Just over a month

  • Author Givingitago
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 3 min read
At heaviest: 75kg
Starting weight: 73.2
Goal weight: 60kg
Current weight: 67.8kg
Weight loss: 5.4kg

Mini goal 1: 70kg by April 1 I didn't weigh myself on on April 1, but I was at 69.8 on March 31

New Mini goal 2: 65kgs by April 30

Now over a month in, the last week was my slowest weight loss week since being on Duromine. I was feeling very disappointed but saw last blog entry and realised that 1kg in 10 days is still a good achievement and better than what I would have done without the Duromine. Starting to see the benefit of writing a blog and being able to read back.

The last week was probably not great for weight loss for many reasons. I was doing 12 hour days at work, and one day I even worked to 2am doing a 16 hour day and my break that day was to drive home from work, have a quick dinner and then get back to work. Even 2 days of the long weekend was spent working. :-( With being so busy, I did not have one lunch break and did not exercise for 4 days.. which makes me super grumpy! I think because I was so busy I was eating whatever was available and forgetting to drink my water.

Which lead me to my biggest symptom issue this week which was a lack of bowel movement. I know it's not good to take meds but I had to because I was starting to get very uncomfortable. I also tried various concoctions of natural treatments such as coconut oil (as I refused to drink castor oil on its own), sultanas and coconut water. (It was the Easter long weekend so nothing was open!! I had to make do with what was at home). I only got some relief when I finally found a chemist open at 10pm on Good Friday.

I have also found that the inside of my mouth is starting to feel very raw from constantly biting into my cheeks, and I am not sure what is in duromine that is making me all weird with my mouth but it is really annoying because I am finding my cheeks and gums very sore. I think the regular biting on my teeth is giving me headaches. Not to mention my mouth is always pursed and I feel like my lips are always pursed (and not in a nice flattering way).

My sleep isn't as affected now, i can sleep at a relatively okay hour, but I am waking up earlier than usual, which is actually not a bad thing. Despite the increased sleep I am finding myself very tired all the time and whilst duromine might help me fit into my dress come wedding day, I think that my eye bags and wrinkles will be touching the floor.

Food and exercise wise it has been an average week, although I have not had nearly as much chocolate as I would previously.

I have GP meeting tonight so will ask about side effects, next months prescriptions and my knee.

Doubtful about next mini goal now with my bad week but will still aim for it.


Oh… that was one horrible week indeed… I would probably die or kill someone. All the lack of sleep and constant tension… not being able to eat properly… too harsh on you… glad you finally managed to solve the bowel movement issue. It’s good that you still managed to assess your condition in a sane way.

I don’t know anything about the side effect you described, i.e. biting into your cheeks. Does it have to do anything with nerves? You’re overexausted, malnutrited and dehydrated (I know these words don’t exist. lol), so you’ve been living at the edge of your possibilities. Will it get back to normal? Forget about the next mini goal for a couple of days and don’t mind the weigh in result. Just get back to normal! And bravo on finally getting to the doctor. Fingers crossed. Take care and try to get some decent sleep already!
Hello Givingitago! How are you doing? Feeling any better??? What did your doctor say?

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3 min read
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