my weigh in on the 16/11/14 & start of week 17

  • Author shellyisme
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
:eek:Only 500gm this week it was to be expected due training & team lunches & team dinners, I was really good I did not eat any cakes and only ate the filling of the sandwiches, however I did eat the fruit platters they were amazing. I think it was the Indian dinner lol ;)
A loss is a loss one more step closer to the goal & I did massive of exercise 6 days worth & I have stepped up my fitness levels, I'm proud of that :p
Start weight 110.3kg
Current weight as of the 16/11/14, 91kg
Goal weight 70kg
Wishing everyone a fabulous week with lighter scales, only 1 kg to go before I reach my next mini goal. :)
I have another 2 days of training starting today ....I'm going to keep my portion sizes in check :)
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Well done. A loss is a loss. Half a kilo is great considering the week you had. Keep it up.
Us old timers (those of us who have continued on with our weight loss for longer) have extra challenges. It is difficult to keep going for this long especially when we are no longer having the reward of decent losses. We must keep going though. It is a marathon not a sprint and our gold medal is there waiting for us when we reach our goal.
Thanks Sharon :) I like your analogy of its marathon not a sprint :) I love that my gold medal is waiting for me :p true like you I am definately going for gold ;)
Big Girl SA
Like you said, a loss is a loss, no matter how small ;) Good luck for this week! Hoping you reach your mini goal, and after being on this weight loss journey for as long as we have we can say, with pride and confidence, that this is no longer a "diet" but a lifestyle change.
Thanks big girl for your positive words:) it really does inspire me to keep going I soooooo want to reach that mini goal:p wishing a fantastic week & a lighter scale :)

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