Duromine & Pcos - My Weight Loss Journey

Deanna78 said:
Hi Bam Bam.. yes, you're right.. a loss is a loss! Better than a gain as you say! How much are you hoping to lose..? I would be happy with 15kg over the 3 months.. but would really really like 20 gone.. it's exciting to be on this mission.. even though it seems sooooo slow.. how great for us to be able to look back om this time in a few month's time and KNOW it has all been worth it..!! Looking forward to hearing of your progress! ☺
Hi Deanna,

Well, my starting weight was 87.5 kg, and I am 159cm tall, so my ideal weight is around 60 kg. Now that I am around 86 kg, It leaves me with about 26 kg until I am at ideal weight. I am not sure that I can lose all of it whilst on Duromine over the next 3 months, but I hope I can at least lose around 15 kg like your goal.

I have come down with a nasty cold at the moment though - My kids and my fiancé have been sick with it, so it was kind of inevitable that I would catch it too haha. But because I still need to function, I am taking a week off from taking Duromine so that I can use cold and flue tablets... sucks.
I have a sore throat coming in also.. a touch of yuk but not bad enough to stop duromine (yet).. I hope your week off remains steady for you - and that you are still able to see some kind of result! Today is day 15 for me.. woke feeling bloated and heavy... yep - 76.4kg.. was 76 on day 10 .. have taken laxatives tonight - its seeming like a trade off.. to some degree. Half way through first script and I am contemplating seeing if the Dr might prescribe 40mg for my following 30 days.. I'm really not feeling energetic, nor as thirsty as many people say they feel.. not sure if I eat less because I am just flat our busy at work or not.. I still feel hungry for lunch - i need it... as opposed to having to remind myself to eat and drink.. bit i do drink water through the nights...

I don't sleep much at night though - pretty much fall asleep for a couple of hours - then I'm annoyingly awake.. i feel tired - just cant sleep.

How have the captules made you feel?

Its hard not to hope for good results... when it costs so much for a script to be filled.... one kg per week will see us 13kg closer to our goals... and it may just stay off once duromine has finished...?!?!

I will continue to look out for you and your
thoughts and loss etc over the 3 monhs... I want success for us both..!!
Had today off duromine- and slept off and on through the day.. weighed in at 75.8..
Not sure if i will stay off tomorrow too.. might do just for sleep and to see if it makes a difference for the week ahead..
Hi deanna,

Oh no - you're getting sick too? Tis the season! Down to 75.8 is great! I miss the initial energy I had when I first started duromine lol perhaps I will feel it again after starting back on it.

Yeah, laxative is a good call - once you start going again, perhaps take extra fiber? I know I will lol

I lost all side effects after about 6 days on the tabs, but weight loss was okay. Are you going to change to 40mg?

Glad you are getting some sleep atm... I certainly am - but can't wait until I am better again to restart the journey.

I hope you are feeling better soon!!
Hi Bam Bam,

How are you? Hooe you're feeling better and can restart duromine soon. I took today off it as well as yesterday. Definitely ate more.. but feel soooo much more rested! Ive seen somewhere on this forum that perhaps a break here and there is good to 'fool' the body.. will take again tomorrow- usually around 6am ish and get up half hour later to ready myself for work. Think i will see if the Dr will prescribe 40mg for next 30 day script.. I'm interested to see how the higher dose will effect me.. ohhh.. I just want release feom this extra weight.. like you, I am definitely on a mission!
Hi girls! I am in my 4th week and have only lost 4kgs but have lost a dress size. Not feeling any effects from duromine using 45mg guess my appetite is reduced alot tho. Seeing changes in my body is great but the not losing more on the scales plays games with my head! I also have pcos and take metformin to help with the excess hair growth. Enjoyin following your progress. I have 18kg more to lose.
Hi Lisa,

I know just how you feel only seeing small numbers on the scales but 4kg down is a good mini goal... its frustrating and annoying when we're in a hurry to slim down and feel fantastic but its not happening as quick as we'd like.. way i see it is we are more likely to be able to manage retaining our figure than those who lose masses each week.. mostly thise who do lose huge amounts really do have a much heavier start weight..

Nice to meet you, virtually
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Deanna78 said:
Hi Bam Bam,

How are you? Hooe you're feeling better and can restart duromine soon. I took today off it as well as yesterday. Definitely ate more.. but feel soooo much more rested! Ive seen somewhere on this forum that perhaps a break here and there is good to 'fool' the body.. will take again tomorrow- usually around 6am ish and get up half hour later to ready myself for work. Think i will see if the Dr will prescribe 40mg for next 30 day script.. I'm interested to see how the higher dose will effect me.. ohhh.. I just want release feom this extra weight.. like you, I am definitely on a mission!
Hi Deanna,

I am starting to improve - I think this was more of a flu than a cold lol either way, was pretty sure I should consider writing my will hahaha in any case, I should be able to resume duromine in the next few days - Hooray!!!! I can't believe how much sleep I have needed!

I hope you are feeling much better now :)
Lisamk72 said:
Hi girls! I am in my 4th week and have only lost 4kgs but have lost a dress size. Not feeling any effects from duromine using 45mg guess my appetite is reduced alot tho. Seeing changes in my body is great but the not losing more on the scales plays games with my head! I also have pcos and take metformin to help with the excess hair growth. Enjoyin following your progress. I have 18kg more to lose.
Hi Lisa!

A dress size is awesome! Well done!! I think scales are pretty evil lol I kind of still have this sneaking feeling that the rapid weight loss just isn't happening because it was already so difficult to lose weight from PCOS - But then again, it could just be another negative thought. I asked my doctor about Metformin, but he wants to see if my symptoms will clear themselves with the weight loss. So I guess it's just a waiting game (a weighting game?? hehe oh dear, that was terrible lol). It's good that you have no real negative side effects from the duromine. I found that mine subsided after a few days. But again, my self-sabotaging mind-set also considered whether the medication was actually still working hahaha man, I am my own worst enemy lol

But welcome to the journey!!!
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Okay ladies!!

I am back on the duromine train this morning :) I weighed in and measured this morning too. After a week off, I haven't gained anything!! So it's a clean start :) I am pretty excited!!
... and so here the journey continues.. Ive returned to my GP and he has agreed to allow me to try 40mg.. fingers crossed for us all..!!
Oh fantastic deanna, that's great news! :) I very much hope it works out better for you.
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This is day three of being back on duramine after a week off with illness - 1kg loss in the last 2 days!!

My partner has really noticed the difference, and my clothes have become baggier. My measurements have dropped consoderably more than my overall weight.

Pretty darn happy!!
Bam Bam said:
This is day three of being back on duramine after a week off with illness - 1kg loss in the last 2 days!!

My partner has really noticed the difference, and my clothes have become baggier. My measurements have dropped consoderably more than my overall weight.

Pretty darn happy!!

Yay! Keep up the good work!
Hey hey... that's really exciting news Bam Bam..!! Do you have a dress or two, perhaps a pair of jeans or something else in your wardrobe that you're looking forward to trying on... AND fitting?? :)... how great to read your excitement! A kg in 2 days must have been wonderful to see - but even moreso.. the drop in measurements! I'm a bit afraid to weigh myself.. have promised myself just to doso once a week. Measurements- I have taken and will measure again when I can feel more room in my clothes.. :oops:
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Deanna78 said:
Hey hey... that's really exciting news Bam Bam..!! Do you have a ds or two, perhaps a pair of jeans or something else in your wardrobe that you're looking forward to trying on... AND fitting?? :)... how great to read your excitement! A kg in 2 days must have been wonderful to see - but even moreso.. the drop in measurements! I'm a bit afraid to weigh myself.. have promised myself just to doso once a week. Measurements- I have taken and will measure again when I can feel more room in my clothes.. :oops:
Thanks Deanna :) good on you for being so strong as to stay off the scales all week! Mine ran out of battery, so I am forced off the scales at the moment hehehe

This new pokemon go app couldn't have come at a better time lol my university supervisor and myself went on a 5km walk today to catch pokemon haha exercise made fun!

How has everything been with you anyway??
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Catching Pokemon.. haha - I've heard this is now happening.. been flat out at work.. overtime (for the sake of completing tasks - not for $) has had me exercising 'intellectually' :confused:.. feeling a better result with 40mg.. eating fibre and taking herbal based horsepills to help keep regular with Mr Stool.. but he doesn't visit much... sleep is novel when I get some.. feel tired but only seem to get maybe 3 to 4 ish hours. Often less.. awake from 1 or 2am and ready to fall asleep when its time to be getting up.. Am persisting though.. o_O..
How have you been sleeping?
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Deanna78 said:
Catching Pokemon.. haha - I've heard this is now happening.. been flat out at work.. overtime (for the sake of completing tasks - not for $) has had me exercising 'intellectually' :confused:.. feeling a better result with 40mg.. eating fibre and taking herbal based horsepills to help keep regular with Mr Stool.. but he doesn't visit much... sleep is novel when I get some.. feel tired but only seem to get maybe 3 to 4 ish hours. Often less.. awake from 1 or 2am and ready to fall asleep when its time to be getting up.. Am persisting though.. o_O..
How have you been sleeping?
Glad to hear you are getting better results! Man, I know that I couldn't survive on such little sleep - perhaps some regular duramine breaks to catch up?

I have been pretty good with sleep lately, but I have also not been getting much (self induced though - staying up too late and getting up early). I still have a lingering cough from being sich which doesn't help getting to sleep. I stay asleep though (my fitbit agrees with that too lol).

I am effectively halfway through my first duramine pack now though, so hoping the weight keeps shifting. I think I will ask my doc for the 40mg when I see him for my next script.
Last night was a fairly good sleep.. tonight though - awake at 3am... tired but awake. Looking forward to weekend... and laxettes. Fibre foods not working - need to sort that out for through the week! 40mg definately inhibits my body in that way.. weigh in day tomorrow... guess i may have a passenger still lol...

Do you feel the 30s aren't effective enough for you either? Hopefully this is just the time when loss happens but its not easy to see...
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How did you go on your weigh-in? Has the other issue sorted out with lax's?

I managed to gain 1kg :-( pretty sure it's because of that time of the month though.

Had a rotten night last night. I indulged in a glass of wine, and was violently ill all night and am still recovering today. My best guess is the combination of alcohol and duromine. Lessen learned!

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