Here we go...

  • Author Roxanne
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 3 min read
I am feeling very optimistic about this. I know it’s not a magic pill that will make everything better, but I feel it’s a step in the right direction.

A month before my wedding, 2 KG to my goal weight of 62KG, I found out I was pregnant. We- married in May 2009 and on 25th December 2009 my beautiful baby girl was born. The 30kg I had picked up during pregnancy didn’t faze me. She was healthy, I was healthy, and my husband was fine with my jelly belly. Over the course of the next 2 years I slowly dropped a bit of weight here and there. I remember weighing in at 72kg at some point and thinking, this is not too bad, just 10KG and I will be okay. But that never happened. I lost track of myself. Raising a family is not an easy task. Things happened in life, both work life and family life that was challenging. I was not a priority to me. Next think I know I am breaching 90 KG. Its 2016 and my husband wants to take me on a vacation. So I hop on the treadmill, become vegetarian and by the time we have landed in Mozambique I have lost quite a bit of weight and for the first time since I could remember I was under 80KG. But that didn’t last. I went back to eating meat and carbs, and the weight crept up. Only I wasn’t feeling too great. I was lethargic, some weekends spending all my time just laying down or sleeping. July last year I started having panic attacks and anxiety issues. I went to 3 GPs. The first 2 gave me Xanax and sent me on my way. The 3rd really listened and sent me for a lot of tests. It turned out I had Hypothyroidism, which explained why I felt as though I couldn’t even get up some days. I was prescribed Euthyrox, but later had to see an Endocrinologist as I did not feel the relief I was hoping for. Tests revealed that I was not only on the incorrect dose of medication, but I had adrenal fatigue as well. The Specialist told me about a wonder weight loss program called Qsymia, but I would need to prove to him that I was able to change my life style before he would prescribe it to me. I read up on it and discussed wit with my GP. She advised that I try the Duromine and Xenical first. So, I am on a larger dose of Euthyrox and started taking the Duromine yesterday. I was quite active yesterday as I was giving our apartment a thorough cleaning, and I feel as though the Duromine did give me a jolt. Today though, now that I am at work, I don’t feel it at all. In fact I’m pretty darned tired.

I feel like these past 2 years have been really taxing on me health wise. Aside from the diagnosis that I have, my knees and lower back hurt more often than I’d like to admit. Some days I feel really confident with myself, like positive body dysmorphia and some days I can’t believe I’ve let myself get to this state.

I’m hoping that I can achieve what I’ve set out to and that this time I will maintain a healthier life style.
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Hi @Roxanne - geez I'm glad you managed to get yourself sorted! Your GP sounds wonderful!

I had never heard of Qsymia before - is it relatively a new program?

I honestly recommend reading the forums and the threads for heaps of motivation! It's helped me a lot.

I tend to treat my like a diary lol! Helps keep me accountable :)

I really believe you can achieve your goal! and am looking forward in reading more of your journey!

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3 min read
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