Relapsed :(

  • Author Tania
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Hi All,

I successfully completed my first months supply on the 30mg. I felt great I exercised 5 days a week, symptoms I had was only a dry mouth which wasn't dramatic. I lost 4kg's within the 30 days, I was a bit disappointed but in saying this I new I had dropped a dress size.

Due to traveling for work I was unable to get my other prescriptions so I was without for almost 3 weeks. I did fall off the wagon because of the convenience of buying shop food etc, although I still only drank water, soda water and if I wanted someone with a little bit more of a buzz I would have a 200ml coke zero, which was satisfying.

I have started my next lot of duromine last Monday I have cut back my exercise as I have no support to watch my children but my eating could be greater that what it is. I'm winging it to see how I go with out overly trying to stay 100%, because I have fail I only let myself down.

I still feel great, and cant wait until mid year to see where I am at with my weight loss journey.

I hope you are all travelling well and my advice to you is to clime back on board if you fall off, gradually this fall off will decreased and before you know your 100% focus without noticing :)
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Hello Tania! Welcome and hope your willpower helps you get to the desired weight! I know how hard it is to exercise when you have small kids in your hands day and night. And I know how little energy and time you usually have left for yourself. Yet, if you really want it to work this time, AND if you really want to keep at the weight you reach, you have to try and do everything possible and impossible to develop a routine for yourself. I can help you with that, and many other people on this forum also can help you. Yet, it is only YOU who chooses whether to follow or not, whether to keep waiting for miracles, or to act full strength. There are multiple videos on youtube with workouts for mums with their kids. In fact you can exercise even while you are cooking, or ironing, or driving in your car. If any of these interest you, just say it. There are several options a mother with no help can resort to, to keep her body toned and to lose weight. you can start from stretching and plank, in the morning, and in the evening. Warm your muscles with the plank and continue with stretching. If it’s hard for you to cook something for yourself, different from what you make for your kids, cook dietetic meals for yourself from the same products you use for kids and avoid the ones that you shouldn’t eat. This way, you will have to buy the same vegies and proteins + a little more veggies and greens, and avoid seriously extending your time for cooking.

If you need anything, feel free to ask and best of luck to you!!!!
Hi Tania!!! So how is your weight loss journey going? Or you’ve already finished it? Best wishes

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