Duromine Journey so far

  • Author Lupe
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Hey guys

I started Duromine on the 1st of August after feeling so heavy and I was blowing up
My weight wasn’t doing any good aswell
As I am a Pacific Islander it is what it is the big family lunches and all that
The scales were not very appealing aswell
I was the heaviest I’ve been in my life. 104kgs.

Today, going into my 3rd month and also my 3rd packet of Duromine 30mg
Last weigh in was 2 weeks ago and I have dropped a whopping 10kgs and am sitting at 94kgs. Hoping I’d lose more whilst still on it.

I’m looking at staying on it for maybe another 2-3 months. What do yous think?
My goal weight is 80-85. I’m not even sure this will be possible.
I’m not a big eater, not the biggest fan of the island foods cooked wrenched in oil.
I’ve been eating normally, diet hasn’t changed.
Haven’t been exercising but I plan to start nextweek
Attached is a photo of me end of July 2017 vs mid September 2017
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Hey Lupe! Thank you so much for sharing your success weight loss story! Looks like Duromine did become your miracle pill. If you didn’t change anything in your nutrition and did not add physical activity. You are among the lucky ones. =))

It is a great idea to add exercises now. Since your weight is a lot less than 100 kg and the load on your spine and other joints is less, you can surely succeed in making your body toned and modeling your figure. Way to go! Any particular preferences in the type of exercises? Do you have a plan already?

One more thanks for the photo! The changes are great! Your face has changed so much!!! I am sure that you will see even more changes in your overall appearance one you begin exercising. Before you begin, I would advise you to get the measuring tape, because when you start building muscles, your weight might be going away a little slower, but your volumes will be changing significantly. TO not get discouraged, measure yourself and feel proud of the results that your hard efforts bring. =)) Best of luck and looking forward to further updates from you!

PS. Duromine is intended for a 12-week course, after which a break of at least a month should follow. Only then should you continue taking it. Otherwise, the risk of addiction and other health risks get too high.

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