My First Day..30mg



Standard Member
Mar 23, 2016
Hi all, nice to meet you! It's really been great reading all your posts..

Well, I started taking 30mg Duromine today, I have been very worried about all the side-effects after reading all the negative reviews online and I do have anxiety related palpitations & insomnia, but my Dr put my mind at ease, saying she has had a lot of success so far, but never gives Duromine to anyone with a BMI under 30.

So..I took it at 7.30am, fully expecting my heart to start racing, but looking forward to feeling more hyper as my energy levels are low..I went back to sleep & woke up a couple of hours later feeling..nothing. Still tired..and still the same amount of hungry! I seem to have had no side effects, not even thirst! Which I was hoping for so I could increase my water intake. I did have a headache this afternoon and it disappeared after 600ml bottle of water.

I am 48 years old, menopausal, currently weigh 100kg's and 167cm tall, BMI of 35, so its now or never! I'm happy not having side-effects, but can't be sure if its working as I feel no different and my main reason for taking this drug is to suppress my crazy appetite! I guess only time will tell. I am however, going to miss my wine, but its worth it and its not forever. My Dr has urged me to take this seriously and not drink alcohol as Duromine is an upper, while alcolhol is a central nervous system depressant. She said alcohol can lessen the effects of Duromine as well..

We'll see what the week brings..
Hi Marette,

I have been on Duromine twice before over the past 5 years. It really depends on how your body reacts to the amount of mg's. When i first used Duromine i was taking 15mg, it did not react well at all. I had symptoms of; heart palpitations, shakey, insomnia (plus the usual dry mouth, increased heart rate etc). However my doctor explained to me that it could be the chemical reaction my body is having and bumped me up to 30mg.

30mg works well with my body, i only have the general side effects of dry mouth, increased heart rate (which is what it's meant to do). However this time around as it's been many years since i've been on it and i used to work night shift so that worked well for the wide awake effect. The first week (which was two weeks ago) was absolute hell but not in you're going to die sort of way.

As i now work 9-5 everyday, it's hard to get into a rhythm with a constant caffeine effect 11pm at night plus first week/2 weeks is little funny (for me anyway). I get a bit manic, i have mood swings and i find myself a lot lower in self esteem. However this does even out, you just need to be aware of why you can become extra moody if you're menopausal, i just got my period today and the past 3 days have been a roller coast because of PMS and the duromine together. As long as you're aware of the effects it's really fine.

If you're not sleeping at night either i recommend you wake up early to take it. My doctor prescribed me sleeping tablets for the first two weeks but i can't stand the thought of taking more drugs. I wake up at 4am everyday to take it now (go back to sleep for 3 hours) and by 10.30pm i am ready to sleep. So just find out what works for you.

You will definitely notice the no-appetite thing also, it'll make you not want to eat. 5 hours can pass where i haven't even thought about food and that's because it's blocking the receptors to the brain. It does work :) i've lost 8kg in 3 weeks without exercise :)
Hi Claire,
Thanks for taking the time to write to me:) congrats on your weight loss, that is wonderful, especially without excercise! I lost 7 kgs in 3 weeks last year on a meal replacement called Almased, worked very well, but then I still had willpower haha! How much do you have to lose? I have 30kgs..

Well today is my second day and it is a little different..could not sleep last night, not unusual for me to find it hard to go to sleep, but I don't wake up constantly & wide awake! My Dr woudn't give me sleeping tablets which I really wanted, she said they are a downer and will counteract the effect of the duromine..doesnt seem to have affected you, so thats good. I've decided to take it even earlier as I have a splitting headache today! Dry mouth, with a sour taste in my mouth, but not too bad. Still not thirsty, but forcing myself to drink as it helps with the headache. Palpitations are not bad at all, I was so worried about that, but I don't feel an increase in my heart rate either. Still not feeling the full appetite suppressant effect fully yet, but I'm not feeling crazy hungry either, I'm just determined I guess not to let food control me and its possibly due to my period just finishing, I am normally stable after my period thank God! I generally have 2 weeks of really bad pms & severe bloating before my period too:( so wish this was over lol!

Anyway, its early days for me, its good to keep updated here as its like keeping a diary:)
PS. How old are you?
Hi all,
Its been a week! I have lost 3.2kgs, so I'm very happy with that! Only thing is waking up after falling asleep for about 2hrs & struggling to sleep again.

Appetite is definately more suppressed and I found last night that I was full halfway through my meal! Very unusual for me. I have been more active as I get up earlier now so this is helping. Drinking 2+ ltres water/day..prefer soda water & add lemon juice, helps the bit of dry mouth. I have 30th birthday on Sat which will be a test as I have cut out alcohol. All in all I feel confident that I can continue..took my pill too late this morning at 8am and it has me feeling more 'wired', so thats a no no!
To be we continued..
Hey Marette,

I'm 24 years old, and technically i would like to lose another 30 kg's but on duromine i'd like to drop 15-20kg's then do the rest myself. That's only because I want my body weight to get into an ok range where I substitute the pill for cross fit. So taking it easy and walking is the only thing i'm concentrating on at the moment. Yes sleeping pills are a downer and to be honest they are needed for some people.

I'm not sure why the doc wouldn't prescribe it to you, your heart rate isn't meant to be going at 95bpm when you're trying to sleep at midnight. I wear my heart rate monitor all the time throughout the day and as soon as i take a sleeping tablet (i usually only take one every 3rd or 4th night) you can see the effect of it on the monitor, my heart rate slows to 65bpm which is what helps you get into the sleep mode.

I also took my pill late yesterday at 6am and i was wired all night it drove me crazy!
Well we all have a life and we need to live, i have my best friend's birthday party this weekend and I know i'll be drinking, I spoke to my doc about it and she 100% agrees that sometimes you need to just let go. The only recommendation she gave was if i'm drinking, don't take the pill that day just skip it. :)

If your sleeping doesn't improve i'd recommend talking to your doctor again or even visit a different doctor and tell them your situation.

Natural remedies like evening primrose oil and melatonin tablets could help also. Another method you could also try is setting your alarm earlier than you have been to take the pill.
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Dont stress hun. All medication has side effects. You will be fine and hopefully a little bit lighter in the weeks to come. Good luck!! ;);)
Hi guys! I'm 23 years old and started Duromine 4 days ago. I take it at 5 in the morning but then go back to sleep and I'm pretty tired throughout the day. I'm not eating as much as I use to but I still get hungry and think about food. Does this stop after the first week or is my body just not reacting to it? The first day the only side affect was a little bit of a dry mouth and a chronic headache that lasted all night till I took a Panadol otherwise I have no side affects! I started on 89 and I'm now 87 and would ideally like to drop another 7 to be in a healthy range!! I'm on 30mg. I guess I'm just looking for hope that my body will start reacting to the pill and I'll stop thinking about food!!
Emilyb said:
Hi guys! I'm 23 years old and started Duromine 4 days ago. I take it at 5 in the morning but then go back to sleep and I'm pretty tired throughout the day. I'm not eating as much as I use to but I still get hungry and think about food. Does this stop after the first week or is my body just not reacting to it? The first day the only side affect was a little bit of a dry mouth and a chronic headache that lasted all night till I took a Panadol otherwise I have no side affects! I started on 89 and I'm now 87 and would ideally like to drop another 7 to be in a healthy range!! I'm on 30mg. I guess I'm just looking for hope that my body will start reacting to the pill and I'll stop thinking about food!!
I started 30mg last week and couldn't sleep for the first 3 days....I now sleep really well, yet constantly have dry mouth.
I started at 102 and am now 98
I am not interested in food anymore, which is a good thing I
I am loving duromine, as I can get thru my hectic days without feeling tired.
Keep going and remember everyone is different and bodies react accordingly.
Good luck and keep us updated
Had my first day on duromine today combined with topamax. I am also on antidepressants. I noticed I had a dry mouth all day. I also found it hard to drive. Most annoyingly though my fore head felt really hot most of the day. Has anyone else experienced this?
Stormylady said:
Had my first day on duromine today combined with topamax. I am also on antidepressants. I noticed I had a dry mouth all day. I also found it hard to drive. Most annoyingly though my fore head felt really hot most of the day. Has anyone else experienced this?

Hi Stormylady! Did your doctor prescribe a precise schedule for administration of these drugs and Topamax dose, etc? you are taking quite a few drugs, so it’s hard to say that it’s namely Duromine causing the hot feeling. However, people do report about hot flashes quite often, as well as excessive sweating in minor physical activity. Try to drink more water to compensate for the water you lose through pores.

Dry mouth is a common side effect of Duromine. The same advice here – water.

Hard to drive – yes, it does happen. Should subside in a couple of days. best of luck to you on your way to slenderness and welcome to the forum!
April said:
Hi Stormylady! Did your doctor prescribe a precise schedule for administration of these drugs and Topamax dose, etc? you are taking quite a few drugs, so it’s hard to say that it’s namely Duromine causing the hot feeling. However, people do report about hot flashes quite often, as well as excessive sweating in minor physical activity. Try to drink more water to compensate for the water you lose through pores.

Dry mouth is a common side effect of Duromine. The same advice here – water.

Hard to drive – yes, it does happen. Should subside in a couple of days. best of luck to you on your way to slenderness and welcome to the forum!
Thanks for your advice April. Yes the doctor did prescribe a schedule for when to administer the drugs and the dosage for all of them. I am following her advice. Another symptom I have noted is frequent urination.
Stormylady said:
Thanks for your advice April. Yes the doctor did prescribe a schedule for when to administer the drugs and the dosage for all of them. I am following her advice. Another symptom I have noted is frequent urination.

Again, frequent urination was not among the side effects I had when on Duromine. Still, people do report frequent urination as one of them. However, you should be drinking a lot of water, and Duromine makes your body work a bit faster than usually. Both aspects contribute to your new side effect.

Tell me, did you develop any eating and exercising plan? Have a great day and a lovely mood! And never forget that you can do it! =)
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Hi April,

I gave up duromine after 2 days last time due to side effects. Now I am trying again cause I want to stop the vicious cycle of putting on weight. I am on duromine 40mg along with my antidepressants this time. I am day 6 of this attempt and wanting to give up due to side effects again. The dry mouth i can handle but i am getting very tired and of a night time I am experiencing a feeling like i am coming down off the duromine. I start feeling strange around 7pm like im upset for no reason and get very emotional and have depressive thoughts. Is this normal?
Oh dear.. this is so sad that you have to suffer so much because of Duromine. =(( I guess it is too much for your body. Everything you described are quite frequent side effects of Duromine. There can be just one reason for such sensations, besides Duromine, and I am talking about serious cutting off your food intake. If you didn’t cut the food drastically, then yes, it is Duromine. If you did, might try to re-introduce foods so that you provide your body with all required substances, like proteins, fats, fibers, carbohydrates and vitamins.

I am sorry you have to discontinue Duromine, but please, don’t give up on your idea of losing weight. if you need support or advice, feel free to come here, on the forum, and write. Best of luck to you!

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