sticks. I fee months ago I joined a crossfit gym and loved it due to the style of training but after 6 weeks of going and eating pretty good I still felt no difference although I was getting stronger.

So here I am now, day 4 of duromine 30 mgs. I have used it in the past but never stuck with it so obviously got no results. I'm determined to stick with it and I think having people on the same mission will help.

If you have managed to read the my essay length intro (i did really have the intention of keeping it short and sweet) please feel free to say hi.
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im looking forward to following your journey, really glad to have found this forum, i feel motivated and reallllly hoping for some of the great results i have seen:)
Hi, Kayla! Welcome to the forum. :)
I think you will achieve your goal anyways, because you've already had this experience in the past. So I wish you a good luck and patience, patience, patience ;););)
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Thank you for the encouragement :)

I found in the past that posting on forums like these and having buddies to talk to and be somewhat accountable to really helped.
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Hi Kayla,
I am new too (I start tomorrow). We're the same weight, and we both do crossfit! I'm a bit nervous about the side effects, but other than that, pumped to get my habits sorted for the long term. All the very best!
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Yay Hannahmaw :) I did my first workout tonight on duromine. I was a little nervous as I've been Naughty and not going consistently the past few weeks plus being on duromine but I was fine.

I'm sure you will be right, it affects everyone differently. I had a mild headache the first day but have been fine since then but have upped my water intake. I don't have an issue with sleeping, I do feel very awake but I'm able to switch my brain off.

Want to be my partner in crime?? With duromine and crossfit :)

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