Half Way Through The 3rd Month



Standard Member
Apr 19, 2018
I am half way through my third month. My start weight was 95.3 kilo, to date I have lost 15.4 kilo and currently weigh 79.9 kilo.

In my first month of Duromine I suffered the side effect of feeling a little sick and not going to bed until after midnight. Happy to say that by month 2 there was no side effects. Duromine has worked very well for me with kerbing my appetite. My general food intake is a protein shake for breakfast, a good serve of fruit for lunch ( watermelon, grapes, strawberries, rockmelon etc) and at night chicken or fish or frittata with salad or veg and a bit more fruit for afterwards. I have basically cut the carbs at night. Every Friday night is date night, so this is my treat night. I will have a piece of garlic bread with my dinner. I definitely don't do chips, rice or potato. Every couple of weeks I go out with my mum for lunch and we share a nice toasted sandwich and a yummy piece of cake. All in moderation. I drinks lots of water and no soft drink.

My exercise has increased from my first month, before Duromine not a great deal of exercise. Now I go looking for stuff to do. I have involved myself in line dancing (better than a gym workout) twice a week, a 1 hour gym circuit once a week and I walk my dog 1 hour a day, mostly on the beach. I can't believe how easily I can walk up a flight of 25 stairs everyday.

I started at a size 20 and I am currently in size 16 with a belt - not quite at the 14 yet. I am 52 and wearing shorts for the first time. I see my doctor every month and we celebrate together. He is so supportive and together we build a food plan.

In 2 weeks I will come off Duromine for a break, I am looking forward to seeing how I go. I have the right frame of mind and trust myself to see what I can do on my own.

My goal is to reach a size 12 so after my break I will be back to Duromine to further assist.
Good on you! You should be extremely proud of yourself, hell im proud of you ☺️ It’s great that you have found activities that you like and it’s a double plus that it’s also fitness.
I’m like you in hoping to be a size 12 and currently fit in size 16-18 clothes. I have been on durimine previously 4 years ago and isn’t it unbelievable how fitness wise, you go from not wanting to go to gym or class to looking forward to going and doing even more. I got to a stage where I would just run and run and run and not want to stop. Well done on your success
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Hey Tillie, how did you go coming off Duromine? Any bad effects?
Michelle O'Shea said:
Hey Tillie, how did you go coming off Duromine? Any bad effects?
No problems coming of them, had no side effects. I am now down to 72 kilo and feeling great. Currently a size 14 my goal is size 12 - should be about 7 kilo away.
I recently went on a 3 week cruise and happy to say no weight gain. I just stuck to my healthy eating plan, however, did indulge in a few cocktails and a lot of dancing to work it off.
I started back on Duromine 4 weeks ago and encountered the same side effects when I started. A little nauseous at the start but after 2 weeks all settled down. Michelle I did not get any of the side effects you mentioned.

I am loving how healthy I feel and the energy levels I now have. Winter has been a little colder for me this year perhaps because there is less of me - 23.5 kilo.

This was the smartest thing I have done with regards to weight loss. This is not a diet for me it is a change to my eating choices, it is a lifestyle change for life.
Tillie said:
No problems coming of them, had no side effects. I am now down to 72 kilo and feeling great. Currently a size 14 my goal is size 12 - should be about 7 kilo away.
I recently went on a 3 week cruise and happy to say no weight gain. I just stuck to my healthy eating plan, however, did indulge in a few cocktails and a lot of dancing to work it off.
I started back on Duromine 4 weeks ago and encountered the same side effects when I started. A little nauseous at the start but after 2 weeks all settled down. Michelle I did not get any of the side effects you mentioned.

I am loving how healthy I feel and the energy levels I now have. Winter has been a little colder for me this year perhaps because there is less of me - 23.5 kilo.

This was the smartest thing I have done with regards to weight loss. This is not a diet for me it is a change to my eating choices, it is a lifestyle change for life.

I am so happy for you Tillie! I'm hoping I can do the same, I need to lose 25kg si I can be average weight for my height and age (170cm, and 26).
I'm going up to 30mg tomorrow as well.
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Wow! What a HUGE result!!!! Congratulations Tillie! You're still going and going strong! You're BRAVO for changing the habits - this will definitely help you maintain the result and be in a good health! Hats off
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