Duromine and Other Side Effects



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Nov 20, 2013
Firstly wanted to thank all the people on this site for sharing their experiences - it has made me feel so much better. Wish I found this forum before reading lots of off-putting stories from google.

I am now on day 4 of Durmine. My mouth is constantly dry, experiencing a few headaches and I have woken up like clockwork at 3:30am for the last 3 nights running - i'm exhausted. Basically I just wanted to check it's all perfectly normal? I'm very new to this medication and it's worrying me a little just hoping you can put my mind at ease.

Any advise/help you could share would be very appreciated.

Morgan :)
Yes, insomnia and ehaustion are pretty "normal" side effects of the pills. Dry mouth too. Since you're only beginning, I wouldn't worry that much if I were you:)
Take care and have no side effects, looking forward to seeing your first results!
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Morgan said:
Firstly wanted to thank all the people on this site for sharing their experiences - it has made me feel so much better. Wish I found this forum before reading lots of off-putting stories from google.

I am now on day 4 of Durmine. My mouth is constantly dry, experiencing a few headaches and I have woken up like clockwork at 3:30am for the last 3 nights running - i'm exhausted. Basically I just wanted to check it's all perfectly normal? I'm very new to this medication and it's worrying me a little just hoping you can put my mind at ease.

Any advise/help you could share would be very appreciated.

Morgan :)

Hi Morgan, to avoid sleep deprivation i set my alarm for 3am take my duromine and jump back into bed. I fall asleep before 11pm.
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Thanks Kate! Can I ask you another question? My headaches are pretty bad despite drinking plenty of water! Is there any drama in having nurofen with duromine? I checked with my pharmacist and he said it would be fine? Just wondering if you had anyone have any trouble?

Thanks for the tip SonjaW :) I will give that a go!
Morgan said:
Thanks Kate! Can I ask you another question? My headaches are pretty bad despite drinking plenty of water! Is there any drama in having nurofen with duromine? I checked with my pharmacist and he said it would be fine? Just wondering if you had anyone have any trouble?

Thanks for the tip SonjaW :) I will give that a go!
Hello, darling. No, as far as I know painkillers are fine with Duromine. Because many of us had hadaches at certain period. The more so your pharmacist permitted.
Have been on Panbesy 15mg for three days and today is my 2nd day on Duromine 30mg. The dial on my weighing scale have not moved an inch.:( I have been drinking almost 3L of water throughout the day and eating 3 to 4 small meals a day (excluding fried foods etc.). Have also started to increase my physical activity gradually like yoga.

Am wondering if I am still eating too much or I should incorporate MORE workouts? I really do want to experience the rush of weight loss everyone here has been talking about!

Positive thing is that I have not experienced any side effects so far (touch wood!) except for dry mouth and restless sleep - both of which are quite manageable to me. However, I realised today my hair seems to be falling more often than usual (not sure if its paranoia :p). I also noticed that I am still feeling hungry and if I ate a full meal, I get a dull ache in my tummy. In addition, I feel kinda gassy too:oops:

I wonder how much of what I am feeling is in my head or 'real' effects from Duromine
Hi Eneres, it is not a good idea to weigh yourself every day. Rather try to do a weigh inn once a week, and also keep track of cm loss - sometimes it tells a better story than the scales! Keep at it, and you should also see an improvement with the side effects,although it seems you are doing quite well. They do get better after a few days!;)

Stay strong and keep us posted please!
Let your clothes be the deciding factor if you are losing weight, scales will do your head in. Once a week is enough if you need to see body weight adjustments. Like stated, measure yourself, great way of indications.

Rock on stay fab ;-)
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Hey Audrey3!
Appreciate your advice and encouragement!

I did not tell anyone (not even family) that I am on Duromine as I know they would oppose. Hence it really means a lot to know that there is somewhere that I can go to for support and understanding! :)

Will keep you posted on my progress (hopefully!) next week!
Hey Lanny!

You are right I should let my clothes be the judge! I guess I have this tiny fear that my thinking that my clothes fit better now might be just psychological:p Seeing numbers on the weighing scale drop would serve as definitive proof that I am loosing weight haha!

I shall take both Audrey3 and your advice and only weigh myself ONCE a week :laughing:
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So I am on my 4th day...and started to experience more restless sleep. Last night, I went to bed at 12.30am and woke up at 3.15am wide awake! I did all that I could do - I took my pill at 7am (maybe I should take it earlier?!), I drank tons of water, and I made myself so tired during the day (e.g. yesterday I did an hour of hot yoga but instead of getting tired, I felt more awake! :mad:)

I feel my eyes are really puffy and dry from lack of sleep but physically I am filled with energy. I hope this sleeplessness gets better in time *sobs* I used to sleep like a baby.
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Am on my 13th day now. I think the effects of Duromine only just kicked in two days ago.
On my first week or so, I am still feeling famished all the time but two days ago, I actually felt myself feeling nauseated in the middle of my meal! And like what many here have shared, I find myself making a conscious effort to eat. Am also feeling a mix of fatigue and sleeplessness.

Am also actually feeling that I made the right choice with trying Duromine. I feel that ever since I started, I feel more motivated to make healthy food choices and make an effort to keep my physical efforts up - in part, for fear that if I do not try to have a lifestyle change, my weight will pile back on once I stop my course.
Good going! You will notice that once you get used to healthy food, you just do not want to eat any of the other unhealthy things. I was always unable to resist bread, but since I started on a low carb diet with very little bread (maybe once or twice a week), I do not even want to eat it any more!
As long as you change your lifestyle as well, the results you get from the Duromine should continue after you stop taking it.
End of Day 1 today on 40mg Duromine, have never been on it before. I'm 20 yrs 170cm and 88kg, goal weight 70kg. Took it at 5.30am and the only side effects I experienced were dry and weird taste in mouth and a bit spaced out. I weirdly didn't feel energized but a little dazed.
I'm worried about getting the whole racing heart and no sleep thing cause I get anxiety and worried this would exacerbate it. But so far so good, could actually even sleep right now, my appetite was MOSTLY suppressed but I'm sure that'll work its way in. Will my side effects most likely get worse in the week do you think?
What days were your worst in terms of side effects?
Hey I was on the 30mg and my worst side effects was from day 7 till day 10. I felt very very dizzy and tired which lead to headaches and then a bit of nausea I then decided to switch to 15mg which the effects were still there but not that severe im on day 12 and feel and sleep normal ...hope this helps
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The first 3 days I had a dry mouth and felt very energetic slept little but did get 6hours worth of sleep each night and then your heart that beats weird but that I could handle but like I said day 7 till 10 was the worse for me I felt extremely dizzy with headaches and nausea which made it extremely difficult for me to focus and study so I read someone else said something similar happened so they just went on 15mg so I decided to do that as well and the first 2 days on 15mg were still a bit effect but not that severe today and maybe yesterday was the first day I feel my normal self like no weird heart beats or extreme dry mouth and sleeplessness my appetite is still suppressed so that works for me.
Day 1-4 were my worst days. I had zero sleep the first 2 nights, 2-3 hrs the 3rd night and around 4 hrs the 4th night but after that i have slept all night. I have a dry mouth and no extra energy actually feel more tired. I take my tablet between 4:30 & 5 am. I have been on duromine 40mg for 2 weeks
I've been on the pill for about 20yrs with only a couple of brief times off it, and never had any issues, until now. I've had my period 3 times in the past 6 wks and I've been on 30mg D for about 2 months now. I've lost 6kg in that time, which I wouldn't have thought would have affected my period, especially considering I'm on the pill. Felt massive sugar cravings this morning and couldn't figure out why, until the Red Baron arrived this arvo. Anyone else experiencing period havoc as well?

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