Duromine & Pcos - My Weight Loss Journey

Quick update! Life has been quite hectic and I haven't had a chance to get back on here.
I'm currently sitting at about 75kgs and it's stable without duromine.
I'm going back to the doctor to get my next lot of duromine next week.
I have a consult with a plastic surgeon for a breast lift and implants next week so I want to make sure the duromine won't affect my surgery before I start the next lot.
I'm still eating the same as I was on duromine and exercising as much as I can. I'd love to get to 70kgs before my surgery so fingers crossed I can get another month in before I spend lots of money on my chest lol.
Hi Donna! Thank you so much for finding some time to update. A great result you have, I should say! Applause on keeping the weight off while without Duromine.

As for the intervention… It will be very serious one, so you should take your last pill about 2 weeks before the surgery. Of course, it would be better if you lost weight before the surgery, because you won’t be able to exercise (move actively at all) some time after the surgery. And I am sure that your diet will be different… Ask the doctor about this. Your body will need a lot of resources to rehab and heal…

However, you will be able to continue some time after.. though, of course, weight loss and skin issues are better solved before.

Either way I wish you all the best for the surgery and definitely a GREAT weight loss. You already know what you need to do to maintain the weight, so looks like everything will be perfect within a couple of months. Fingers crossed =)
April said:
Hi Donna! Thank you so much for finding some time to update. A great result you have, I should say! Applause on keeping the weight off while without Duromine.

As for the intervention… It will be very serious one, so you should take your last pill about 2 weeks before the surgery. Of course, it would be better if you lost weight before the surgery, because you won’t be able to exercise (move actively at all) some time after the surgery. And I am sure that your diet will be different… Ask the doctor about this. Your body will need a lot of resources to rehab and heal…

However, you will be able to continue some time after.. though, of course, weight loss and skin issues are better solved before.

Either way I wish you all the best for the surgery and definitely a GREAT weight loss. You already know what you need to do to maintain the weight, so looks like everything will be perfect within a couple of months. Fingers crossed =)

Thank you! I've found my appetite has stayed the same as when I was on duromine to which has helped loads.
So it's been quite easy to keep up the same diet etc.
I'm thinking with the Christmas break and my surgeons waiting times it will be atleast 6-8 weeks between my consult and surgery so hopefully I can do one more month of duromine and have atleast 2-4 weeks off it before I get it done.
6 weeks of limited movement after surgery and then I should be able to get back into some exercise.
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Hi everyone,

In 24 and was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 18. I weighed 52kg at the time and have steadily gained weight since then with a huge spike last year taking me from 65kg to 76kg in a year.

This year I have made some changes which has enabled me to lose 6kg but it has been a long, hard and slow process.

The doctor prescribed me 30mg to take every second day to help me kickstart some weight loss.

Is there anyone who has taken it every second day, does it work? Does anyone have any advice on how I can make sure it works to get the best possible results?
Hello and welcome to the forum! I am sorry you have to strugle twice as hard to lose the weight because of yur health condition. =(( The battle is tough! But you managed to lose 6 kg on your own, and this deserves applause. Go you!
As for taking Duromine every other day, yes, many people take it like that, either for the reason that it's too strong, or because they feel that it provides a sufficient appetite suppression two days in a row and they want to extend their stock for longer. So, i don;t think that it will be a problem that you have this dosing schedule. You just have to keep in mind that taking Duromine does not mean relaxing and working less. On the contrary, you will have to increase your activity, and better do it every two weeks. Fingers crossed that Duromine will be that kick start that you need. Looking forward to your updates and wish you all the luck!
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Youngrenno said:
Hi everyone,

In 24 and was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 18. I weighed 52kg at the time and have steadily gained weight since then with a huge spike last year taking me from 65kg to 76kg in a year.

This year I have made some changes which has enabled me to lose 6kg but it has been a long, hard and slow process.

The doctor prescribed me 30mg to take every second day to help me kickstart some weight loss.

Is there anyone who has taken it every second day, does it work? Does anyone have any advice on how I can make sure it works to get the best possible results?

I also have PCOS and have been trying to have children for the last 8yrs and finally found an endicrinologist that could help. Along with some other meds he put me on duromine. I started on 15mg every second day then I plateaud. He then got me to increase it to 30mg and I continued to drop weight. I’m approx 25kgs down over approx 8mths since I first starting taking it. In saying that I was also exercising a decent amount. I’ve now plateaued again which is so frustrating since I only need to lose 5kgs more to start IVF.
I agree with April, exercise as much as you can, take the stairs, power walk, whatever increases your steps and activity. Good luck! It’s been a life changer for me. X
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Hi all :)
I was diagnosed with PCOS 8 years ago and have lost 20+ kg twice before, but this time I've got to the biggest I have ever been (115) and really struggled getting it off. It's hard because my fiance loves my body and curves, but we want a baby so I need to lose the weight to give our bub the best chance. :) (and when you're happy and content you eat and enjoy life and diets don't stick!)

I have been on Metformin 500mg daily for 4 months and that has really helped me fix my diet and lose the first 20! However, my doctor has just started me on Duromine to help because I have an injury and can't be as active as before.

Does anyone have tips on their Duromine experience, particularly with PCOS?
Hi everyone, I have just started duromine for the first time and so far it has been a positive experience. Some stats so far:
SW -80.2kg
CW - 76.9

I have struggled with my weight my whole adult life and after having my third bub a year ago I had put on 13kgs. On my daughter's 1st birthday, I realised I would be 30 soon and had wasted my 20s being too unhealthy, overweight, unfit and ashamed to get the most out of life. I changed my eating and exercising habits and managed to lose 5kgs. Despite working with a dietitian and exercising 2x a day 5days a weeks I could not lose any more. My doc has said this is most likely due to me having PCOS and hypothyroidism and offered me duromine as reducing weight will help the symptoms of both.
I am currently on day 8 of 30mg and at weigh in yesterday I was surprised to see I am 3.3kg down!
I have not had many side effects. Just thirst/dry mouth and the first 2 nights were rough.
The biggest thing it has changed for me is allowing me to be more conscious of the times and amount I am eating and drinking.
I have really enjoyed lurking here the last few days and reading everyone's journeys! Good luck everyone!
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Gettingmylifeback said:
Hi everyone, I have just started duromine for the first time and so far it has been a positive experience. Some stats so far:
SW -80.2kg
CW - 76.9

I have struggled with my weight my whole adult life and after having my third bub a year ago I had put on 13kgs. On my daughter's 1st birthday, I realised I would be 30 soon and had wasted my 20s being too unhealthy, overweight, unfit and ashamed to get the most out of life. I changed my eating and exercising habits and managed to lose 5kgs. Despite working with a dietitian and exercising 2x a day 5days a weeks I could not lose any more. My doc has said this is most likely due to me having PCOS and hypothyroidism and offered me duromine as reducing weight will help the symptoms of both.
I am currently on day 8 of 30mg and at weigh in yesterday I was surprised to see I am 3.3kg down!
I have not had many side effects. Just thirst/dry mouth and the first 2 nights were rough.
The biggest thing it has changed for me is allowing me to be more conscious of the times and amount I am eating and drinking.
I have really enjoyed lurking here the last few days and reading everyone's journeys! Good luck everyone!

@Gettingmylifeback I just read your introduction and am wondering how you are getting on?
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Welcome to the forums! @pamplemousse

If you browse the threads there are a lot of women who have had PCOS and have had GOOD SUCCESS with Duromine too!

There was a lady here @Lottie86 who had PCOS I think she lost around 8 kilos in 12 weeks.. Maybe have a search for her comments and they can help you out some more.

I will look at some threads and edit my post to link them later on for you :)
Hi, currently 2.5 weeks in and going well thanks!
CW is 76.1kgs
"Only" lost 800g last week but after reading through people's experiences I was expecting a lower loss. Still a little disappointing, I'm not going to lie haha.
But I am using this week to focus on eating enough calories each day and forming sustainable eating habits.
It has poured here all week and all 3 kids have been sick so I haven't been able to exercise at all apart from 20mins a day HIIT style in my lounge room and my active job. Hardly any side effects now, occasional dry mouth and late night.
Despite the scales not moving much I had 2 NSVs this week!
1. I bought my first pair of Lorna Jane tights. In a MEDIUM!
2. My body fat %has decreased from 36.9% to 34.8%
Trying to focus on the positives and hoping I get that bit closer to my 1st goal of 75kg next week!
I was just wondering what kind of calorie intake you aim for while exercising? I have been struggling to get in more than 600/700 a day and I am thinking that may be why my loss has slowed so much?
Thank you!
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Hi , I have just started duromine 30mg for 2 days and it's my second time. The 1st time I took 15 days only (managed to lose 3kg and keep it off) and discontinued due to terrible mood swing for a month. I was miserable and irritated easily. I have tried so many dietary supplements yet to no avail. I was stress as I can't lose the weight and continously crave for foods. Exercise is out of questions and since my craving is strong, my diet is unmanageable. I decided to give duromine another go coz I don't believe anymore with other diet products.
This time around I monitor my eating patterns carefully and ensure I eat smaller portion every few hours.
I don't experience nasty side effect, perhaps little dry mouth and headaches at night time. I still feel hungry but appetite is small. Hope to see some good result after a week!
Starting Weight - 79.7kgs
Current Weight - 79.7kgs
Goal Weight - 68kgs
Weight loss - 0kgs
Hi @June - Welcome to the forums!

So glad you have decided to give it another go :)

Its great that you are monitoring your eating. Eating every couple of hours will get your metabolism up and at them. Are you tracking your calories too? If you haven't already have a look at "My Fitness Pal" or "Lose It" - they both have free options that are just great. Both will track your calorie intake as well as break down how much protein, carbs, fats, sodium and sugar you are consuming. For me Lose It, has been really great and has allowed me to get a better grip on what I am putting into my body.

I noted that the first time on Duromine you went 15 days before getting terrible mood swings. I wanted to ask about your diet at that time - had you cut out all sugar or were weaning yourself of it? Sugar withdrawal is one of the things that can really make your moods go all over the place. Before taking Duromine I was a huge coffee drinker, around 8 cups a day with 2 sugars and milk. I cut right back to 2 or 3 with only 1 sugar and no milk. I was feeling so emotional, but couldn't figure out why. A lovely member here posted me some info in regards to sugar withdrawal, and it clicked that this is what was happening to me! Even though I hadn't cut out all my added sugar entirely I had gone from 16 teaspoons down to 3 and my body was not happy!

Here is a really good article if your interested.

Link Removed

Cant wait to hear how you get on :)
Thankyou @Rava ! How does one work out their metabolic rate?
Good luck @June I hope you have a better experience this time around!
I am currently at the end of week 3!
SW: 80.2
CW: 74.7
Total loss:5.5kg
This week I have focused on eating more calories and forming sustainable eating habits.
Currently my diet is:
Brekky: coffee(skim milk no sugar), porridge with fruit
Morning snack: carmen protein museli bar (a little high in sugar but has to be eaten on the run and the protein keeps me full)
Lunch: chicken and pumpkin salad
Dinner: usually a stir fry, or spaghetti bolognese with zoodles, or chicken/fish with veg
If I find myself craving something sweet I will have a yogurt with almonds and 97%dark choc or 2 tbs of coconut icecream.
I have found allowing myself to have those foods kills the craving but also as they are rich they are hard to binge on. I hope that this will help me beat the cravings once I am off duromine instead of just banning them and not learning to control it.
I have also been walking this week and started back at the gym doing body pump classes.
Stoked to have lost again this week after plateauing last week!
TMI (dont read if period talk offends you)
NSV this week is that I got my period for the first time in 2.5 years! Weird thing to be excited about but with PCOS it is a sign that the weightloss is lessening my symptoms and my body is starting to work again!
@Gettingmylifeback - the weight is flying off you! 5.5kg is a huge loss! It took me 6 weeks to lose 6 kilos!!

I'm glad to read you upped your calories, and going by what you are eating you are doing really very well - you got this :) What is your calorie intake at now?

In regards to cravings I like how you are approaching them - really sensible IMO, and how good is it that your body is responding!

You have definitely got this, and I cant wait to read more of your journey!

PS: If you haven't already, don't forget to take your measurements - I think you will see quite a big shift!
Well it will be 4 weeks tomorrow!
SW 80.2
CW 73.5
Total lost 6.7kgs
Bit of an up and down week this week. The kids have been coughing all night keeping me up and I ended up with tonsilitis. So not much exercising has been happening. Eating well, have been meal planning and prepping which is helping me stay on track with all the exhaustion and work, tafe, mum life.
I have been enjoying weights at home still, trying to tone and work on my arms and bum. Starting to see results earlier now there isn't so much fat on top of the muscle haha.
Seeing go tomorrow for a weigh in and to chat about continuing. I am a bit nervous that he won't give me another script. I still have another 10ish kgs to go to be in a "healthy weight" range. I feel confident that I will be able to continue the meal plans and exercise I am doing currently but I am worried that without the duro my weight will stop dropping because of my issues.
Gettingmylifeback said:
Well it will be 4 weeks tomorrow!
SW 80.2
CW 73.5
Total lost 6.7kgs
Bit of an up and down week this week. The kids have been coughing all night keeping me up and I ended up with tonsilitis. So not much exercising has been happening. Eating well, have been meal planning and prepping which is helping me stay on track with all the exhaustion and work, tafe, mum life.
I have been enjoying weights at home still, trying to tone and work on my arms and bum. Starting to see results earlier now there isn't so much fat on top of the muscle haha.
Seeing go tomorrow for a weigh in and to chat about continuing. I am a bit nervous that he won't give me another script. I still have another 10ish kgs to go to be in a "healthy weight" range. I feel confident that I will be able to continue the meal plans and exercise I am doing currently but I am worried that without the duro my weight will stop dropping because of my issues.
Hi Gettingmylifeback, was reading your post today and thougbt you might find this exercise option interesting. Last summer while on duromine I used an old exercise bike everyday and the bonus was not just toned legs and stomach but the arms actually became more toned and muscular than when I was in my 20's!!! Good bonus for no extra work and keep up the great work!! ☆
Jo666 said:
Hi Gettingmylifeback, was reading your post today and thougbt you might find this exercise option interesting. Last summer while on duromine I used an old exercise bike everyday and the bonus was not just toned legs and stomach but the arms actually became more toned and muscular than when I was in my 20's!!! Good bonus for no extra work and keep up the great work!! ☆
Sorry, forgot to mention I also have pcos (insulin resistant) so you are welcome to chat anytime here!! jo
Thanks @Jo666 ! I am still waiting to get an appointment with the specialist for pcos to chat about my hormones/metformin etc. Are you on medication for your pcos?
Just popping in for a quick update as life is insane atm, end of year for you!
SW: 80.2kgs
CW: 72.1kgs
Currently in week 6! Huge milestone today with 12kgs total lost! Half way to my ultimate goal! Feeling great about everything atm. I have started taking duro every 2nd day as we have had a rough few weeks. Kids are still sick, work has been crazy etc. Managing to keep my eating on track quite well despite having 2 birthdays and loads of cake around
The weightloss has slowed a bit but I have been exercising a lot more. I am loving going back to gym classes and feeling my strength and fitness continually improve. I even have baby biceps! I did an unassisted sit up for the first time post babies today!
The slowed weight loss has allowed my skin to catch up a bit and I am noticing a huge reduction in the loose skin around my tummy and thighs.
Even though the scales haven't moved much the past 2 weeks, yesterday I tried on a pair of high waisted size 12 shorts expecting to not get them zipped. They did up easily and were even a tad too big!
I definitely feel I am getting my life back, I can run around with my kids without being winded and am happy to take photos with them. I am more confident leaving the house and attending big gatherings without stressing for days beforehand about what I will wear to hide my hugeness.
I am so greatful for this forum and the helpful advice I have gotten!
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