what did I do wrong this week ????????

  • Author shellyisme
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Weigh in day only lost 600gms what happened I exercised x 4 days stuck to my eating plan :( oh I was hormonal this week ???? Maybe that had something to do with it:rolleyes:....anyway it looks like I'm really goiing to do it tuff to reach my next mini goal to be under 90kg:( on the bright side it's 600gm less weight that I'm carrying :)
start of week 14 which is going to be a challenge my best friends birthday dinner Monday night, chicks at the flicks with my girlfriends Wednesday night & Friday night going to a Halloween party gggrrrrrr what am I to do ??????... Any suggestions Staying home & hiding is not an option !!!:eek: I am going to the doctors tomorrow maybe it's time to increase the dose to 30 mg of Duromine ..I'm scared as the 15 mg has been really great with little side effects ..I am really sensitive to medications & my grandmother put me on Duromine in 1978 I was bloody 58kgs what was she thinking !!!! I was crying all the time I couldn't sleep i was like the energiser bunny I could not relax I was always working ...it was horrible. I don't want to be like that ever again I have no idea what the dosage was back then :( It was a very hard decision for me to use Duromine because of my previous experience & this time it has been a absolute life saver for me I was stuck in a rut & had no motivation was depressed & ashamed of myself
I think I just decided I'll ask for the 15 mg again it's not worth the risk :)
Wishing everyone a great week with a lighter scale :)
Start weight 110.3kg
Current weight 93.8kg
Weight Lost to date 16.5kg
Goal weight 70kg


Hey Shelly, I plateaued for a while and I upped my dose and only lasted 10 days. Went back to the old dose. The side effects were not tolerated.
You have lost 16.5 kilos so far. That is great. You can do it. You might just need to step back and relax a little and see how things go.
I have weeks every now and then when I put on. Usually I am super determined the following week and make up for the gain with a reasonable loss.
It is super hard when you are hormonal. If you are due for your period you may be retaining a bit of water which would explain why you are disappointed with your loss this week. 600 g is a great loss. It is a LOSS.
DW you will get under 90 kg and you will wonder what all the fuss was about. When I was nearing 100 there was a couple of weeks where I had tiny losses then.... BOOM. now I too am eyeing off 90 kg, @ 93.7 kg last week. The week before I had a gain (and got my period).
We will both get there.
This time of year is HARD. All the celebrations and events. The weather is getting nice and we are all feeling social. Along with that goes all the food and drinking. Your routine is mucked up and you don't get in the exercise too.
Friday was a kinder mums reunion (our kinder kids are all now 19) at a restaurant. Today I had a fund raiser to go to at a restaurant for lunch. 4 entrees, 5 mains, 2 desserts, cheese platter and drinks. All served up on platters in the middle to help yourself. Each bite was delectable and we came home and wanted to sleep.... then the neighbours invited us over for drinks and pizza (I went over but abstained) by their fire.
With daylight savings, summer, Halloween, Cup Day, Christmas, New Year, work dos, BBQs, holidays and chuck in a couple of birthdays, it is all very difficult to stay on track.
But we CAN do it.
Plan, plan, plan. My best tactic ATM.... Always have a big glass of water with you. You already have a drink in your hand, so other people don't feel as much need to push an alcoholic beverage into you. It also helps fill you up so when they are passing the dips, chips, cheese platter around or the pizza (like tonight) you are not as tempted. Or you can easily stop at just one.
BTW anyone with any better ideas.... Let me know.

I hope you feel better Shelly. We all suffer similar battles and know how you are feeling.
You WILL have a GREAT week this week. I KNOW IT.

Thanks Sharon :) that's what is so great about this forum you connect with people who really understand how you are feeling wether it's frustration or joy .. Thank you for the reply you made me feel better ;)
Well I decided to do my measurements as I hadn't lost much this week. Wow I couldn't believe it I have lost 32 cm in total since the 27 July 14 not bad. I'm happy :p

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