Duromine And Driving?



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Jan 21, 2015
Most likely a stupid question, Does anyone know if you got drug tested by the police while driving if it would show up positive? ?
millykat said:
Most likely a stupid question, Does anyone know if you got drug tested by the police while driving if it would show up positive? ?
Yes positive for 'amphetamines' so u need proof the meds r urs & ur taking the amount prescribed by ur doctor
Duromine is NOT an amphetamine!! Hello! The effect is similar, but coffee has that "driving" effect as well for somebody, so what?
Shayedoux, are you a doctor or something to say such things??
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Duromine will show up as amphetamine in your blood, Shayedoux is correct. Actually, cathine, khat, ecstacy (MDMA) and even some cold medicine (containing pseudoephedrine) will result in a false positive for amphetamine abuse. The reason for this is down to the molecular structure of phentermine - it is extremely similar to amphetamine and drug tests are designed to detect base amphetamine - in other words, any molecule similarly structured to amphetamine will be picked up. Drug tests are not so advanced to detect the tiny differences in molecular structure yet. Consume enough poppy seeds and someone will be able to pick up heroin in your blood. Same principle.

You can safely take a drug test about 4 days after your last Duromine pill, but it also depends on how fast your body metabolizes the drug. You can also drink lots of coffee as it "washes" the Duromine out your system. You should be safe if you keep your prescription around with you.
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What is your concern here?
Whilst Phentermine is not methamphetamine - they do share very similar chemistry.

Even if it does produce a positive in a road-side police drug test, it needs to be confirmed by proper laboratory testing. In that it will definitely confirm what it is, so the risk of actually being charged is slim. May disrupt your evening though.
My doctor has given me a letter just in case but I wonder if anyone has been into the same trouble.
I was worried about that too because Im looking for a job in mining so I will get a letter from my Doctor too! Good Advice!
I was wondering how I was going to declare a drug close to an amphetamine I wonder if it does show up as a positive

I am new here, and been browsing. :) The answer is yes it's a good chance it will show up in the initial drug test (IE road side or on site basic tests - mouth swab or urine test), BUT as soon as it goes to the labs it will all be OK.

I have conducted millions of these test at mine sites and part of the process is you tell them what you are taking that could cause a positive result. It does go out of the system in a couple of days, so if you are really worried about the mining clearance test, go off it for a few days do the test and then re-commence.

But a letter is really good as a back up.

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millykat said:
Most likely a stupid question, Does anyone know if you got drug tested by the police while driving if it would show up positive? ?
Hey millykat i got swabbed yesterday and came up positive for amphetamine . I havent taken anything other than duromine so if anyone says it wont show up they are full of shit .im living proof of it .
what did you do when the swab came up positive? did you say you were on Duromine?
Wouldn't have a clue. But I would like to know. It has phentermine so shouldn't it ???
JuliaV said:
Just show script or medication :grinning:
Ahh just curious... Some said no others said yes!!
Salilove said:
Weird random... Does duro come up on drug test with police?
I have been tested once while I have been on it but nothing come up. So I guess no.
Salilove said:
Weird random... Does duro come up on drug test with police?
I have been tested once while on it and nothing came up :) I's say your safe ;)
millykat said:
Most likely a stupid question, Does anyone know if you got drug tested by the police while driving if it would show up positive? ?

cassieriordan said:
Thats RIDICULOUS!! there are NO amphetamines in duromine. Many years ago there were but not now.
Duromine is synthetic speed. Always has been still that now.

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