My Duromine Journey

  • Author ellaedwards95
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
I was always around a size 10 (Aus) and around 60-63kg then over the course of 3 months I gained 20 kg.
I started to work out 4 times a week last year.. getting very motivated to get back into shape. Then found out I was pregnant. Bam! So of course I gained more weight.
I had dropped down to 82.7 kg 6 weeks after birth but it has stayed that way (now 10 weeks post birth) I decided to see my gp over a few different things especially dizziness and my eyesight keeps going blurry, doctor checks my weight and what not and tells me I'm technically obese by my bmi (30) and wants to run a blood test before giving me duromine, next day I find out I have pre-diabetes. That explains a lot.

So I am now on 40mg of duromine for 1 month.
I have pretty much zero appetite but I'm still having little healthy meals through out the day. Don't feel any different besides that though.

I am now on day 6.

Here are my stats:
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Height: 165cm
Start weight: 82.7kg
Current weight: 79.4kg

My goal is 65kg :) here's hoping I can get as close to that as possible !!
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@ellaedwards95 welcome to the forums :)

So you are experiencing no side effects at all except the appetite suppression? Thats really great!

The insomnia still gives me the willies - but doing my best to counteract it :)

Wow over a 3kg weight loss in 6 days is fantastic! Are you doing any type of exercise? Would love to know if you are, as I am always wanting to try different things :)
Yep I'm still having my mid day naps and sleeping well at nighttime - I am a new mum though so baby has me tired 24/7 lol

Yes I am usually about 20-40 minutes worth of exercises in my lounge room while baby naps I use YouTube videos I will see if I can link the one I am doing at the moment :)
Well done Ella! Did your doctor clear you for breastfeeding your baby while on Duromine? Im curious to know if its relatively safe.
Hey sorry to get back to you so late Laddz! I had to stop breastfeeding at 3ish weeks so I'm not to sure if it is safe while breastfeeding!!

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