• Author Leigh'sgottalottolose
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  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Decided enough is enough... Be it WEATHER , {to hot to cold }...TIMING, {Too early ,too late ,not enough time in the day }....Be it FATIGUE , {Too tired, Headache, lactic acid, insomnia}....
BLAH BLAH BLAH..... spent my Saturday being productive, in the garage.... Found our exercise bike, dumbbells, exercise ball, steps, and pilates mat ,and skipping rope,elastic band ,and added them to the rowing machine and Treadmill in the lounge area... GOT OUR VERY OWN HOME GYM GOING ON !! lol ....Took the books off the lower part of the book shelf in that area, and rolled up some towels ,and placed them on the shelf, added our trainers, and water bottles, and dumbbells on to the shelves as well...MOVED the Treadmill and Rower, {that was a work out in it's itself,haha}to face the tv screen , Found the lap top stand to place in front of the exercise bike incase I need to google something while I am cycling , heehee , Plugged in the Apple I pod to hear some gr8 motivating tunes while sweating up a storm {hopefully }SO no excuses that I cannot be involved with the outside world at the same time I am exercising , I am being social, just on social media instead of speaking and huffing and puffing while speaking to someone in the gym , and the MOST IMPORTANT thing I will be doing is to make a sign that says "DEAR TEENAGER, AND HUBBY ,DO NOT DISTURB ME FOR THE NEXT HOUR please ".."if you would like to ask me something please Phone me , text me, or email me ,Thank you ".."IF IT IS FOOD YOU ARE WANTING ,HELP yourself ,see you in an hour" ...... MAY YOU ALL HAVE A SUCCESSFUL WEEK AHEAD ,no matter how negative your day is or if the people around you are ,KEEP GOING , stay positive, stay motivated, one step at a time , and breath, and "think thin ..."
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I decided to separate the stretch mat for pilates ,and the dumbbells ,skipping rope and elastic band with the exercise ball and steps upstairs where it is a big area and very quiet ..and kept the cardio machines down stairs ,as a gym would have there's separate, this way I do not feel overwhelmed by all of it , lol and can just focus on the one routine for the day ,cannot wait to start and try it all out ..Started doing wall push ups in the shower and squats while I cook dinner, looks so funny but works like a charm ... GOTTA KEEP MOVING ..
I'm hearing you loud and clear.
Have dusted off the treadmill and was surprised it did not blow up with the shock of being turned on. LOL . Have weights, a skipping rope and mats. All in the bungalow with a TV and many fitness DVDs. Water bottle and runners at the ready . I can go in, have peace and quiet and watch a TV show while walking or doing my fitted routine. Am missing the fit ball. Need to get a new one as the old ones got used in the backyard trampoline by the kids and have long been ruined.
Rode my new bike to the shops instead of getting in the car today as well.
New Misfit movement tracker completes the package.
I figure that if I cannot be bothered to get moving at home there is no way I am going to be bothered to go to a gym to get myself moving.
I am also very good at wasting a gym membership. I start well then taper off. Then am too embarrassed to return because I have been away.
AWESOME Smick .. .. I just need to get that Misfit tracker now, then I am sure , there will nothing else I will need to stay fit and trim and healthy, good on you for taking your bike out to the shops, total midshift hey ? so cool , to hear how we are al progressing week by week and day by day, even when we fall back two steps ,we gain four when our mind sets are challenged and beaten .. we can do this ..would love some tips and ideas on work outs you might have that really work well ,will let you know if I come across any that target areas you might be interested in..I am looking to do an overall tone and cm loss on my whole body, I seem to lose weight from head to toe, instead of face and boobs first, and so far since I have been measuring myself consistently{every two weeks }I noticed the fatter and bigger areas on my body seem to be the biggest loss for a change too ....WHICH IS ENCOURAGING, hope it remains this way .. "ENJOY your home gym " and glad the Treadmill is in working order, and did not blow up ..hahaha ! chat soon ..
Fantastic I wish I lived close so we. Could star our own work out class... Yep so glad the tread mill didn't blow up Sharon lol ;) .. Isn't it funny we all have this gym equipment with dust on it :oops: Lol I'm gonna dust mine off this week too :)
The treadmill LOL. A few years ago my hubby found a guy who has a business buying old exercise equipment off people. He said so many of them are hardly used and gathering dust and people are glad to get rid of them for next to nothing as they feel guilty for not using them and want them out of the way.
We have a storage unit for our work documents and I have a rower stored there. I really don't think I would use it that much though. Maybe, soon, I will get the fitness bug and it will seem attractive to me?
I have found that I prefer to exercise with a purpose. A walk or ride around the lake or to the shops. If I am on the treadmill, it seems to take forever. Half an hour on the treadmill feels the same as 90 mins on the bike or walking. I really enjoyed my bike ride today. If I enjoy it I will keep doing it.
As far as other exercise goes. I enjoy pilates and I have found 'Leslie Sansone Walk Away the Pounds' DVDs are easy to get into. You don't have to be too flexible or coordinated to do them.
Smick I so can relate to you saying you like to be outdoors and have a purpose when exercising..I used to be like that too, it is gr8 that you getting out, fresh air, sun , shopping and exercising all at the same time, I usually do this with my family on weekends, we love doing trails , so that is my outdoor "go to place" in the week "life is just so busy , and unpredictable, but I have changed my mindset from those thoughts stop being an obstacle in my life , and that is why I brought the gym and outdoors INTO my home, lol ,WATCHING a movie, or even the news gets me going on my treadmill, and on days when I wake up and I KNOW I am going to struggle mentally with my exercise, and the duration of it, I put in a cd of the biggest loser, to get me motivated ..I also want to say that exercise in itself is with purpose ,I used to feel guilty for giving "me "some time in the gym, or doing pilates at home ,when I could be doing something constructive in the house , but lately I have accepted that I need "me time " too, just like my family has their own personal time doing what they love ,we become better functioning people when we look after our health and we are able to give more of ourselves to our family ,I sometimes wonder if many of us, being so overweight at our age, has to do with us not being true to ourselves, and giving ourselves a break and looking after ourselves too, and not just our family ,and right now I am working on not feeling guilty about it, nobody else makes us feel guilty, or even stops us, we do ..I so want to overcome these issues and train of thought as they al ladd to my weight gain subconsciously , I feel since I have been on D it has opened my mind to rethinking about my self not just with my eating patterns, and bad eating habits but my thoughts and reasoning why I should not or think I can't, or won't succeed, No day is the same, but if one can keep going and get through those of days by using the tools one has nothing can stop us ,as it has in the past... I challenge you to get on your treadmill every other day, watch a program , movie you love and those 30 min or 60 min will be like 5 minutes, we just need to find what motivates us and works for us, it's sounds like you have ,:) I just suggest you do the treadmill , for those rainy days or cold days that you cannot cycle outdoors, as one does not want to lose fitness ,especially when it takes so much effort and hours to get there right ? so glad we have each other on this journey, I love your suggestion on Leslie Sansone DvD will look out for it , I am using Joanne Halls "drop a size for life "one at the moment for the Treadmill, and Pilates for weight loss by Elise Watts,she targets specific areas, but I am open to anyone elses ideas too, so thank you for sharing Leslie Sansons work outs, MAY YOUR WEEK AHEAD be a good one ,and may you have super blue sky weather to keep pedaling;) !!

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