• Author Daylan
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
My fat is The Borg.

Day 5 on Duromine 15mg. Not a single gram lost or gained (thank crikey for the latter because i was onwards and upwards by eating air)

SW 75.9 on Doctor scales ( or 74.5 on my Magic Mirror Scales )

CW 75.9 on Doctor scales... 74.5 on "Oh Scales ,Scales on The Floor...who is the Skinniest of Them Alll??"

Response: "please get off me."

Yesterday, Sunday, is the day of the week that I visit my Dad and we do German Things. As we are German Black Forest people. This involves the mandatory eating of heavy cake (usually a ginger or tea cake ) for breakfast. Which is also lunch. Then a long drive through the Dandenongs where he shouts at people out of the X Trail and i end up driving before we have an accident, and when we get home, we eat sausages and potato salad, as is tradition...the existence of the entire human race rests on us fulfilling this task once a week. There is no "Daaaaad...I am looking at my food intake". There just isn't. Anyone that doesn't understand this, please refer to "My Big Fat Greek Wedding". Yes, i am nearly 40 and yes, he actually does tell me that I look old.

So Monday here we are, weight is the same, 7am pill pop with a banana and yogurt, side effects are all gone, and i am wondering what to do more. I walked 17kms last night and according to my electronic overlord "Fittus Bittus", i burned 1200 calories. Hopefully that was enough to get rid of ONE of the potato fritters.

I have noticed my PCOS facial hair has slowed right down, which i was hoping for. I am persevering just for this alone. I see my GP on the 13 SEP and will ask about taking the 30mg instead of 15mg to see if that shakes anything up.

Will go on another long walk tonight. Not giving up yet!


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