Day Five - Sunday, Junuary 29th

  • Author amyliz93
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
After feeling terrible & extremely tired yesterday, I was glad it was Sunday today! My rest day. I slept in and did basically nothing all day. Simon had a friend come over, so I went and hung out with his wife. We decided to get Mexican for lunch, I ordered the 'Burrito Bowl' with chicken, which is basically a salad with rice. I love white rice so much! Brown rice just isn't the same.

The meal was actually quite large, so I split it over lunch & dinner, which worked out well, because it had a a LOT of kilojoules! I did manage to stay under my daily 'budget' though, and I didn't skip any meals or snacks :)
I'm still feeling very run down and tired today, I want the energy I hear some people have! Haha, hopefully that'll kick in soon!
Tonight Simon & I decided to watch 'I'm a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here!' (we very rarely watch free-to-air TV) and it surprised me that I wanted to snack on M&M's! I knew I wasn't hungry, and I wasn't craving sugar, but I realised I must have wanted something to do while sitting on the couch. I never thought I was one to eat because I was bored.
It's almost time for bed, where I'll be up bright & early at 5am to walk & exercise! It's leg day tomorrow o_O
Fitbit steps: 3741 (0 active minutes)
MFP: 5086 kilojoules consumed


Heeeeeey! Amyliiiiiz, how are you??? Two days since you last wrote. How are you feeling? What you're doing? Hope on hearing from you soon!
Hello Amyliz!!! Now that’s been a looong time since I last heard from you. How are you doing? Hopefully, everything’s going great!

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