Update on everything

hey everyone I found out today I am having a baby boy everything looks healthy as can be so excited me and my partner are very happy it's a boy now we can start buying clothes and thinking off baby names and telling people

That's the belly shot taken yesterday sorry not wearing much but only way you's can see I don't have a big bump yet but it's slowly growing now


HEeeeeey Sammy!!! I was so looking forward to your next update! Thank you dear for this lovely news! Congratulations on having a healthy baby boy! You will soon see this bump growing… I remember seeing a young woman from the back. She looked so thin and nicely shaped, and then she turned to the side. And there was the TUMMY! =)) Boys usually grow into the front, so your waistline won’t suffer. =)) Boys preserve their mother’s beauty, so they say.

How do you feel? Morning sickness gone? Hope you are enjoying these days and keep walking every day. Cheers and lots of fun for your shopping!
Hey April everything is going great thanks for leaving a comment yes I am still getting morning sickness everyday all day so that sucks but I'm so happy I'm having a healthy boy I am 20 weeks now and so excited for October when I'm due I am still walking and eating healthy most times but I do have days where I don't eat to much healthy goodness but I'm being good other then that
BRAVO!!! You are a very good mommy! October will come in no time... trust me =)) keep it up! Healthy and happy! best wishes!;)

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