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  • Author HotFizz
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  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Hallo Monday

Today i decided to bring out my excercise dvds that i used to do before ( my back injury) even thou i cant do the advance version i thought i could do pilates yoga and few things that wont require me to bend as much , i still gotta avoid extreme exercise:/. Its so unfair i always was a sporty person and i always loved to exercise and run, and then one day your life changed forever( due to car accident). But i dont wanner give in i want to try to do little simply exercise i already walk a lot, so even if i do 30 min while my little one is sleeping i think its going to help a lot to tone my body , but not only that i will use this extra energy up and burn a few extra calories. I think life was much more sipmler like for my mum, everything was more organic and there wasnt 100 of types of Milk to choose from , i am not saying that at that time everything was perfect but they never had to worry about weight. Look at the time and technology today , gosh even babies are born much smarter they already know a lot hehe.. Anyhow this is out of topic that i am saying, but i think because we have so much processed food and so many chemicals are used in everything, that we are slowly killing our body sometimes we dont notice those things but they are really true. Just try to do 2 weeks detox , i use this twice a year Carusos Natural Health Quick Cleanse and after you done you feel fantastic and believe me when you try a piece of cake you can taste artifical flavours and it aint so great, i did this once before my B- day i know. Well today i am starting my exercise dvds, i feel great about it . And just want to say my diet has been going great , ups and downs but mostly good days, i regained so much energy and feel really good no side effects Duromine is just there i have one more months of precription that means i will stop this around October 3 months of Duromine Gp wont precribe anymore of it because it isnt good , but i can and i will do fine just after that because i am in control and that power is amazing. Wish you all a good start this week, good luck.

Current:83.6 kg
Goal:65 kg
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Totallt agree with you.. IT is so good to eliminate "rubbish "from our pantries, grocery lists, and take out choices, I have no desire for such foods, and neither does my body, and the minute I do not know what is in a meal, or at a dinner party etc MY BODY lets me know the next day , Sinus drip, headache, brain fog, sluggish, sore muscles ,joints, etc ..Not good at all.. So I pretty much try to avoid those KIND of situations if possible... Keep doing what you doing .. and all the best with your toning exercises they do work, :)
Hi Hotfizz.... or should I say where have you been...I'm so glad to hear you doing so good.. Did you forget about our competition about reaching 82kg first... lol.

Keep up the good work...
Hey Beuatiful B
Gosh no i did not forget , i am so busy with my baby he isnt sleeping so i didnt weigh myself for 10 days dont know how much i weigh now. I am just tired iam not getting enough sleep so it has been so tough ... Keep me posted end of the Months , iam sure your probably reached the goal . ;) take care
weigh in Monday... Oki Beautiful B . Take care have a good weekend
weigh in Monday... Oki Beautiful B . Take care have a good weekend

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